Dec 25, 2009

Guess What--What Wendy?

It's a little after 7:00a.m. Christmas morning. I'm up [obviously!] and waiting for the 'roommates' to make an appearance, so I thought I'd write about MY Christmas present. Guess what I got for Christmas? Oh go ahead-GUESS! Wait! don't go- I got an AIR COMPRESSOR! Now, I realize that those of you who KNOW that I'm no 'tool belt diva' might wonder how I feel about that. I AM THRILLED! First off, we are NOT talking the kind that you plug into the power outlet in your car, Oh no, this plugs in to the wall, it has a hose and multiple end pieces. The one thing I probably won't use it for are my POWER tools. [mine are battery operated] So Wendy--exactly WHAT will you do with an air compressor???? Glad you asked, they are WONDERFUL! You can dust with them ,clean dust from very small places, dust the INSIDE of my base board heater, window runners, ceiling fans, ect. ect. The thing I'm really excited about is the grill UNDER the fridge. You know the one that isn't SUPPOSE to get dirty. [with 3 cats?--oh yeah, like that's going to happen] You CANNOT reach the darn thing, now, I won't have to. An air compressor---WHAT A NEAT GIFT!!! I also got a digital tire gauge. I'd be more thrilled about that if I didn't know it was because someone [who shall remain nameless] knew I couldn't SEE the normal kind. It's cool though. You stick it on the tire stem and WHALA instant readout. The tire pressure in my front passenger tire is 34.5. It's suppose to have 35 so we're good. Of course I do have that 'idiot' light on my dash that TELLS me when the pressure is low. I can use MY new air compressor to fill them when the time comes, how great is that! I believe that this whole gift was because someone wanted HIS compressor back. It's all good though, NOW I have my own. What fun!

Dec 20, 2009

New Game

I love life!!!! I have discovered a new game which is loads of fun. It happened quite by accident. I asked a co-worker about his memories of childhood Christmases. Oh my goodness, it's so much fun to hear what others remember. He could remember a Christmas dinner, complete with a WHOLE crab, sitting on the table, in the place of honor. [all I remember is Turkey] Anyway, it got me to thinking that even siblings would probably remember Christmas differently. So, if any of you have a moment or two to spare, I'd sure like to hear your childhood memories!!! Trust me, it's so much fun to remember!

Dec 17, 2009

Christmas Cheer

So Dennis asks me this morning what 'in the world' was wrong with me. I tell him, 'oh, it's just my usual 'Christmas Cheer.' For over 10 years I haven't been able to figure out why I get so depressed about 1 week before Christmas. FINALLY, I have figured out what's up with me. Perhaps this will be my LAST year of feeling this way. One thing I now know is, you either deal with something at the time or you'll deal with it later. The problem with later is you might be like me. [slow to figure it out.] So even though I may not be the happiest camper on the planet right now, I STILL hope all are having a wonderful season.

Dec 12, 2009

The wisdom of youth

My wonderful son made a very profound statement in his last comment. It's important to remember to live for something higher than ourselves. Tonight I was the recipient of such thinking. It was the annual Christmas party and much to my surprise, Christmas bonus checks were handed out. Although I have received a bonus check every year I have worked at Coral Hills, we were warned last year that that might be the LAST year. I am fully aware that in this economy that took quite a bite out of the profits. To think that the 'powers that be' thought of their employees over what their 'year end' statement would be, well, I'm just overwhelmed!! I do so admire my bosses and am very grateful to work for such a wonderful family. I can't help but think how much fun it will be to try and make someones Christmas a little nicer with the extra money. I do hope that the lessons I've learned from the sort of people I work for, will be well used in my own life.[in truth, I have become quite spoiled in the past few years!] It reminds me of a Christmas party Thad and I attended when I first started working for the Wittwers. I was a little embarrassed by the fact that my clothes were inexpensive and I didn't have a nice watch or any Christmas attire. Tonight, it was Christmas attire, a gold watch, wool coat, diamond necklace--- As I said, really QUITE spoiled. I now realize that I had some wonderful gifts that night that I did not fully appreciate--Thad for instance. So I am committing myself to get my priorities straight--starting today! Love to all. xoxo

Christmas Shopping????

