Dec 25, 2009

Guess What--What Wendy?

It's a little after 7:00a.m. Christmas morning. I'm up [obviously!] and waiting for the 'roommates' to make an appearance, so I thought I'd write about MY Christmas present. Guess what I got for Christmas? Oh go ahead-GUESS! Wait! don't go- I got an AIR COMPRESSOR! Now, I realize that those of you who KNOW that I'm no 'tool belt diva' might wonder how I feel about that. I AM THRILLED! First off, we are NOT talking the kind that you plug into the power outlet in your car, Oh no, this plugs in to the wall, it has a hose and multiple end pieces. The one thing I probably won't use it for are my POWER tools. [mine are battery operated] So Wendy--exactly WHAT will you do with an air compressor???? Glad you asked, they are WONDERFUL! You can dust with them ,clean dust from very small places, dust the INSIDE of my base board heater, window runners, ceiling fans, ect. ect. The thing I'm really excited about is the grill UNDER the fridge. You know the one that isn't SUPPOSE to get dirty. [with 3 cats?--oh yeah, like that's going to happen] You CANNOT reach the darn thing, now, I won't have to. An air compressor---WHAT A NEAT GIFT!!! I also got a digital tire gauge. I'd be more thrilled about that if I didn't know it was because someone [who shall remain nameless] knew I couldn't SEE the normal kind. It's cool though. You stick it on the tire stem and WHALA instant readout. The tire pressure in my front passenger tire is 34.5. It's suppose to have 35 so we're good. Of course I do have that 'idiot' light on my dash that TELLS me when the pressure is low. I can use MY new air compressor to fill them when the time comes, how great is that! I believe that this whole gift was because someone wanted HIS compressor back. It's all good though, NOW I have my own. What fun!

Dec 20, 2009

New Game

I love life!!!! I have discovered a new game which is loads of fun. It happened quite by accident. I asked a co-worker about his memories of childhood Christmases. Oh my goodness, it's so much fun to hear what others remember. He could remember a Christmas dinner, complete with a WHOLE crab, sitting on the table, in the place of honor. [all I remember is Turkey] Anyway, it got me to thinking that even siblings would probably remember Christmas differently. So, if any of you have a moment or two to spare, I'd sure like to hear your childhood memories!!! Trust me, it's so much fun to remember!

Dec 17, 2009

Christmas Cheer

So Dennis asks me this morning what 'in the world' was wrong with me. I tell him, 'oh, it's just my usual 'Christmas Cheer.' For over 10 years I haven't been able to figure out why I get so depressed about 1 week before Christmas. FINALLY, I have figured out what's up with me. Perhaps this will be my LAST year of feeling this way. One thing I now know is, you either deal with something at the time or you'll deal with it later. The problem with later is you might be like me. [slow to figure it out.] So even though I may not be the happiest camper on the planet right now, I STILL hope all are having a wonderful season.

Dec 12, 2009

The wisdom of youth

My wonderful son made a very profound statement in his last comment. It's important to remember to live for something higher than ourselves. Tonight I was the recipient of such thinking. It was the annual Christmas party and much to my surprise, Christmas bonus checks were handed out. Although I have received a bonus check every year I have worked at Coral Hills, we were warned last year that that might be the LAST year. I am fully aware that in this economy that took quite a bite out of the profits. To think that the 'powers that be' thought of their employees over what their 'year end' statement would be, well, I'm just overwhelmed!! I do so admire my bosses and am very grateful to work for such a wonderful family. I can't help but think how much fun it will be to try and make someones Christmas a little nicer with the extra money. I do hope that the lessons I've learned from the sort of people I work for, will be well used in my own life.[in truth, I have become quite spoiled in the past few years!] It reminds me of a Christmas party Thad and I attended when I first started working for the Wittwers. I was a little embarrassed by the fact that my clothes were inexpensive and I didn't have a nice watch or any Christmas attire. Tonight, it was Christmas attire, a gold watch, wool coat, diamond necklace--- As I said, really QUITE spoiled. I now realize that I had some wonderful gifts that night that I did not fully appreciate--Thad for instance. So I am committing myself to get my priorities straight--starting today! Love to all. xoxo

Christmas Shopping????

