Aug 26, 2009

Early days---

I've been waiting for these shorter work days it seems like FOREVER! So now that I'm getting a few, am I spending the extra time at home wisely? Of course--NOT!--I don't know why but I'm feeling a 'bit' discouraged lately. I've decided I need a 'new' game plan. Oh dear, no motivation! All I've come up with so far is--'Wendy, you may NOT retire at night UNLESS the dishes are done, coffee pot is set for the morning AND the kitchen floor is swept. My hope is that getting up to a neat kitchen might help me get a good start on the day. I have tomorrow off but then have to be at work by 9:00a.m. for 5 days running. It seemed a good time to put the new plan in action. I'll keep you all posted.

So that I don't make it too hard on myself. I believe tonight's meal is going to be something really REALLY simple. Salad, I think!

Aug 24, 2009

Problem solved!!!

I mentioned in a recent post that I didn't know what to do with the bed in the garage. PROBLEM SOLVED! The 'hide-a-bed' gave up the ghost!! I guess it was not designed to sleep an 'adult' for 3 months running! Neither Bryon or I could pull it out anymore. I discovered why when we moved it. The frame is totally 'bent!' So anyway, the bed is now in the t.v./Bryon's room. Good-bye t.v., Good-bye surround sound, at least for now! It's all good though, Bryon doesn't know it yet, but when he does move out, he's buying me a brand new 'hide-a-bed!' The way I figure it, he 'owes' me! What do you all think my chances are??? Oh well, maybe Breezy and I will find a couch we like better anyway!

I need to take mom to therapy this morning. I always enjoy the time I spend with her. I hope to get some of my work done today but who knows. I seem to do as little as possible most days off. I wonder why??

Aug 21, 2009

-and another one bites the dust---

Consumer beware!!! I received ANOTHER notice today from one of my credit cards. I was VERY suspicious! Why? Dennis told me that they have just changed some laws to try and protect the consumer from credit card companies. So ANY company that contacts me now raises my suspicions that they want to get something on me 'under the wire' as it were. Well, I don't know about that but as I reviewed the material sent, I almost fainted!!!! 25% Interest? SURELY they jest!!! There is NOTHING I want bad enough to pay that kind of interest. The title says it all. They received their card [or part of it] back with my very nice 'thanks but no thanks' note. That brings the grand total of credit returned to 14,700 dollars. It hurts a little until I remember the rate that they want to charge me, then it doesn't hurt at all!!! If anyone knows why all the companies are suddenly raising their rates I'd sure like to be enlightened 'cuz I'm not 'getting it!'

Aug 19, 2009

Bridget--you're the GREATEST!!!

Briddy dear, I sure have been missing you lately. It's made me realize how much I count on you! Do you realize that in your 29 years of life you have NEVER let me down. What an amazing record. Although you have not always agreed with me you have ALWAYS let me feel your support! When I think about it, I don't understand how you do that. I have many people that I love and who love me. [I'm so lucky!!] However, life is busy and we don't always let those we care about feel it. How in the world can you ALWAYS show support??? I would LOVE to figure that out, so that I can do it to. I don't think you do it so that I will love you, [I do!!!] I think that you are simply such a warm person that you can't help it. You remind me of mom, she is so warm too! Come ON girl, teach me to be warmer!!! Anyway, love you bunches and bunches!!!

Aug 16, 2009

Grandee--It's the BEST!!!

LOVED having the girls yesterday. My, but they've grown. Brynna is such a little PERSON! I could see her 'pushing the limits.' She didn't know me quite well enough to push very hard, but pushing she was. What a gal! She was so cute to watch Aladdin with Uncle Bryon. What a tease he is! She loved it though. Hannah is a cutie but still at the age where EVERYTHING goes in the mouth. [except dinner which went on the floor] About dinner, she thought eating it off the floor might be fun but mean ol' Grandee said 'No'! I had a ball but after about 4 hours Bryon noticed that I 'might?' be reaching my limit. He was right. I'd do it again though. THEY WERE FUN!!!!!!

Aug 14, 2009

Mom-you did IT again!

Mom-you've got to love her. However, in my NEXT life, I want a mom who isn't quite so intelligent. This is her newest blunder. I'm teasing Breezy last night. I start a quote, 'oh the tangled web we weave--' and so on and so on. Yes, it DID drive me crazy that I couldn't remember the rest. I've been on the internet for 30 minutes trying to find the quote. I should have guessed, mom would have quoted an AUTHOR! Sr. Walter Scott. The entire quotation goes as follows, 'oh the tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!' I suppose this is just the price you pay when MOM'S a retired SCHOOL TEACHER! [yes, I WAS using the quote properly, but that's another story]

Looking forward to minding the GRAND babies tomorrow evening. When the new 'little one' arrives it will take BOTH grand moms to look after then. It's all good though, Shar is easy to work with. We'll just take turns on which ones we take. One thing I do know, me [alone] and 3 babies is a formula for disaster!!! I do so love seeing the girls. They are growing way to fast. Don't those two have a 'slow down' button, I need to catch my breathe!

Trim board needs painting. I TRIED to tell Dennis that there was already some painted trim board he could use but--- I think he just did not want to install trim board this morning. Well for his information the work will NOT go away or be done by someone else! [if that were true I'd live in the cleanest house in all of St. George!!!]

Aug 12, 2009

CRAZY-it's SO much fun!!!

Yes indeed, I HAVE found a new way to drive myself CRAZY! It's SO bizarre! I have this shirt. The past few times I've worn it, it hasn't been overly comfortable. Why? There's a scratch on my pudgy tummy. I FINALLY realized today that there is a sticker in it. Ok Wendy, REMOVE the sticker. Easier said than done. FIRST, I have to FIND the little bugger. I have practically torn this shirt apart, looking for it. I decide that it's 'all in my head' and then---- Yes indeed, if you have to come visit me, in a place they put me to keep me [and others] safe, it will be the fault of this $#*&*!* shirt!!!!

