Jul 25, 2010


If any of you 'locals' aren't feeling quite 'warm' enough, get yourselves a thermometer. I promise, that when you see the needle 'buried' at the 110 mark you'll feel plenty warm. That just happened to me. I glance out of the kitchen doorway, see the thermometer hanging in the garage, see the needle 'buried' and suddenly it is to hot to breathe!! A tub filled with ice water sounds a 'tad' too warm right now. Why is it, that 'seeing' the evidence makes it so much worse? I came in from work, I 'felt' that the house wasn't cool but---when I saw the 'proof' hanging in the garage, I felt SOOOOOO much worse? I should toss that stupid thermometer as far as a weak and heat exhasted person, possibly could. I never even look at the darn thing unless it's June, July, or August. Talk about self-torture

Jul 21, 2010

'10 degrees off cool---'

When Dennis asked, I told him that last night's gathering was,'10 degrees off cool', referring to the heat. So this morning he shows up with a beat-up, rusty, BOX fan.[kid you not!] He says it's to keep my bedroom cool. 'ya--gee-- thanks---that's nice of you.!" All the while I'm thinking, 'what WOULD'VE been nice is a 3-ton AIRCONDITIONER--I HAVE a FAN! Well, this is one of those times that you're glad you kept your thoughts to yourself. I wiped down the fan and sat it on my dresser. Oh my gosh, what a difference. I just got up from a morning nap that actually 'chilled' me. How lovely. So what they say is true, 'never look a gift horse in the mouth.' [whatever that means!]

Jul 20, 2010


Hot summer days and watermelon go together like: Donald Trump and bad haircuts. If a person lives in a place called 'Dixie' they can pick a 'good' watermelon from a 'bad' watermelon standing on their heads. Right? WRONG! I've lived in 'dixie' my entire life and in that time have 'only' picked ONE 'good' watermelon. Since I'm not a big fan of 'take the blame' I've decided that it isn't me, it's THEM! By them I mean the watermelons. I can hear it now, 'uh oh, here she comes, ok, all you tasteless, or NEARLY tasteless, guys, front and center, p.d.q.' 'Now, remember, look INNOCENT!' 'Wow, look she took Wally, talk about a guy with no taste, I wish I could be there when she takes her first bite! Ha, ha, got her again!!!!' Yep, this is what happens, I'm sure of it. So when it comes to summer fun, I'll come if invited I just won't bring the WATERMELON!

Jul 16, 2010

Blankty, blank, blank----adjustable Shower heads.

Yes, I KNOW I'm tall so I feel mighty sorry for those you of only average height. This is about shower heads AND tall people. My roommate of the male gender is about 10 feet tall. Therefore he adjusts the showerhead every time he showers. It's always high and out of the way when I get in the shower. Neat huh? Not if you forget about it and turn the water on. My showerhead spits. You know, one of those 'full body' splashes. The water is always cold. Thanks to the roommate AND the nifty, handy? adjustable showerhead I get the body slash daily. In this heat you wouldn't think I'd complain but---I'd call it a morning 'wake-up' if it didn't always make me grumpy. What a way to start your day.

Jul 14, 2010

Knowledge is FREEDOM

I just learned this wonderful fact. Actually, this post is STILL about my bathroom. As I watched Dennis this morning I was in Awe. As most of you know, I had [had being the oppertive word:[]a double vanity. Now, I would have had to replace it with another double vanity. Why? Well, that's the way it was plumbed. I wouldn't have had a clue about what he's doing. Not only is he cutting out the plumbing for the second sink, he has to move the remaining plumbing 10 inches. At this point he has the drain moved but will still need to move the water lines. All of this so I could have the vanity that I wanted. Therefore, FREEDOM to choose. Isn't he WONDERFUL! Ear mark this post, to remind me that this is what I WANTED when the wait gets a bit to long!

Jul 11, 2010

Bathroom drama

So Breane needs to get ready for her date. We had just gotten back from swimming. I'm covered in clorine. I tell her, 'just give me 20 minutes, and the bathrooms all yours' ['at least what's left of it'--under my breath] she hears me anyway and gets a good laugh. You can't blame her, the vanity area is REALLY torn up. I haven't the heart to tell her, Dennis is yanking out the ONE remaining sink on tuesday. Who knows how long it will be before we have a working sink in there again. On the same subject, I tell Bryon this morning that we'll have to start washing our hands in the kitchen sink. "washing my hands??'' Oh, good one mom, like I WASH my hands!!!!'' Funny--disgusting but funny!!

