Sep 27, 2009

Sunday Afternoon

I have had a truly lovely day. The mountain was super. The colors were just starting to change. It was beautiful!!! After we got home I decided that I simply MUST do some housework. [Things were getting pretty bad! That's when I saw it [I almost fainted!] Yes dears, Rachel's birthday card. How can that be, I was sure that I mailed it Friday. Oh damn! [sorry Rach, but that IS what I said!] Her birthday is tomorrow! I'm so glad that I gave her her GIFT early. I hope it came in handy dear. Yes, I will be thinking of you as I mail your card TOMORROW! This card probably ought to be chucked into the trash can as soon as it arrives. Not only have I spilled coffee all over it, I realized when I went to put in a personal note, it's kinda rude! Sometimes I can be pretty dense. I got it cuz I liked the cat on it! Geez Wendy! Anywho, hope your b-day is simply WONDERFUL! Thanks for being such a love and brightening my life. Love Mom D.

Sep 25, 2009

Update--Breezy is still with us!

8:30a.m. yesterday we were at the oral surgeons office. By 10:00a.m. we were home again. [even though I'd stopped for the pain meds. I'd like to make that kind of money per hour!!!] Breezy didn't seem to well for the first couple of hours but started to bounce bake quick. That's good as Bryon had to do the sister sitting for the afternoon. [I did end up working.] When I got home I made a lovely veg. soup. Breezy says, 'gee mom, that looks good!!!' I say, 'yeah, too bad you don't get it like this.' I pour hers into the blender. Whalah, instant veg. smoothie. I tasted it, it wasn't great but not TOO bad. She didn't care, [hungry I guess] she drank it right up. We had to keep ice on her face yesterday and heat today. I had to cover both my shift and hers today [with Angie's help] so I'm just off of a 91/2 hour day with NO breaks. Sure hope tomorrow goes better. We plan on going 'on the mountain' first thing Sunday so I hope we get a restful day. Hugs to all you sweetie's.

Sep 23, 2009

It never rains----IT POURS!!!

First off, thank you all so much for your input. It helped A LOT! Now for today. It started pretty good--with Dennis eating humble pie! [I LOVED it!] It seems that he didn't trust me to check on the price Breezy was going to pay for her teeth extraction, so---he checked himself. When he came by this morning, he HUMBLY:] informed me that we were being charged the going rate! All Right! He leaves, Breezy gets up. Oh my GOODNESS! An entire half her face was swollen. I IMMEDIATELY call my dentist. He x-rayed her at 10:00a.m. [I've decided I'm an IDIOT! No way, was this a wisdom tooth problem.] I'm not so dumb. IT WAS! He sends us upstairs to see the surgeon who is going to pull her teeth. The surgery is still a go but she is on medication. I liked the dr. I feel good about his concern and the steps he plans to take. Ok, I get Bre home and then have to run to work to cover her shift. At work, a washer is down, a new chemical system is being set up, a dryer goes down AND we get a call that there will be an Inspection tomorrow! I had to ask myself 'WHAT am I doing here!!!' However, by the end of the day, we had all our machines working, the new system is 3/4 in AND we are ONLY 6 or 7 loads behind. I hope Sarah can work my entire shift tomorrow, I'm not UP for dealing with the inspection. [naturally I'll do whatever I have to, but I DO hope!]

Take my life--PLEASE. No, just kidding, I LOVE my life but today WAS a bit much. Love to all and thanks again for your support AND advice.

Sep 22, 2009

Family, please help!

OK, HERE'S THE PROBLEM! Breezy was at the dentist a couple of months ago. This is the only dentist she's ever been to. I trust this man. He tells her, 'you may want to think about having your wisdom teeth pulled.' [no, I don't know why he said this.] He doesn't pull wisdom teeth. [I'm SURE he has a good reason!] Ok, fast forward to about 2 weeks ago. One of Breane's wisdom teeth started to hurt. It has been hurting almost non-stop. Today I figure, enough is enough, so on the way to work we stop at the oral surgeon's office above my dentist. They will get her in and pulled all four teeth [under sedation] for a measly [choke] 1,300 to 1,600 dollars. Gasp!!!! And they didn't even have a gun! I ask Breezy, she says 'Yes!' [she's the one paying] We make an appointment for Thursday at 8:30a.m. Now comes the problem. DENNIS! When I told him he went BALISTIC!!! He insists that's way too much. Ok, I'll go along with that. He wants me to spend tomorrow on the phone finding a DENTIST that will pull them. I'm not sure about that. I mean I trust MY dentist and he won't pull them. Should I really take her to someone I don't know, who will. Even if it's a lot less money, should I really do this? Please help me out and send your comments. It would really help to have other points of view. Please keep in mind that Bre is in PAIN!

Extended family-this means you!!!

My last two posts have been about grandkids and this one is no different. [sorry!] I was thinking about what a trip it is to see the NEXT generation. Lets see, there are 7 or 8 now. I don't know Forrest's little one, but there's Skyler, Trissy, Serenity, Nathen, Brynna, Hannah, Jase, Legacy, Kaylah and the expected arrivals. I hope I haven't forgotten anyone! I decided that though I'm STILL not happy about saying a fond fare-thee-well to MY youth, this ALMOST makes it worth it. These little ones are so AMAZING! Watching my sisters with their grandkids is so much fun. Dinny jumping up and down, clapping her hands cuz Trissy learned something new, Heidi, mothering that 'little man' of hers to death. It really surprises me that Jase allows her too. Those of you that have seen him will know what I mean. When you look into his big, BIG eyes it's like you see the wisdom of the world in them. I don't call him a 'little man' for no reason! Yet, he takes to Heidi's mothering like a duck to water. I may not be happy about my body turning traitor on me, but hanging around for this new generation has been a total gas. [Oh, and I can't forget the girliest girl alive, Legacy, no wonder she's Daddy's little princess!!!!] Hey family, you did ALRIGHT!!! Keep 'um coming!

