Feb 20, 2011


I HATE it when I do something that is TOTALLY stupid!' Did you not SEE Breane put the broken glass in the garbage can Wendy?' Yeah but-- ' Was it not MINUTES later that you tried to push the garbage down with your hand? 'yeah but-- ' Have you not cut your hand  this way before?' yeah but---  If  I was on trial I woud so LOSE!! SURELY there is  somone I can blame here  BESIDES me? I'm on washers tomorrow and have NO idea how I'm going to manage it. The cut is between my thumb and first finger and it is pretty deep. In fact I need to wash dishes tonight and haven't a clue how I'm going to manage THAT. Life is difficut enough without doing stupid stuff, poor me!!!!!!!

Feb 15, 2011

Cookie---how can I expain?

So, if someone gives someone else a cookie for Valentines why is it such a BIG deal? First, you have to know that the MAN in question, is ALWAYS doing something nice for me, second, we've agreed that it isn't REQUIRED to remember each other simply because it is a holiday, third, the man doesn't know his own BIRTHDAY, forth, I RARELY remember him on a holiday. See, you're starting to 'get the picture!' I was ever so pleased. He brought two. We shared one and I took the other to work. Thank you sweetie, oh, and by the by, I Love you!
Bryon also remembered 'good ol' Mom. He gave me a chocoate heart which I will really enjoy and---I would have LOVED the flower if---he'd remembered to pick it up AFTER paying for it. You ARE your mother's son!!
All in all, an EXTREMELY nice Valentines. I hope all can say the same!

Feb 10, 2011

Two words----Wall Lettering

Don't be fooled by the package---Wall Lettering is NOT easy!!!! 3 steps---that's what they say. Yeah right, 3 very DIFFICULT steps. Step 1--remove backing paper--with WHAT. You're suppose to be able to rub it, on the wrong side, and Walla,it's sticking to the transfer paper. Well---MINE didn't. I about rubbed clean through the paper. Ok, moving right along to step 2--put it on the wall. Oh ,but don't forget to measure. You have to remove it about a zillion times to get it straight. Now, step 3--rub over the transfer paper and the lettering will 'by magic'  be on the wall. Not so!!! Also, DON'T rub the transfer paper with water until you are SURE the lettering is loose. Wait a minute---isn't that 4 steps---those lying BAS----!!!!!! All that, having been said, the lettering DOES look pretty good, if I do say so myself. [I have  to---no one else will!:]

Feb 4, 2011

Date night and no date----

Yep, I've been 'stood up!' That's the problem with a 'steady date'--- works great-- unless----he's BUSY! In truth however, he DID have a good reason. It seems one of his rentals burnt down last night and since this one was in Salt Lake----well, you get the picture. I hope that things went well -- or as good as can be expected-- for him today.
As always, life moves on. I've decided to give my 'shower room' a 'face lift' after seeing Mom's kitchen. Also, I don't believe that 'the man' is going to have any time soon to help with projects around here. I'm just going to do small wall repairs and paint but it shoud look a lot better. Then later, when he has more time, we'll do it right! The trick willl be to not let him know. I'll let you know how that goes.
YEA!!!! SUPERBOWL SUNDAY! [in two more days!]

Feb 2, 2011

It looks wonderful

Just a quick note to tell all who are interested, that mom's kitchen 'face lift' looks wonderful!!! I can truly appreciate how much work was involved from all we've done around here. Rachel you're mom's 'the best!' Anyone who hasn't seen it---should. It looks 'fab!'