Nov 29, 2009

ALMOST there!

One more day! That's right folks, one more day and Thanksgiving weekend will be BEHIND ME! Yes! It's not that it's not a GREAT holiday, or that our guests aren't TOTALLY NICE, it's just that there is SO much Laundry! I believe we'll be playing 'catch up' for a couple of days yet. It's all good though, makes for a nice paycheck. That's good as the first payment [for the priveledge of driving Miss Eva] is due Dec. 21st. I should be more worried but the payment isn't all that high so I should be fine. [of course if ya'll get homade cards as Christmas gifts you'll KNOW why!!]
The kids headed home to Provo yesterday. I miss them already. Those kids of theirs sure are cute. I hope all is well with the Doyle family and that no one got lost inside all that stuff you had to take back up with you. I was telling mom, 'it's like one of those things where you drop a feather, and the whole thing comes tumbling down.' I still can't believe what you packed in there:]
Can't wait to go SHOPPING on tuesday. It feels like waiting for Christmmas as a kid. I LOVE to shop.

Nov 25, 2009

Happy [almost] Thanksgiving!

I'm looking forward to the holiday. How about the rest of you? Kaleb will be blessed tomorrow. I think it's sort of cool that he will be blessed on Thanksgiving. I'm about as ready as I'm going to get. As usual, as I'm pulling out of the parking lot at Smith's, I remember, SODA! Oh well, you people don't need all that Sugar anyway. Great hostess Wendy. Not that I'm any better or WORSE than I ever was. I'm all about, 'it is what it is!' The way I figure it, people would not believe that they were at MY house, if something important, wasn't missed. As said, 'it is what it is!' I'll be glad to kick back, kick up my heels, and just enjoy the familiness of a really GREAT holiday. I hope each of you has a SUPER day.

By the by, The change from my CHANGE jar was $54.00. Save those pennies people!

Nov 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Brandon AND Kalab

I think it is a totally sweet surprise that little Kalab decided to make his arrival on his father's birthday. This brings the family total to 12. There are the 6 children, 5 grandchildren [all Brandon], and me. [Yes, I AM a member of the family!] It won't be long before a 'family' picture will involve a whole lot of planning! What's that saying 'all because two people fell in love' Thad, we done good!! As I get older, it's harder for me to keep dates straight. Let's see, 'Serenity is May 7th, Nathan Nov. 30, Brynna Oct. 17th, Hannah Aug. 10th, and little Kalab Nov. 14th. [at least THAT one will be easy to remember] Do keep in mind that I drove the olds. for 10 years and could not tell you the plate number, I probably couldn't name all the kids birth years, and so on and so on. The point of all this is 'if I forget a birthday, it isn't cuz I don't care, it's cuz I'm stupid! [ok, OLD, but I think I prefer stupid!]

Nov 11, 2009

Steering wheel covers??????

Does ANYONE know why they make steering wheel covers so small. I found one that I really liked, but could NOT get it on. After I told Dennis that I was going to ride around with it HALF on, he got worried and came over and got it on for me. I swear you could break a steering wheel trying to get one of those things on. If they take it off Saturday when they spray the interior of Miss Eva, THEY can put it back on.

Nov 9, 2009

I HATE 'to do' lists

I'm getting so far behind that I feel I'm 'ahead.' [not a soul in sight!] Therefore it seemed prudent to make a 'to do' list. [do any of you do that?] It's a idea that SOUNDS good, but isn't. There is nothing like a 'to do' list to make you feel a complete FAILURE! Anyway, I make the silly list. I also listed what I wanted 'to do' in order of importance. [another mistake!] To begin with, the items completed today were considered least important, not a formula for making one feel successful, and I did only about half of them. It did not help that Heather's dog, Ava, jumped in my car yesterday with dusty feet. So I had to add wash, and vacuum the car to my list. I needed to go to the dealership for my plates, to set up for the 'perma plate', and hit the detail shop for the plastic guards I want. I STILL need to do all of the above. [how can that be?] What I did manage was to get money from Breane's account to mine, to pay HER bill and convince the credit union that THEY wanted to carry the loan on the car. The 'up' side of that is that my first payment is due Dec. 21 rather than Nov. 23. I also ran out of light, so the car may still be 'water spotted.' All I can say, is I did my best. While I was out there, wiping away, my neighbor, [who has lived next to me for 25+ years mistook me for Breane!!!!! I LOVE YOU RAELYNN!!!!!

Nov 8, 2009

Happy Sunday, all!

