Jun 13, 2011

Vacations....I could get used to this:)

My vacation was SUPPOSE to be for 5 days but ended up being 6. [sorry Briddy] I spent last Weds. worring about and taking care of Mom. Briddy covered me at work, bless her. When it appeared that Mom was going to be ok I decided it was off to North Dakota. Thursday morning, woke up late so it was like a scene from "Home Alone" getting to the airport. I kept telling myself, you'll either make the plane or you won't....no stress. Got 'squared away' with 30 minutes to spare...only to be on a delayed flight? Once I made it to Grand Forks....well it was 'party' time and party I did. I had a lovely time with some truly AWESOME  family. We had a barbecue, wedding, arts festival, movie and treat night, it just went on and on... I loved every minute. My nephews and nieces are all so fun to be with. Funny, charming, problem solving....the works! The only 'fly in the oiment' was the trip home. ANOTHER delayed flight, this time by 4 HOURS, 'no room in the shuttle' a different ride to South Point and a 2 hour wait for Bryon. [who did AWESOME at Nationals...go Bryon] and a late night ride to St. George. All in All AWESOME! For those of you that havent tried this, Hot pizza and cold beer at a rooftop pizzaria is NOT to be missed!

Jun 5, 2011

Life...what can I say

Good news...my dress IS NOT' dry clean only'. I wonder why I thought it was? I wear a dress so seldom that the one I plan to wear to the wedding is getting a bit 'dated.' That's ok though because it's a 'special' dress. I bought it over 8 years ago to wear to Briddy's wedding. Since then I've probably only worn it about half a dozen times but always for something 'SPECIAL'. It's my 'SPECIAL' dress. I have it on in the picture of Brynna's blessing, Micheal's priesthood ordination, ect. That problem out of the way! Shoe's are another story. I 'hate' wearing heels of any kind these days. How do you find shoes that are 'flats' but dressy? Maybe the ones in the closet that Bre NEVER wears will work. Here's hoping! 3 more days of work then off for fun for a few. I hope to have a 'fab' time.
Last I checked Mom was recovering nicely. If she's still doing well, she should be able to do her exercise therapy tomorrow. It sure is scary when someone you love has to have 'procedures' done. [procedure my a--] One day I will learn to not believe that woman. I just hope it turns out to be worth it for her. I sure love her.
 Also for those who need to know
'Don't start with me...you WILL NOT win' fyi---I ALWAYS KNOW WHEN YOU'RE LYING! And on that 'happy note...Good Sunday all!