Sep 21, 2009

Grandkids-too much of a good thing--Is Wonderful!

Don't you just love the title. [no, Caleb is the ONLY expected grandchild this year.] I titled it that way because Dinny just gave me a shirt that says that on it. Isn't that just too cute, and so TRUE! I am looking forward to the holidays this year. What with Caleb's expected arrival AND planning to spend Christmas with Briddy and the Bradster. [with a possible side trip to see the grandkids] The holidays should be something to remember.

By the by, Mom and Dinny aren't feeling well. Alergies according to the Doc. I have my doubts. I sure hope they get feeling better right quick. I'll check on them in a day or two. They're the best!

Sep 16, 2009

I'm in LOVE!!!

Yep, the LOVE bug has indeed bit! [Dennis is going to be SOOOO mad!] Yes indeed, I am IN LOVE! Who? [you may well ask!] That would be my absolutely ADORABLE granddaughters. [yes Dennis, you won't have to KILL anyone, at least you'd better not!] I was busy doing some touch-up painting this morning when Rachel calls, 'would I be willing to watch Hannah while she went to the doctors!?' Would I? You bet!!! The darling little Cherub was sleepy so I changed her and then we just sat in the 'reading' chair and she ate cereal and drank her milk. She was sleeping within minutes. I couldn't consider putting her down, so I just sat and held her until Mom and Brynna came back. What bliss! I thought Hannah was the most adorable child on the planet until---Yes, Brynna---What can I say? She's got to be the cutest, almost two-year-old, alive. Oh my, no favorites here, their both too cute for words. What fun! I only hope Rachel didn't feel like an 'also ran---' She's the best daughter[in-law] a mom-in-law could ask for. We are ever so funny. Each one of us gets busy with our lives and then feels guilty cuz we don't make more of an effort towards each other. I must give her the highest compliment I can, 'Rachel dear, I never feel uncomfortable when I'm with you!' That may not sound like much but believe me it is. It's so nice to visit with someone and be so ok with just being yourself. By the by, I told Dennis what you said about the trim board, he was ever so pleased!

While I'm on the subject of kids--Bridget's visit was the best! Because of her schedule she is never, ever, here long enough. I had such fun shopping with you dear! I can not wait until you are here ALL the time. I've missed you so. Thanks for helping Breezy with her I.D. card. I can ALWAYS count on you. Oh, Bryon has his car rented for friday morning, it looks like a 'go' for him. I'll certainly keep you posted.
Back to work tomorrow. That's ok! It's been a pretty fun two days off. I've spent a ton of money but that's fun too. Breezy can't wait til you're home. I miss you! Hugs

Sep 10, 2009

New post- as promised

First- Thanks for updating me Rachel. If you had already told me that, I am sorry for bugging you. However, it feels like news to me. I haven't been in a church house since Brynna's blessing ,that I recall. I do remember that the Sunday School guys were SUPER neat and you could ALWAYS count on them to answer ANY questions you might have about Church theology, and now my 'little boy' is one of them. Gee Brandon, that's GREAT!!![will you still talk to mom though?] I'm very pleased with you for taking the lead with your family. Way to go son!

Bridget will be here sometime tomorrow afternoon. Yeah!!! It's always so fun to see her. I think we will treat ourselves to a dinner at 'Brick Oven' just to celebrate. Right Sis! No one here EVER wants to eat out [at least not with me] so it should be fun for both of us.

AIDA!! What to say? It was indeed set in Egypt. [New kingdom period][ b.c. for those not in the know] Did I enjoy it?? YOU BET!!! I would see it, again any day, any time!! [yeah, it was that good] The fact that Elton John had co-wrote the music was VERY obvious. I could hear his theme type again and again. I expected to see a piano on stage at any moment. If you like stories set in Egypt and those about star-crossed lovers you would enjoy this. By the by, does anyone know if they REALLY buried people alive during that time frame. [not a pleasant thought!!!!!]

Sep 8, 2009

post alert--

Going to Tuachan tonight. [I think I misspelled that] New post to follow. This play is Aida. I haven't heard of it before, but someone said it had an Egypt type theme. If that's the case I'll LOVE it. I like ALL THINGS Egyptian!!!!! I'll post AFTER I've seen the play.

Sep 2, 2009

At last!!!!!!!!

FINALLY, I am having a really productive day. I'm so proud of me. I started the day in the backyard. I cleared a good size section before it got too hot. I also cleaned two [count them TWO] planters out. I come inside and primmer the dinning room wall. [Dennis once again had to raise a base board heater because the new trim board is too tall.] I've had a nap, put two coats of paint on that wall, painted the new trim board, done 3 loads of wash and it is only 3:30. I have tons more to do but I think a good chunk of it will actually get done. This feels wonderful. I haven't been able to figure out what was wrong but I've had zero motivation lately. I need to finish cleaning up the paint mess so I better get to it. Brandon and Rachel-I'm so glad you had a good anniversary. No two people [or is that 6] deserve it more. By the by, thanks for the grand kids. I may just have to 'play favorites' this Christmas. I'll tell the others, '-yeah, when I get some GRANDkids from you-'