Nov 30, 2010

I hate being 'under the weather'

I don't even know why we call it that???? Either you're sick or you're NOT! Ok, so I'm a little sick. How's that? Not sick enough to climb into bed and pull the covers over my head but---sick enough to not want to do anything. I took my car for an oil change this morning. They wouldn't do it???? Actually they would have but told me 'it's kinda silly when you do drive it EVERY day and you still have 1200 miles on your last oil change.' So, next spring when I've driven the additional 1200 miles I'll take it back.  I leave there and decide to spend the 30 dollars saved on Christmas. I stop at K-Mart. They didn't have much that I wanted but---I'm on the WRONG side of the store when I realize I'm sick. Oh my, the bathrooms are WAY over there and I'm WAY over here. My sprint across K-Mart would make a 6 minute mile look slow. I made it though. Which explains a lot AND oh so very little. That's all you get though. I'm spending this afternoon in my robe wrapping Christmas presents. I LOVE this season.

Nov 24, 2010

Do it your own self---

The man will learn. [I hope]' Honey, the handles on the French doors are loose.' 'You know how  to do it, You tighten them.' Ok, how hard can that be? I found the tool and procceded to tighten the handles. As soon as I did, two [count them, TWO] handles fell off in my hands. Oh, wonderful idea Honey! I couldn't even figure out what I'd done wrong. I've learned to 'not mess' with stuff when I don't know what I'm doing, so, guess who got to 'tighten' handles this morning. By the way sweetie, when you say 'tighten' I EXPECT' to have to tighten it, NOT loosen It!!!!