Jul 7, 2011

Day off

Soooo......it's a day off for me. I should be crazy busy getting everything done. Not so! Here it is 8:00a.m. already and I have done...nothing. Oh Wendy! I think I must be tired. That's my 'excuse' of choice these days...and...when that won't work?...'it's too BLASTED hot!, is always good. Life is crazy busy right now. I have about a zillion b-days to remember this month AND a visit with a lovely granddaughter AND working 40+ hours a week AND yardwork AND.....you get the picture. I haven't even started on Bre's b-day, Brady's Briddy took care of, I just owe her money, then Briddy's and Diane's and Chris's is TODAY! Dang!
Let's get organized Wendy! 1. Shower 2. clean house 3. shop for Bre's b-day 4. mow the yard 5. soak feet!!!!
Brandon and Rachel are my 'new best friends' these days. A few years back they gave me a foot massager. Oh, I do love you two! Every night after work I sit for a few with my feet in it. It makes me feel that 'I can go on!' The foot soaks every night are helping a lot to. The not wearing anything but 'flip flops' has made a 'huge' difference. I see a 'pro' pedicure in my future (and not to far in either)
Dennis has been working for the past couple of days on my window air condictioner. I hope he can get it installed soon, BEFORE the humid weather is past. There are only a couple of weeks each summer when 'swamp' cooling just won't 'cut' it and they are fast approaching. I tell him, 'sweetie you really REALLY don't want it to get to the point where I can't sleep because it's to hot. I'll turn into a total b-----' Bless him, he asures me that I already am.
Opps! New plan. Today I work. Darn. Poor Briddy is sick and can't cover her shift. I hope she get's better really quick. So....shower and work. Ain't life grand!

Jul 2, 2011

How many mouse clicks Wendy...youdon't want to know!

Here I am again. I spent 2 hours one afternoon trying to restore this blog. I gave up. I decided it would be much easier to simply create a new one. I just had not gotten 'around to it' yet. I'm posting on Bridget's blog a 'click' something that I didn't mean to and 'whala' I'M BACK! How scary. People like me really shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the 'internet!'