Yesterday was so WEIRD! I go to work and discover there's not enough work for the 3 of us. I decide to leave. Dennis calls, 'why is your mom using her wood burning stove?' I don't know and--HOW did HE know? So I run by mom's, sure enough she's got the wood burner going. Seems she was out of propane. I run the tanks up and get them filled. Dennis runs by and hooks one up for her. Ok, problem solved! Then I run home to vacuum Miss Eva [the tanks were a bit dirty] run Bryon to work and [FINNALLY] go Christmas shopping. My heart isn't in it [looks like it's socks again this year] After one store I'm done [I spent all of 10 dollars, mostly on me] I was hungry so I stop at a little cafe. I'm so glad I did. I ran into a friend and had a LOVELY visit. Then it was nap time. I spent the evening picking-up Bryon, going by the library, entertaining Dennis, watching a Christmas video and talking to Bridget [she's coming home early bless her]. Why do I say the day was WEIRD? I don't know it just FELT weird! Maybe because I should be totally stressed about my gift giving by now. My shopping is SO not done. The way I figure, except for Brynna, I could just give 'gift card' if I can't find the things I want to give. Most of my 'loved' ones might have a better idea of their wants than I do anyway. Also, I don't believe I'm doing a dinner this year, so that removes some of the stress too.
MAYBE I'll get alittle housework done today. THAT would be super!!! Brandon--I love you so! You and Rachel and the children sure add alot to my life and---you don't lose my mp3 player. It's so funny--I WAS going to get Bryon one for Christmas but when I found out he lost mine [purely accidental] I decided NO WAY! Do YOU want a mp3. Just kidding. I got Bryon something totally different. I do LOVE this time of year. It's so fun to try to please those you care about! I love you all. 'God bless us, everyone!' xoxo

Dec 8, 2009

'Tis the SEASON'

I am loving my Christmas Season this year. I hope the same can be said for each of you! My shopping is only partly done, but that's ok, I'll get to it. The only problem is that I only have gifts for 2 of my grandchildren and the last time I counted I had more than that. I mean, even if I leave Kaleb out [too young you know] that still leaves one and I love Brynna too much to leave her out. F.Y.I. Rachel, Serenity's gift 'might' get a bit messy but you're so good at that type of thing, I KNOW you'll help her make something DARLING!!!
The 'roommates' and I have spent the past two evenings watching Christmas Videos. What fun. It brings back such memories. Last night as we watched 'It's a wonderful life' [it IS you know] I told the kids about the year their dad stayed up all night Christmas eve, playing Santa and watching that movie. I'll bet he watched it 3 times that night. He certainly loved it.

Bryon didn't get back to try to drive that car. He had to work a double shift. He hopes to drive it tomorrow. I hope that it works out for him. If everything checks out, Dennis and I will lend him the money. Even though he only has a part time job, his 'track record' with me is so good that we feel he's a good risk. I still laugh about him moving into his mother-in-law's house after he was married because he didn't have any money. Why? He INSISTED on paying me EVERYTHING he owed me BEFORE he got married. As I said, I feel he's a good risk! He would like more freedom and as I just can't let him drive my car, a car of his own would be GREAT! [don't feel bad Bryon, Dennis is the ONLY person who has driven my car!]
It's off to bed I go--'tomorrow is another day!' Ain't that GRAND!

Dec 7, 2009

Cleaning the bathroom

f.y.i. If you decide to 'rent' out part of your house, you'll probably want to have more than ONE bathroom. My 'roommates' and I get it pretty disgusting, add  a 'long haired biker dude' to the mix and oh MY! I haven't cleaned it since Josh left [not that I cleaned it while he was here] and it's pretty bad. I should be doing that right now but--- I'm faint hearted!!!! I'm thinking rubber gloves, paint clothes, a gas mask---you get the picture!
We just got back from looking at a car Bryon might buy. It's only 700 dollars. The exterior looks pretty good but he couldn't 'test drive' it because it had been sitting awhile and would not start. [not a good sign] The owner is going to charge the battery tonight so maybe he can drive it tomorrow. It would be great if he got a car. The weather here isn't  nice for biking at 5:30 a.m.  As he's suppose to work all week, I'd feel better if he was in a car.

Ok, that's it----I'm cleanning the bathrrom or I'll die trying. [so if you don't hear from me---]

Dec 1, 2009

I LOVE December!!!!!!!!!

Do you realize that I have been a happy blogger for very close to a year now? What fun this has been! Anytime I want, I can go back and see what I was doing last year. Perhaps that SOUNDS better than it would be? Anyway, I hope each of you are enjoying the holidays as much as I am. Little 'Miss Eva' became the happy blue CAB today. I was running EVERYONE EVERYWHERE! I believe my FAVORITE run, was running BRYON to work! YES! It may just be a part-time job but---IT'S A JOB! While I was running everyone around, I ended up at Kohl's with Bre. She wanted to shop. I'm wandering around the store and I spy the mantle clock I have drooled over, more than once. 1/2 OFF!!! I want that clock, I HAVE  to have that clock, but how??? When  you go Christmas shopping, you're SUPPOSE to buy gifts for OTHER people, EVERYONE KNOWS THAT! Well--- I place the clock in the very BOTTOM of my cart, yes, I bought it, but I felt HORRIBLY guilty. A little later Dennis calls, I can't even bring myself to mention the clock, AND THEN IT HIT---- I told Dennis how much' I ADORED his Christmas present, how thoughtful, AND it was JUST what I wanted! What a guy!' Naturally he was confused! When the story came out that he'd bought me a clock for Christmas I believe he was relieved. I mean what man REALLY wants to shop for a WOMAN! I may have taken a little explaining but-- it beats admitting, that I BUY CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FOR MYSELF!!!