Mar 30, 2010

Dead cat in the garbage can!

I thought I'd write the UGLY truth about the 'dead cat on the sidewalk' saga. As B's and I were headed off to work Saturday morning there was a cat on the side of the lawn. It looked familiar to both of us. We didn't know who it belonged to. The cat seemed to be feeling- well, not so good. We both felt sorry for it. I was like, 'oh, someone's kitty isn't doing so good!' We leave for work. When we get home that night it is laid out on the sidewalk DEAD! I guess it REALLY wasn't feeling well. I made some effort to find out if one of the neighbors owned it. [not much, cuz I had to walk PAST it everytime I went outside.] I decided to leave it 'as is' so whoever owned it would find it. [that AND the fact that I wasn't ABOUT to touch it.] Next morning it was STILL there. B's asked if I was going to take care of it. NOT HARDLY! I call Dennis-not available-damn MEN everywhere!!! B's talks me into holding the bag while SHE puts the cat in it. Ok, I guess I can do that. It was worse than expected!! I'm sorta holding the bag-looking the other way-she throws the cat AT the bag-by pure luck it went in! So now we have a DEAD cat in a bag. What to do? I'm late for work, so it's, 'just put it in the trash can!' Isn't that TERRIBLE! I have someone's PET decomposing in my TRASH can. I feel EXACTLY like Brandon said, 'if a random animal MUST die, please, PLEASE do it somewhere ELSE!!!

Mar 27, 2010

Families---ya gotta love um!

Went to visit mom yesterday. My sister Heidi was already there. We were visiting and the subject came up of mine and Heidi's first surgeries. It was ever so funny. The three of us had such a laugh. We were all thinking of the SAME incident BUT you'd never know it. We each had different parts that had stood out to us. It made me think how wonderful it is to have others that were there in ours pasts that we can remember stuff with. [even if we don't remember it the same.] Families---THE'RE THE GREATEST! Here's to you!

Mar 24, 2010

Clutter Monster

Help!!! I've been invaded! The 'CLUTTER MONSTER' HAS TAKEN UP RESIDENCE! I think that I'm getting a handle on the monster, I turn my back, and----oh my! How do you all handle this? I KNOW that less stuff is the answer, but--- what to discard? Bre has come up with an answer that works for her. I can't do it though. Have ONLY 100 items. I have that in my CLOSET alone. I think that I need Heather. She seems to have a good handle on 'what to keep and what to let go of.' So, if the next time you 'drop by' and can't find me for all my CLUTTER just know that Heather said, 'No way, Aunt Wendy, you're on your OWN!'

Mar 21, 2010

What a week!!!!

Life is such a gas! What a week!! The HIGH points were: Dennis's b-day, St. Paddy's day, paint day[again], 3 CRAZY work days, [this one was 91/2 hours], Oh wait---today is a NEW week. I hope that doesn't mean that this one will be CRAZY too. I truly LOVE working with both daughters. I don't know why girls I raised are so cool, but there you have it. Maybe it's like the saying goes. 'It takes a village to raise a child.' I must have had a GREAT village.
I stopped by and saw Mom for a few this morning. What a WONDERFUL mother I have. I went by today especially because it was Karen's birthday and I thought mom might be sad. I think maybe she was, not that it showed. Of course it must help some to know that her daughter was a amazing woman. Mom must be proud.

This weeks to-do list. Work four more crazy days, meet with my Farmers agent about insurance, dentist appointment for Bre, Check out shop on the paint job, get tomatoe plant in the GROUND, water, clean house, ect. ect. I suppose it's just THAT time of year when I'm simply crazy busy. Oh, I almost forgot my stepmom's b-day is next monday. I think I'll get her a gift card for some paint supplies [she's an artist] so the list just goes on.
Missing the grand babies. Their pictures are so darn cute. It would fun to see them. I MUST plan that in. Love to all.

Mar 17, 2010

Happy St. Paddy's Day All!

I, with considerable company, am a 'adopted' Irish today. I have alittle more right than some. I mean, Thad's heritage IS Irish Catholic. I figure my marriage to him gives me some right to claim that heritage. Anyway, this is one of my favorite holidays. Bre and I have SUCH plans. First, we have some awesome food we plan to make today. Do you kids remember 'corn beef hash'? Well, we're NOT making that. [Angie BEGGED me not to.] We do have a booklet full of Irish recipes so we plan to have fun. Also, Bre has a dentist appointment and we plan to shop for flowers for the yard. I may even try my hand at balloon filling again. I hope? to get SOME housework done and we are having some of our favorite people over for 'food and fun' tonight. [I spoke to be the one to make the 'lime green' jello. It's a cool recipe though] Anywho, I hope ya'll have a truly AWESOME day. Love to each of you. My family [extended included] is the best. [even if we're NOT Irish!]