Good morning and Good Morning! I've been up for awhile now. Plans for today! Only two!!! 'Get mom's car back to her AND take Miss Eva out for a spin!' See what she can do. No Brandon, I do NOT plan on acting like I'm in the Indy 500!!! I mean Miss Eva's only a baby. She hasn't even gone 300 miles yet. WHAT are you thinking.??? We were going to head North but Breane says, 'I don't want to go there, it's COLD! [60's are COLD!?] So we are going to head south. I've never liked driving the 'Gorge' so we'll see how THAT goes. I don't plan on going all the way to 'Vegas' but who knows. In the words of our dear Bridget--'you've got a new car AND a cell phone, what more do you need?' Nothing--I guess!?!

Brandon dear, have a safe trip back. Let's think seriously about 'Pie and Ice Cream' next Saturday. I can NOT believe it's been 31 years. I think you're lying. I'll bet it's only been about 10 years. Do you remember your tenth b-day. I sure do! The day it hit [like a brick] I have a SON! All your girl cousins were running around and there you were with your MALE friends, wanting NOTHING to do with them. 'I have a SON, what do I do!!!????' That's the year you got that cheap [sorry] lazer tag set. With the friends you had there, it was a GOOD thing that light was the only thing it shot. [remember the Hirshi boys? I thought you would!]
Hugs to all!

Nov 5, 2009

Is there anyone out there---

Is there anyone out there who is 50 or older. The reason I ask is that I have something I THINK is AGE related. I've always done yard or house work on my knees. I've never had a problem with that. Lately when I kneel it's like I'm kneeling on a stone. I haven't hurt my right knee, that I'm aware of. The pain lasts for while after I kneel. If I kneel on a different spot it seems to be ok. My question is, can you get bone spurs on your knees? My knee is fine UNLESS I kneel. It's going to bite if this is permanent as I love kneeling to work. Oh darn! So does anyone know anything about something like this? Any advice or knowledge would be helpful.

Loving life AND my Artic Blue Hatchback! I'm finally really, REALLY enjoying the FUN [not worry] of driving a NEW car! Yeah, for Nissan!

Nov 4, 2009

Babysitting---Give me the kids, ANYDAY!

I took it upon myself to take responsibility for Mom's car while she was away! BIG MISTAKE! 'Mom, come HOME, Babysit your own car!' Taking it to the 'shop' for an inspection, no big deal, right? Wrong!!! I couldn't even trust Gabe. He took something out of it WITHOUT asking? Can you believe the nerve of some people. However---in Gabe's defense he not only told me what he took, he SHOWED me. [Thanks Gabe] It seems mom had a 'stowaway.' A lovely BIG 'black widow' spider! Let me tell you, that does NOT make ME want to drive mom's car!! I won't be putting any miles on it! Maybe Mom KNEW about the spider, MAYBE that is why it was there. Keep me honest, will you mom. Well, call me silly, but I love you ANYWAY!
I did simply LOVE babysitting the grandkids today. They are both so cute that it makes me smile. Brandon, Rach, you done good!!! I hope the new little one is a better baby than Bryon was [MY forth] or you two will go CRAZY!! Much as I love the little tykes, it's better if YOU raise them! For those not in the know, 'our newest arrival is expected VERY soon. Oh, and congrats to Dinny on her newest 'little one' I sure hope she gets to see him soon!
Love ya all!

Breane--Not me

Do you like my new background? Breane did it for me, isn't she sweet! I still need to get Mom's car inspected. I had planned to do that 2 days ago but couldn't find her paperwork. When I FINALLY did find it, it was right where she said it would be. Good job Wendy. I hope that I didn't lose anything she needs looking for it!! I believe I'll take the car to Gabe this morning. After that, I'll need to put gas in it and check the tire pressure. She doesn't have the niffty light that I have, which comes on if the pressure gets low. I have already washed, vacuumed and waxed it, so I'll be good to go. I hope she gets back down here real soon. The last I heard she'll be in 'hospital' all of today. Diane was not sure just what day they'd be able to travel back down. The doctors will decide that I'm sure. Bless Diane's darling heart. She's such a caring person. I don't know what mom and I would do without her. I'll have to tell her sometime what Clinton was saying about her, it was pretty cute! We love our Dinny!
By the way Bridget, you really 'made' mom's day, with your phone call. I'm so proud to call you 'daughter!' For anyone else who is interested, Mom's numbers are:
Hospital: 801-507-4303 or cell phone:[435] 862-2165

Love to all! Breane is still pretty sick but not getting any worse, so that is good. I read that they don't want you to take sick ones to the doctor unless they are pretty bad because the doctors are so busy. Is this what everyone else thinks?? I HATE to do the wrong thing. She's coughing a lot but seems to have good lung use!