Jul 29, 2009

Good-bye Josh

Josh is heading home today. It's been a short month. Although it seems that the 4th was a long time ago, this past week has flown by. If he makes good time, he'll be half-way home by this evening. It's going to feel strange for a bit. Josh has helped out a lot. I'm really going to bless him when I have my surround sound. No one, and I do mean NO ONE, wanted to be the one to get in the attic. Bless him! Dennis is hoping to hook-up the speakers tonight. Perhaps I should go shopping for the receiver today. That would help Dennis out. He'd then know what he'd be hooking into. Ok, OK, I just want to go shopping!!!! Happy?
Hotter than hot but--life is GOOD!

Jul 23, 2009

Can we say, 'Pro-cras-ti-nate'

That's lousy spelling, I'm sure, but you get the point. As I type this I really should be cleaning the t.v./Bryon's room. It's the prefect chance. Both Bryon AND Josh aren't here and that room BADLY needs cleaning. When I told Bryon [before he left] that I wanted to clean it, he says, [I kid you not] 'Why, it's not bothering me!' My response, 'Bryon dear, the things in this room are MINE, if I don't clean it, when you leave, it will still be my stuff just my RUINED stuff!' His response, 'oh!' Men, you gotta love um! Anyway, I should be cleaning but I'm not! Come on Wendy, kick it up a notch! [and no I don't WANT Bryon to do the cleaning, I'm sure you know why!]


Jul 21, 2009

Ever Notice?--

I think that some of my faithful readers can relate to this story. Have you ever noticed that the person who MAKES the mess, RARELY cleans-up the mess??? I ask this because after I came off the mountain [on Sunday] I decided to clean the bathroom. I have the most amazing rubber mat in my tub. I'm SURE it's color is cream, and yet, it's ALWAYS black. What is up with that? I scrubbed it until I thought I would ruin it. Yes indeed, it is CREAM colored. Or it was, for a brief time, then BLACK again. After giving this some thought, it occurred that it HAD been cream UNTIL the 'bare foot queen' got off work and 'yes' took a shower. Ok, mystery solved. However, I was also wondering why my bathtub had grown a full 'fur' coat. I mean it's JULY in DIXIE! Why would it need a fur coat? Oh right, I have a 'long haired biker dude' as a house guest! There was even hair twisted around the suction cups on the afore-mentioned rubber mat. How DO you do that, Josh?? Never mind, I DON'T want to know!!! In Josh's defense he DOES make a MEAN grilled chicken breast. Last night's was HEAVENLY! What a cook!! Since Josh and I are the ONLY meat eaters living here, I get all I want! How great is that??? I'd be in heaven if only-- between Josh's super cooking and Bryon's liking for 'Cheese' pizza, I have some fear that my clothes are going to get 'extra' tight. Oh but what a way to go! By the by Brandon, don't leave any opened pepsi cans lying around my house. I'm not saying who, but someone, [Bryon] just MIGHT finish it off for you!
Love to all!!!!

Jul 19, 2009

Home again, home again--

I had an awesome time. [well, most of it was!] I was surprised that I didn't rest better but it seems that I have turned into a 'nervous Nellie.' I've always been a bit 'high strung' but this is unexplainable. It took 'at least' 24 hours for me to calm down enough to truly enjoy my good fortune. Yesterday, I thought about coming home but decided against it as Dennis was likely to come up today. I figured that I could follow him down. [easier trip for me] This was a TOTALLY bad idea. First off, I decided to go for a walk yesterday. Since I am a bit 'high strung' I decided to lock the house. Another bad idea. Yes I did! Locked myself out. EVERYTHING was INSIDE including the phone. What to do? [besides cry I mean!] FINALLY it occurred to me that I had more than the one key. The other keys might let me in a different way. They did, but I can't decided if I should inform Dennis that the lock is broken. I think not, I mean, he did make me feel pretty stupid for calling him at 4:00a.m. this morning. Well excuse me for thinking an alarm BLARING from the basement MIGHT be a problem!!! Picture this, me FINALLY getting some really REALLY sound sleep. As I slowly come awake [in a strange place mind you] I cannot believe how loud the crickets are. After a bit I realize that what I am hearing are NOT crickets. A few more minutes and I realize that it is an alarm of some sort. I wander all over the cabin looking for the stray clock. [it is about 3:30a.m.] I finally realize the sound is coming from the garage/basement. Me, go down there, in the dark, alone? No, I don't think so!!!! I had to of course. I only stayed long enough to determine that it was a sensor hooked next to a water heater [or something] I knew the water heater was gas so I'm thinking, 'this is NOT good.' Thus the early morning 'wake up' call to Dennis. He didn't answer [of course] so I left a message. Now, I'm having visions of blowing his cabin to 'kingdom come' so of course I have to make ANOTHER trip downstairs to shut off the gas line. End of the alarm? Oh no, dear ones, it continued until I wanted to rip my hair out. I shut off the gas to the stove even though I knew I'd shut the main line off downstairs. As soon as it was light enough, I went outside and shut off the line from the tank. Soon thereafter Dennis shows up. He laughs and says, 'oh it's nothing, why did you shut everything off? it's just a testy sensor!' Yes, dear ones, I DID consider murder! No court in the land would have convicted me. The only reason he still breathes is that he DID make good time getting up there.[ if only to laugh at me] We had an hour or so of enjoying the air and view and then he led the way down the mountain. So, I return to work tomorrow and it's going to be a tough one but I'll just smile and enjoy!