Jul 10, 2010

Memory issues

Yesterday was a 'terrible, awful, horrible, no-good day!' Luckly, that passed and today was WAY fun. To set the scene, yesterday morning mom calls and tells me I can bring her house keys back before work afterall as she's not going to the doctor. I say, 'sure thing.' It is not until I'm on my way to her house that I discover that I don't HAVE her keys. They aren't where I thought they were and I haven't a clue where they are. Bad words! I go to mom's anyway and confess. Then to work, which was ok until Dallen talked to me. A couple of things I shouldn't have done. I'm close to tears for the rest of the day. I come home, go straight to bed and pray for a better day. This morning didn't feel much better but I had keys to find and a b-day to celebrate. The birthday was fun but the key thing bothered me [A LOT] So the perfect ending to a fun day, Mom calls, I'd dropped the keys at her place. I STILL feel and idiot but I can live with that as long as she has her keys. There's a lesson here, 'don't trust me with ANYTHING you might actually want BACK!

Jul 8, 2010

Motivational people--don't you just 'strongly dislike' them?

This morning I got a 'quick' rundown on the breakfast clean-up that I've agreed to do on Monday. As I tried really, really hard to listen to Sarah [and absorb] all she was telling me I couldn't help but be impressed with her. [I tried HARD not to be impressed] When I agreed to hire her a year or so ago, it was with deep reservations. She had gone about as low as you can go. She SAID she was turning her life around but---well, I had reservations. Today, she is an independant lady, running her life and getting more responsibilty daily. She now manages the apartment complex where she lives, does a WONDERFUL job with the Breakfast job AND is enrolling at DSC. [that's why I'm covering her breakfast clean-up] These are just the high-lights! It was clear that she'll never be happy just 'staying put', she'll always be reaching for something more. What a great example that was to me AND just what I needed to see. For a brief moment I wished I was enrolling in school. As much as I hate to admit it, I don't REALLY want to go back to school. However, I do want to do more than just exsist. I hope the motivation I felt while I was with her doesn't fade TOO fast, at least not before I get at least ONE project finished. That would be super!!

Jul 5, 2010

A night in the life of Wendy Doyle

3:00a.m. I wake to the sound of water running. First thought: someone has just been to the bathroom. The water continues to run well past the time that would take. 'Ok Wendy, did you forget to turn the water off?' The problem was I couldn't remember turning the water on? 'I best check, no point in wasting water. Get out of bed, check BOTH outside faucets, nope they are not running. Go back to bed, now I hear water hitting the outside of the wall my bed is against. 'Oh it must be rainning. But it wasn't rainning a minute ago. Get out of bed to check, nope, not rainning. Go back to bed, can STILL hear water. 'Maybe Breezy is up and her computer is on. Get out of bed, listen at Breezy's door. Nope, no computer. Go back to bed, still hear water. Get out of bed, check the side of the house. Yep, waters running. 'Oh crap, I have a busted water main!!!' Go back to bed, stress about my water line. Then it hits 'like a bolt from the black night' MY water main isn't on THAT side of the house. Get out of bed, find flashlight, check side of house. Yep, water IS hitting the side of the house. As the water hits me in the FACE I finally realize that my NEIGHBORS back yard watering system is ON and HIS sprinkler is hitting my house! Do you suppose I should tell him or just be a 'shadow in the night' everytime he waters? I think I'll tell him!!!!!

Jul 3, 2010

Conversations in Heaven---

As the holidays come and go I sometimes imagine conversations Thad might have in heaven--'Morning Thad, Happy 4th of July!''Wasn't this your favorite earthly holiday?' 'Seems you've talked often about all the fun celebrations you had as a kid and later with your wife's family. It's a wonder no one was ever blown up!' 'Soooo how did they decorate your grave THIS year, flags, fireworks, PEPSI??' [Thad] 'nothing this year, guess they were busy.' [angel] 'NOTHING, again!' Bless Bridget, if it weren't for her, we'd miss most years. She took care of it this year, AGAIN. I'm going to put some red, white, and blue ballons on it on my way to work. iT'S hard to have a 4th of July without thinking of Thad, he enjoyed it so much. It's fun to see the kids seem to really like this holiday as well. Breezy and I are doing chicken tonight but then Bridget, the Bradster and family are going to join us for a few LEGAL fireworks. It should be a pleasant evening. I hope all of you have a wonderful Holiday. [no I'm NOT a day early, in Utah they don't celebrate if a holiday falls on a Sunday.] So today we celebrate. Hugs

Jul 2, 2010

"I told you so'---don't you just HATE that?

Alas, my 'contractor' was right. Yet again! He made me shop all week for a vanity mirror. Although there were several I was willing to settle for, he wouldn't let me buy anything. And then I found it,the PERFECT mirror for this vanity. It was at Tai Pan. [sp] Not only was it the perfect size and color, it was ON SALE! The first mirror I was willing to buy was around 75 dollars, I paid 37 for this one. It was a GREAT deal. It's so odd to be buying stuff for the 'finish' work already. It will be weeks or even months before anything actually goes in. He still has to 'move' wiring and patch sheetrock, not to mention tile and I'll have to paint but--- this time it has to be done this way because he needs to know where to move the wiring TO! Even though it's a bit hard to have stuff 'torn up' for so long it's nice to do the 'pay as you go' method so that when I actually start using it, EVERYTHING is paid for.