Hi ho, Hi ho, it's off to work I go. Bryon will be so happy. The poor thing, as SOON as he finishes one project, I have a new one for him. He'll leave the 'comforts' of my home just to get some rest. The sweet dear cut the branch that hung over my driveway yesterday. No big deal, right? Well, not the way I had in mind. He did a much MUCH better job than I intended. The branch was hanging too low, so I wanted him to cut the END off of it. I should have remembered I was asking a MAN. He cut the entire branch off. No more problem! [this year, next year or for many years to come!!!] I DO appreciate that dear boy. [yeah I KNOW he's a MAN, but he'll ALWAYS be a boy to me!] He also set up my receiver to get the am, fm radio yesterday. It's so fun to listen to the radio with the nice sound from the speakers. Now, if he could just 'hook up' my mp3 player to the receiver. That MIGHT be a trick, as I usually listen to IT at WORK! I'd need A LOT of speaker wire:]

Aug 7, 2009

Garage cleaning???

I am CONSIDERING cleaning the garage tomorrow! I haven't even started and I'm thinking this may not be one of my brighter ideas! [this coming from a gal whose 'not the sharpest knife in the drawer!'] It is just that it's such a mess. I still can't figure out where to store the bed. This would not be a problem if SOME people hadn't decided a hammock was better than a bed for sleeping. I should have made her figure out what to do with the bed:]

Work is going well. I may even have 3 washers running this weekend. That would be way WAY cool. I'm tired of being 'behind' every day. By the time we get 'caught up' it's the weekend again. Of course, as always, there is that one co-worker that I wouldn't 'spit on if he was on fire!' There always seems to be one. Is it him, or is it ME! No, it's HIM!

Loved the recent comment Rach. Yeah, you do indeed qualify as AWESOME! Any woman who can 'give birth' [no matter the size of the said 'little one'] every year, is AWESOME!

Aug 5, 2009

Hi 'all

I have gained about 5 min. So I thought I'd write a bit. No, I did not learn how to create time, I'm just about 5 min. ahead of my cleaning schedule for this afternoon. I had mom to therapy this morning. That woman is AWESOME!! [any woman who can birth a 10lbs. 4oz. baby is TRULY awesome!] She is up to one hour on her therapy and working on her own at home. I can see so much difference already. Yeah sibs, she is where the stubborness comes from. I'm so proud of her. Just between us friends though, it doesn't hurt that her therapist is GORGEOUS! Many men aspire to look like him, but few are so lucky! So you see, it's no hardship at all, to help mom out. [Not that it would be even if the man was ugly!]

I did a little shopping at 'Big Lots' when I got through. I was looking for a soap that Diane found there. The soap is big, pink, with a white wrapper and says Zout. I tell you this because I have yet to find a laundry, de-stain soap that even comes close. If you see that soap, and value your clothing, buy it. You won't be disappointed. I couldn't find any, so if you DO see it, buy me a couple of bars, will you?

I'm afraid my 5 min. are up, so---so long, farewell----and so on and so on! [When mom used to say that I wasn't aware it was from 'Sound of Music', I just thought she was annoying!

Aug 3, 2009

Gifts for Josh--

First off, take your GIFTS with you when you leave, Josh!! I can't say that I appreciated this particular gift,my friend. Picture this, me sitting and relaxing in the chair Josh used when he was here. [this was outside] My attention is caught by something on the ground. It seems our very own Rascal thought Josh needed a gift. Yeah, it WAS a dead mouse. Gee thanks Rask! Just what I wanted. I hate the idea that a mouse was anywhere near my house, I hate ,even more, the idea that Rascal has changed loyalties. I mean, HEY I'm the one who has fed you for- well EVER! I'm the one who has put up with you. Just because Josh petted you, fed you hotdogs, and DID NOT call you Sue, this is just not fair. Animals!!!!

Heavy work day today. It'll be fun to work with Cindy but trust me, I'll WORK!!! I don't believe that 'little lady' has a low gear. It's great actually, we get more done when she's on staff. I need about 3 more, just like her.

Loved the recent pics of the Grand-ladies! They are just too cute!!!

Aug 1, 2009

Really cool stuff!!!!

I now know how the 'other half lives!' [and it's GREAT!!!] The 'surround sound' is fully operational. It is WAY cool stuff. I don't notice a lot of difference when watching t.v. but-- anything else is WONDERFUL! I'm listening to a c.d. that I've heard many, many, times. I tell you, I've never HEARD it before. I admit the sound is the best in the t.v. room but it sounds good anywhere in the house. Also, the clarity of the picture on a d.v.d. is really something. Bryon says it's because it's not running through the cable box anymore. Whatever---'Phantom of the Opera' was AMAZING! I bought a 'pioneer' receiver to the tune of $200.00 but it was worth it! GREAT b-day gift Dennis!

Bryon has my car but when he gets back I need to run to Harmon's to pick up some stuff for the dinner Breezy wants. She's 'hanging out' with friends and I'M worrying about HER dinner. I'm telling you, that little lady sure does know how to 'work me!' You gotta love her! She wanted Asian and as that sounds good to me, looks like Asian it is! Bryon went to Cedar City for a Chess tournament. I told him I need a new 'accent' for the house so he'd better not come back without 1st place. :] Hope he's having a good time. Me, I'm just 'chillin', dancing, and singing' and believe me, I should be ALONE when I do THAT! Loves!