Yesterday was so WEIRD! I go to work and discover there's not enough work for the 3 of us. I decide to leave. Dennis calls, 'why is your mom using her wood burning stove?' I don't know and--HOW did HE know? So I run by mom's, sure enough she's got the wood burner going. Seems she was out of propane. I run the tanks up and get them filled. Dennis runs by and hooks one up for her. Ok, problem solved! Then I run home to vacuum Miss Eva [the tanks were a bit dirty] run Bryon to work and [FINNALLY] go Christmas shopping. My heart isn't in it [looks like it's socks again this year] After one store I'm done [I spent all of 10 dollars, mostly on me] I was hungry so I stop at a little cafe. I'm so glad I did. I ran into a friend and had a LOVELY visit. Then it was nap time. I spent the evening picking-up Bryon, going by the library, entertaining Dennis, watching a Christmas video and talking to Bridget [she's coming home early bless her]. Why do I say the day was WEIRD? I don't know it just FELT weird! Maybe because I should be totally stressed about my gift giving by now. My shopping is SO not done. The way I figure, except for Brynna, I could just give 'gift card' if I can't find the things I want to give. Most of my 'loved' ones might have a better idea of their wants than I do anyway. Also, I don't believe I'm doing a dinner this year, so that removes some of the stress too.
MAYBE I'll get alittle housework done today. THAT would be super!!! Brandon--I love you so! You and Rachel and the children sure add alot to my life and---you don't lose my mp3 player. It's so funny--I WAS going to get Bryon one for Christmas but when I found out he lost mine [purely accidental] I decided NO WAY! Do YOU want a mp3. Just kidding. I got Bryon something totally different. I do LOVE this time of year. It's so fun to try to please those you care about! I love you all. 'God bless us, everyone!' xoxo

Dec 8, 2009

'Tis the SEASON'

I am loving my Christmas Season this year. I hope the same can be said for each of you! My shopping is only partly done, but that's ok, I'll get to it. The only problem is that I only have gifts for 2 of my grandchildren and the last time I counted I had more than that. I mean, even if I leave Kaleb out [too young you know] that still leaves one and I love Brynna too much to leave her out. F.Y.I. Rachel, Serenity's gift 'might' get a bit messy but you're so good at that type of thing, I KNOW you'll help her make something DARLING!!!
The 'roommates' and I have spent the past two evenings watching Christmas Videos. What fun. It brings back such memories. Last night as we watched 'It's a wonderful life' [it IS you know] I told the kids about the year their dad stayed up all night Christmas eve, playing Santa and watching that movie. I'll bet he watched it 3 times that night. He certainly loved it.

Bryon didn't get back to try to drive that car. He had to work a double shift. He hopes to drive it tomorrow. I hope that it works out for him. If everything checks out, Dennis and I will lend him the money. Even though he only has a part time job, his 'track record' with me is so good that we feel he's a good risk. I still laugh about him moving into his mother-in-law's house after he was married because he didn't have any money. Why? He INSISTED on paying me EVERYTHING he owed me BEFORE he got married. As I said, I feel he's a good risk! He would like more freedom and as I just can't let him drive my car, a car of his own would be GREAT! [don't feel bad Bryon, Dennis is the ONLY person who has driven my car!]
It's off to bed I go--'tomorrow is another day!' Ain't that GRAND!

Dec 7, 2009

Cleaning the bathroom

f.y.i. If you decide to 'rent' out part of your house, you'll probably want to have more than ONE bathroom. My 'roommates' and I get it pretty disgusting, add  a 'long haired biker dude' to the mix and oh MY! I haven't cleaned it since Josh left [not that I cleaned it while he was here] and it's pretty bad. I should be doing that right now but--- I'm faint hearted!!!! I'm thinking rubber gloves, paint clothes, a gas mask---you get the picture!
We just got back from looking at a car Bryon might buy. It's only 700 dollars. The exterior looks pretty good but he couldn't 'test drive' it because it had been sitting awhile and would not start. [not a good sign] The owner is going to charge the battery tonight so maybe he can drive it tomorrow. It would be great if he got a car. The weather here isn't  nice for biking at 5:30 a.m.  As he's suppose to work all week, I'd feel better if he was in a car.