Mar 15, 2010

No more NEW things---well--MAYBE a new bathroom

I'm TOTALLY off new stuff! Why? You may well ask! I just worked a 8 hour shift and then buzzed home to clean Miss Eva. Now, I don't MIND washing a new car, it's just that the little Miss refuses to STAY new. Every time I wash her I find a NEW little mark of use. How can that be? She's just a baby!! I try so hard and yet try as I might that little lady just keeps getting OLDER! I'd swear off letting ANYONE ride in her if it weren't for the fact that MOST of the use marks are on the DRIVERS side. What to do? NO MORE NEW STUFF!!!! I mean AFTER my new bathroom of course!

Ok, here's what's up down in 'good ol' St. George [was George REALLY a Saint?] Mom's plumbing is now IN! We are waiting to see how it works BEFORE filling the hole and cementing it. Mom's got some SERIOUS health issues. She will be under Dr. Price's WATCHFUL eye for the forseeable future. They are looking at Kidney trouble. [She needs THAT like a hole in her head!] She remains Upbeat and sweet, beyond words, as always! What a gal!
The painting is NOT done. Saturday just would not come together. Between the weather and Dennis needing to get the wiring in, it just didn't happen. I've promised ANOTHER day to him. I hope to finish it on Thursday. [NOT using weds. THAT'S my PARTY day! can't WAIT!]

The anniversary of Thad's death has come and gone. This makes 12 years now. Kids, that man would be so proud of all of you, as am I!!! I love you Tons! Dinny and Mom remembered yet again. How very sweet they are. They gave us a HUGE basket filled with fruits and veggies. It don't get much sweeter than that.
Dennis celebrated a b-day today. I got him a HUGE cookie [private joke] and some ballons. I bought that kit at Wal-mart and filled them myself. What a 'big girl' I'm getting to be. Be proud! Later!!!

Mar 8, 2010

Careful what you wish for---or who you TELL!!!

So, I'm telling Dennis that I need to pick-up some 'odd' jobs to make up for the money I'm NOT making at Coral Hills. [it's been pretty slow!] I didn't even think he heard me, the next thing I know, he's offering me a job to paint a ceiling. Ok, how hard can that be? I've seen the ceiling and have an idea of it's size. I give him a bid. [PLEASE don't hold me to THAT bid!!] I go take another look at it tonight. HOW, did I miss the fact that part of it is 12 feet HIGH! AND he wants it painted 4 times. Twice with primmer and twice with paint AND he wants it done by THIS weekend. Oh my! I thought the 25 dollars I made for DEEP cleaning Bre's bedroom was hard work. Maybe I should just get a second job, it would likely be EASIER! We also went to buy the parts for Mom's plumbing job tonight. 66 dollars and change. I guess I AM painting a ceiling this week. It's ok though, I don't mind helping Mom out, besides we spent some time checking out the bathroom displays while we were out. THAT'S going to be a GREAT project!!!!

Mar 4, 2010

I love you, Breane!!

In my last post I was talking about 'Money being the root of ALL evil', well, I have proof!!!! Bre asked me if she owed me any money for the rest of the month. I tried HARD to think of a reason she did. No dice, but---as I'm thinking so very hard I realize that I had charged her for rent TWICE in the past month. Oh my goodness, she hadn't owed me over 200 dollars, she'd only owed me 75. [she's even paid twice for her cell phone.] I'm telling you, I felt so GREEDY! She was a total sweetheart and we agreed, to more money until April 16th. [talk about 'paying forward']

Just a quick word about Kaleb-he's in the hospital in Provo. I hope they're taking really good care of our 'little guy' My love to they family there. We will be thinking of you and praying for his QUICK recovery!

I promise-if you'll talk to me--I WON'T ask for money. This means everyone. I'm so ashamed of myself!

Mar 3, 2010

The root of ALL evil---

Going to the bank today was pretty fun. My entire check, into savings, the 235.00 Bre owed me, into savings, Bryon, standing alongside me, paying 540.00 into MY savings. [there was enough in my checking to cover this months bills already] WOW, life IS good, and then it hit---neither of my room-mates owes me ANY money. Damn, I NEED more MONEY! [could this have ANYTHING to do with the new GRANITE vanity I want to buy for the NEW dressing room.?] You should HEAR the plans. Once we get mom's plumbing problem solved we should be able to start with THAT room. I'm getting new lighting, a new vanity, tile floor, full lentgh mirror, it's going to be SOOO cool. Also, the doorway from my bedroom to it, will be walled in. I can hardly wait TO START but---Mom MUST come first, I mean MY drains actually DRAIN! Anyway, I hope ALL your plans are HAPPY ones!