Jul 12, 2009

Time for a plan!!!!

This is one time Bryon can't help me, talk about a boy without a plan. [I LOVE him anyway!!!] Anyway, time to get a 'plan' for my 'down' time this weekend. I have decided to go to Kolob for sure, but what am I going to DO with myself. I am really, REALLY looking forward to 3 days of no one's company but my OWN! I think I should get a few more books to read. Perhaps a trip to the library would be a good idea. The cabin [I don't know how you can call a 3 story, 3 bedroom, 2 bath house, a cabin, but there you have it] doesn't have a dvd player so I think books and puzzles are the way to go. The deck wraps around 2 sides of the cabin so the view is spectacular!!! I foresee a lot of time spent just soaking in the view. This is going to be SOOOOO good! I suppose I've had a bit too much company for awhile now. Some time to myself should be just the ticket. I do need to come home earlier Sunday than I had planned to as it's Dinny's b-day. I could not possibly miss HER b-day. Oh well, I'll probably be more than ready to come back by then anyways!

I miss Briddy and the Bradster already. I wish they lived HERE again!

Jul 7, 2009

'Grandee'--ever had one of THOSE moments?

My absolutely darling, sweet AND adorable granddaughter, Serenity, came into the Laundry room to visit 'Grandee' for a few minutes today. Bless Rachel, she sent her down. Serenity and I have not spent NEARLY enough time together in her 7 years of life. I would like to think that the time we HAVE had has been fun for BOTH of us. [I know I've enjoyed it.] Anyway, Serenity is talking to me and she is telling me all about her OTHER family. Oh my, I'm sure Martha and Emily would be APPALLED! The family secrets that 'little ones' reveal. I'm thinking to myself, you sure do remind me of someone, you little chatterbox. And then it hit [like a brick] she reminds me of ME!!! Oh dear, the poor thing. You don't MEAN to upset anyone, it's just you have so MUCH to say!! Well do I remember those days. I hope she doesn't get yelled at for her chatter. [she probably will though, I mean, just today was an EYEOPENER!] It's all good though, as I have no desire to do or say anything that would upset Martha or Emily, I'll just forget what was said. That'll be easy enough, I forget EVERYTHING else. Like: 'You've ALREADY paid that bill once this month.' [that's a story by itself]
I'm thinking of taking a couple of days 'away from it all' next week. I'm not sure where I'll go, just AWAY! I hope to have fun. At least it's something to look forward to.
Bridget is less than 24 hours out. YES! I can't wait to see her. She took care of getting me a gift for the 'Bradster' and I have Breezy's b-day gift, so that just leaves Briddy. I hope to come up with something good.
Love to all!!

Jul 2, 2009

No 75-year-old is kicking MY ASS!

Picture this, me, sitting watching a 75-year-old on a stationary bike for 25 MINUTES. I'm telling you, that was an eye opener! I wasn't sure I could do 25 minutes on MY bike. Ok Wendy, what do you plan to do about it? Well---since the person in question was MOM, murder probably isn't an option! There is NO WAY I'm going to let that 'old lady' [just joking mom] show ME up! I got on MY bike that very night. I was going to prove [to myself] that I could do anything SHE could do, only BETTER! I was shooting for 30 minutes! [nayner, nayner mom] I'd made it too, only--No really, Bryon showed up! He needed to talk so I had to stop. The very next night I let Bryon walk me all over Middleton. We walked 3 miles, if we walked one. HOWEVER, I took last night off and it's not looking good for tonight EITHER. Maybe beating MOM, isn't such a great motivator after all!!
Love to all!

Jul 1, 2009

Josh! WHAT did you say????

Josh is such a cutie. [I REALIZE he's your boyfriend Breezy but--I can still LIKE him, right?] Anyway, I was thanking him for helping out so much, i.e. washing, cleaning, cooking and he says, [HIS words NOT mine] 'I make a good kitchen bitch!' I could NOT believe ANYONE ever came up with such a term. How rude!!!! No one had EVER better call ME that! Language aside, It's been pretty nice to have Josh here. He's such a pleasant young man.

I'm a tad nervous about the upcoming week. Brandon and family will be down, Jamie's wedding, Bridget and the Bradster will be in town, AND I have a review at work, [not had one of those in a few years.] I hope there's enough time [or me] to go around. I ALWAYS hate it when I don't have enough time for family things. It should be a busy week. Dennis realizes that things are getting pretty hectic and I might start feeling over-whelmed. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he doesn't figure out a way to get me some 'me time!' That would be super!!!! Just NOT next week!

The 'computer hog' crashed my computer. Someone PLEASE tell him, 'Mom doesn't WANT you to down-load all this chess stuff! She doesn't WANT it on her computer.!!!'

I am SO sorry Bjorn!!! Bjorn will be here as well! I'm looking forward to seeing him again! What a darling boy!!! [yes I CAN call you a BOY! I mean I DO have you by a FEW years.]
Love to all!!!