Ok, that's it----I'm cleanning the bathrrom or I'll die trying. [so if you don't hear from me---]

Dec 1, 2009

I LOVE December!!!!!!!!!

Do you realize that I have been a happy blogger for very close to a year now? What fun this has been! Anytime I want, I can go back and see what I was doing last year. Perhaps that SOUNDS better than it would be? Anyway, I hope each of you are enjoying the holidays as much as I am. Little 'Miss Eva' became the happy blue CAB today. I was running EVERYONE EVERYWHERE! I believe my FAVORITE run, was running BRYON to work! YES! It may just be a part-time job but---IT'S A JOB! While I was running everyone around, I ended up at Kohl's with Bre. She wanted to shop. I'm wandering around the store and I spy the mantle clock I have drooled over, more than once. 1/2 OFF!!! I want that clock, I HAVE  to have that clock, but how??? When  you go Christmas shopping, you're SUPPOSE to buy gifts for OTHER people, EVERYONE KNOWS THAT! Well--- I place the clock in the very BOTTOM of my cart, yes, I bought it, but I felt HORRIBLY guilty. A little later Dennis calls, I can't even bring myself to mention the clock, AND THEN IT HIT---- I told Dennis how much' I ADORED his Christmas present, how thoughtful, AND it was JUST what I wanted! What a guy!' Naturally he was confused! When the story came out that he'd bought me a clock for Christmas I believe he was relieved. I mean what man REALLY wants to shop for a WOMAN! I may have taken a little explaining but-- it beats admitting, that I BUY CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FOR MYSELF!!!

Nov 29, 2009

ALMOST there!

One more day! That's right folks, one more day and Thanksgiving weekend will be BEHIND ME! Yes! It's not that it's not a GREAT holiday, or that our guests aren't TOTALLY NICE, it's just that there is SO much Laundry! I believe we'll be playing 'catch up' for a couple of days yet. It's all good though, makes for a nice paycheck. That's good as the first payment [for the priveledge of driving Miss Eva] is due Dec. 21st. I should be more worried but the payment isn't all that high so I should be fine. [of course if ya'll get homade cards as Christmas gifts you'll KNOW why!!]
The kids headed home to Provo yesterday. I miss them already. Those kids of theirs sure are cute. I hope all is well with the Doyle family and that no one got lost inside all that stuff you had to take back up with you. I was telling mom, 'it's like one of those things where you drop a feather, and the whole thing comes tumbling down.' I still can't believe what you packed in there:]
Can't wait to go SHOPPING on tuesday. It feels like waiting for Christmmas as a kid. I LOVE to shop.

Nov 25, 2009

Happy [almost] Thanksgiving!

I'm looking forward to the holiday. How about the rest of you? Kaleb will be blessed tomorrow. I think it's sort of cool that he will be blessed on Thanksgiving. I'm about as ready as I'm going to get. As usual, as I'm pulling out of the parking lot at Smith's, I remember, SODA! Oh well, you people don't need all that Sugar anyway. Great hostess Wendy. Not that I'm any better or WORSE than I ever was. I'm all about, 'it is what it is!' The way I figure it, people would not believe that they were at MY house, if something important, wasn't missed. As said, 'it is what it is!' I'll be glad to kick back, kick up my heels, and just enjoy the familiness of a really GREAT holiday. I hope each of you has a SUPER day.

By the by, The change from my CHANGE jar was $54.00. Save those pennies people!

Nov 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Brandon AND Kalab

I think it is a totally sweet surprise that little Kalab decided to make his arrival on his father's birthday. This brings the family total to 12. There are the 6 children, 5 grandchildren [all Brandon], and me. [Yes, I AM a member of the family!] It won't be long before a 'family' picture will involve a whole lot of planning! What's that saying 'all because two people fell in love' Thad, we done good!! As I get older, it's harder for me to keep dates straight. Let's see, 'Serenity is May 7th, Nathan Nov. 30, Brynna Oct. 17th, Hannah Aug. 10th, and little Kalab Nov. 14th. [at least THAT one will be easy to remember] Do keep in mind that I drove the olds. for 10 years and could not tell you the plate number, I probably couldn't name all the kids birth years, and so on and so on. The point of all this is 'if I forget a birthday, it isn't cuz I don't care, it's cuz I'm stupid! [ok, OLD, but I think I prefer stupid!]

Nov 11, 2009

Steering wheel covers??????

Does ANYONE know why they make steering wheel covers so small. I found one that I really liked, but could NOT get it on. After I told Dennis that I was going to ride around with it HALF on, he got worried and came over and got it on for me. I swear you could break a steering wheel trying to get one of those things on. If they take it off Saturday when they spray the interior of Miss Eva, THEY can put it back on.

Nov 9, 2009

I HATE 'to do' lists

I'm getting so far behind that I feel I'm 'ahead.' [not a soul in sight!] Therefore it seemed prudent to make a 'to do' list. [do any of you do that?] It's a idea that SOUNDS good, but isn't. There is nothing like a 'to do' list to make you feel a complete FAILURE! Anyway, I make the silly list. I also listed what I wanted 'to do' in order of importance. [another mistake!] To begin with, the items completed today were considered least important, not a formula for making one feel successful, and I did only about half of them. It did not help that Heather's dog, Ava, jumped in my car yesterday with dusty feet. So I had to add wash, and vacuum the car to my list. I needed to go to the dealership for my plates, to set up for the 'perma plate', and hit the detail shop for the plastic guards I want. I STILL need to do all of the above. [how can that be?] What I did manage was to get money from Breane's account to mine, to pay HER bill and convince the credit union that THEY wanted to carry the loan on the car. The 'up' side of that is that my first payment is due Dec. 21 rather than Nov. 23. I also ran out of light, so the car may still be 'water spotted.' All I can say, is I did my best. While I was out there, wiping away, my neighbor, [who has lived next to me for 25+ years mistook me for Breane!!!!! I LOVE YOU RAELYNN!!!!!

Nov 8, 2009

Happy Sunday, all!

Good morning and Good Morning! I've been up for awhile now. Plans for today! Only two!!! 'Get mom's car back to her AND take Miss Eva out for a spin!' See what she can do. No Brandon, I do NOT plan on acting like I'm in the Indy 500!!! I mean Miss Eva's only a baby. She hasn't even gone 300 miles yet. WHAT are you thinking.??? We were going to head North but Breane says, 'I don't want to go there, it's COLD! [60's are COLD!?] So we are going to head south. I've never liked driving the 'Gorge' so we'll see how THAT goes. I don't plan on going all the way to 'Vegas' but who knows. In the words of our dear Bridget--'you've got a new car AND a cell phone, what more do you need?' Nothing--I guess!?!

Brandon dear, have a safe trip back. Let's think seriously about 'Pie and Ice Cream' next Saturday. I can NOT believe it's been 31 years. I think you're lying. I'll bet it's only been about 10 years. Do you remember your tenth b-day. I sure do! The day it hit [like a brick] I have a SON! All your girl cousins were running around and there you were with your MALE friends, wanting NOTHING to do with them. 'I have a SON, what do I do!!!????' That's the year you got that cheap [sorry] lazer tag set. With the friends you had there, it was a GOOD thing that light was the only thing it shot. [remember the Hirshi boys? I thought you would!]
Hugs to all!

Nov 5, 2009

Is there anyone out there---

Is there anyone out there who is 50 or older. The reason I ask is that I have something I THINK is AGE related. I've always done yard or house work on my knees. I've never had a problem with that. Lately when I kneel it's like I'm kneeling on a stone. I haven't hurt my right knee, that I'm aware of. The pain lasts for while after I kneel. If I kneel on a different spot it seems to be ok. My question is, can you get bone spurs on your knees? My knee is fine UNLESS I kneel. It's going to bite if this is permanent as I love kneeling to work. Oh darn! So does anyone know anything about something like this? Any advice or knowledge would be helpful.

Loving life AND my Artic Blue Hatchback! I'm finally really, REALLY enjoying the FUN [not worry] of driving a NEW car! Yeah, for Nissan!

Nov 4, 2009

Babysitting---Give me the kids, ANYDAY!

I took it upon myself to take responsibility for Mom's car while she was away! BIG MISTAKE! 'Mom, come HOME, Babysit your own car!' Taking it to the 'shop' for an inspection, no big deal, right? Wrong!!! I couldn't even trust Gabe. He took something out of it WITHOUT asking? Can you believe the nerve of some people. However---in Gabe's defense he not only told me what he took, he SHOWED me. [Thanks Gabe] It seems mom had a 'stowaway.' A lovely BIG 'black widow' spider! Let me tell you, that does NOT make ME want to drive mom's car!! I won't be putting any miles on it! Maybe Mom KNEW about the spider, MAYBE that is why it was there. Keep me honest, will you mom. Well, call me silly, but I love you ANYWAY!
I did simply LOVE babysitting the grandkids today. They are both so cute that it makes me smile. Brandon, Rach, you done good!!! I hope the new little one is a better baby than Bryon was [MY forth] or you two will go CRAZY!! Much as I love the little tykes, it's better if YOU raise them! For those not in the know, 'our newest arrival is expected VERY soon. Oh, and congrats to Dinny on her newest 'little one' I sure hope she gets to see him soon!
Love ya all!

Breane--Not me

Do you like my new background? Breane did it for me, isn't she sweet! I still need to get Mom's car inspected. I had planned to do that 2 days ago but couldn't find her paperwork. When I FINALLY did find it, it was right where she said it would be. Good job Wendy. I hope that I didn't lose anything she needs looking for it!! I believe I'll take the car to Gabe this morning. After that, I'll need to put gas in it and check the tire pressure. She doesn't have the niffty light that I have, which comes on if the pressure gets low. I have already washed, vacuumed and waxed it, so I'll be good to go. I hope she gets back down here real soon. The last I heard she'll be in 'hospital' all of today. Diane was not sure just what day they'd be able to travel back down. The doctors will decide that I'm sure. Bless Diane's darling heart. She's such a caring person. I don't know what mom and I would do without her. I'll have to tell her sometime what Clinton was saying about her, it was pretty cute! We love our Dinny!
By the way Bridget, you really 'made' mom's day, with your phone call. I'm so proud to call you 'daughter!' For anyone else who is interested, Mom's numbers are:
Hospital: 801-507-4303 or cell phone:[435] 862-2165

Love to all! Breane is still pretty sick but not getting any worse, so that is good. I read that they don't want you to take sick ones to the doctor unless they are pretty bad because the doctors are so busy. Is this what everyone else thinks?? I HATE to do the wrong thing. She's coughing a lot but seems to have good lung use!

Oct 30, 2009

Possible Salt Lake Trip

Just to keep all in 'the loop!' Mom will NOT be returning from Salt Lake tomorrow. She will be staying at least another week. There are issues with her heart. She will be admitted to the hospital on Monday for testing. Depending on what is decided I may run to Salt Lake to either help Diane out or to relieve her so she can come home. [I'll have a tough time talking into THAT, I'm sure!!!] At this time, Mom's homecoming is not expected until NEXT weekend. As soon as I know more, I'll tell all!

Love to all! Shar, I hope all is well with you and your little family!

Oct 29, 2009

Ever get the feeling--you've 'pissed off' the entire world?

Sorry, but this might be considered another 'car post!' In fact it was kinda funny. As I wrote, I wasn't entirely happy with the car loan. I decided to take the papers into to the Credit union for them to have a 'look see!' The loan was for 6.33 interest and the Credit union will do it for 5.25 interest. I've been with this Credit Union for 'going on' 30 years. Ok, first off, the gal at the 'Union' was ticked because the financing had already been done when she had TOLD me that the Union would finance me. Second, the gal at the dealership was ticked because she loses her 'bit' for getting me the financing that best suited the dealership. Third, I'll only save around 5 dollars on the monthly payments. ALMOST, makes me wish I hadn't bothered. However, I'm still happy with my Credit Union, I hadn't liked dealerships BEFORE my present experiences, AND I will save 360.00 or so, in INTEREST! I HATE PAYING INTEREST! This is beginning to feel A LOT like the last time I bought a car. No wonder any thinking person HATES dealerships, they ALWAYS have their own 'best interests' at heart!!!!! I certainly HOPE I have better luck with the 'Service' department! [by the by, the gal at the Union wasn't rude or anything, pretty sweet actually!]

Well, it's off to shop I go! I still have some Halloween shopping. The BEST part--I'm using Breezy's Money!!!

I love my kids!!!

Brandon, you make me laugh! Isn't it great that we have memories we can share! Thad gave you the Toyota, Bridget got the Spectrum [that she WRECKED!] AND the Nova. Bryon bought his Mazda himself [which he likes to remind me of] HOWEVER, I DID give him the THUNDERBIRD! [he just didn't want it, so I gave it away!] So I suppose Breane is indeed entitled to a car. I do like your idea Brandon. Maybe, I should give her a car BUT---there is no 'hard and fast' rule about what KIND of car. I KNOW I'll get her a 20-year-old PLIG RIG! I'll bet she'd LOVE that! Lesson to be learned here---'be careful what you ask for!!!!!!'

Oct 28, 2009

Shopping at Wal-Mart--In CEDAR City!

I kept saying to the girls today that I wanted to go shopping at Wal-Mart. They ignored me until I told them 'I want to go shopping at Wal-Mart---In CEDAR!' They didn't get it! So let me spell it out. 'I WANT TO DRIVE!' Even I am shocked by this. I've HATED to drive- FOREVER! I hate to think that the whole thing was, 'I HATE to drive the olds.' Last night when Bryon went with me to Wal-Mart [In St. George] I never even considered letting him drive. It would be super if I could enjoy driving. Breane seems to want to learn to drive, NOW! I hope the Bradster really will teach her. I don't mind the idea of her driving the Nissan AFTER she's already learned to drive. I hope that I don't get too bad about this car but I probably will. The person with the most influence with me is TOTALLY anal about HIS cars! This should be fun! By the by, does anyone know where I can get a good shopvac, cheap????,

Oct 27, 2009

Shop Vac!

Does anyone know where I can get a shop vac CHEAP! I don't mean a cheap shop vac. just one I don't spend alot for. This is the reason- I will want to vacuum the new car pretty often and the house vac doesn't work real well for the car. [in fact it doesn't work real well- period!] That wasn't so bad with the olds. but now--- well you see, I was HORRIBLY embarrassed to 'trade in' the olds. because it looked TERRIBLE. [I was grateful to get the 1,325.00 for it.] I wasn't simply that it wasn't running all that good it also had not been maintained well the past few years. I NEVER want to feel like that again!

HALLOWEEN! D--- I'll be glad to see this holiday! Why? This year it seems it has been one HORROR film after the other. But--after Saturday night, ALL BETS ARE OFF! No more horror films until NEXT Halloween! Yeah!

Oct 24, 2009

Men--How do they do that?

I would say that 'I'm the proud owner of a Brand New [09] Nissan Versa!' That would be a lie. With over 12,000 still owed on it, I guess Bank of America is the owner. They're just going to let me drive it for a measly 210.00 a month. I'm not crazy about the loan so I'll probably refinance at a future date. I AM Crazy about the car!!! LOVE that little thing. It is a Arctic Blue hatchback! I'm scared to death to drive it [remember I HAVE been driving a car EVERYONE wants to hit for ten years now.] Breezy's great! She keeps telling me I'm doing fine. She likes the car, probably because the fact that I bought it today and NOT on Monday like I thought I would, means she walked away with I blue Ipod! She says she got it free! FREE MY ---! I'll bet I pay for that and then some. She got the Ipod because she sat through the WHOLE ordeal with me and didn't 'cut out early' like some people! [Dennis] Getting to the point--[finally] Dennis kept telling me that I shouldn't buy the first thing I liked and THEN---As Soon as I said I liked [loved] the car, he went in there and starting fighting for me to get it. He got the payment from 299.00 down to 200.00 and then WALKED out on me!???? What???? WAIT--I don't know how to do this!!!! The reason the payment is 210.00 was because I let myself be talked into some sort of protection warranty that they put protection on the inside and outside of the car. It should help it wear better. We will see!

Oct 22, 2009


Ever have one of those LIFETIMES when you feel totally discouraged? Watch out! Tonight I'm the 'Mistress of Doom and Gloom!' Car shopping has become an 'also ran--' It's like,'What makes me think I deserve better than an 11-year-old car that someone used as a parking spot' or 'Why would I be offered a seat just because I made a special effort to visit someone' or---oh well, you get the picture. I HATE it when I'm like this. One thing life has taught me is that if you want to be offended, you'll have plenty of opportunity. So you just pick yourself up and move along [quickly!!! so someone doesn't hit you!] However, I may be driving the 'olds' for a bit yet as I've lost all desire to car shop. At least for now. I hope all is well with each of you. Oh by the by, not feeling at all well! I hope it's just a cold and not the flu or something.

I'm going to watch a movie with the roommates. It's about a robot. 'Wal-E or something. Angie lent it to us. I hope it's good.

Oct 18, 2009

Car shopping--can we say, FUN!!!

Car shopping today. What fun? that was. We walked all over 4 or 5 car lots, just to see what was 'out there!' Good news, I can afford a 'brand new car' if---I'm not TOOOO picky about the 'extras.' I've been making a list. It is sort of fun to write what I want and then write what I'll settle for. For instance, I WANT a sunroof, but I HAVE to have power windows and locks! See what I mean, and I haven't even test driven anything yet. There is a Toyota that I really like, a Honda and a Ford. The Toyota looks like a box [I know, it surprised me too that I liked it] but it is totally cute. If I like it when it's been test driven, it will be in the running as I could get a brand new one. The Honda Civics were great but I'd have to get used. I did see a Malibu and Focus that I liked. As you can tell, I'm not shopping High End. What I really need is something dependable that gets good gas mileage. It will be interesting what I end up with. Sopping on Sunday was great, no pushy sales people but I didn't get to drive anything so I've got a lot to do still. Hope I'm sane by the time we are through???

Happy Birthday Brynna

The grandkids were totally cute last night. I can't believe Brynna is two already. After watching them I decided that for a two-year-old all you need is a bunch of helium filled balloons. What fun they had. It was great seeing everyone again. [Rachel's Family--totally nice people!] Brandon came by after the party and we had a lovely visit. The boys were teasing Bre before she left with her friend. Poor Breane!!

Getting Mom and Diane's Christmas to them early was a lot of fun. They were both so sweet about it. Since the thing I really REALLY wanted to do, is now done, I'm thinking that I might do Christmas different this year. For many a year I've planned some kind of family Christmas, first when the kids were little, and later, to get them all together for a family time. I think I might let all that family stuff be done by someone else and I'll just go along for the ride this year. See what the season brings and simply enjoy whatever I do do. Christmas can be so stressful, what with the gift giving and activities. I guess I'm ready for a truly 'laid-back' Christmas this year. Time will tell if it turns out that way or not. Breane is making it easy, all she wants are 'cute' socks. Now THAT I can do!!

Oct 14, 2009

Burn my butt----

Breezy HATES me. I'm afraid this is true. I can think of no other explanation for why she'd throw boiling water on my 'backside.' [ok BUTT!] I'm minding my own business, leaning over to put a pan I'd just cleaned [one SHE had gotten dirty]in the pan cupboard, when suddenly my 'butt is burning! She [Breane] was removing a glass from the microwave that she'd been heating water in for tea. She sticks her thumb in it to see if the water was hot enough. Oh yes, it WAS hot enough, in fact it was scalding. She jerks her hand and the glass tips and boiling water ends up on my 'backside.' [ok, BUTT!] I was so shocked!!! When I realize what has happened, I'm laughing and swearing all in the SAME breathe. I tell you, that'll get your blood pumping. I was just about to leave for work so the first hour I'm there my bottom is still stinging. Of course I told ANYONE who'd listen what had happened. I wouldn't be at all surprised if all Bre's co-workers wore oven mitts on their bottoms tomorrow. I believe I will. As you can imagine, a day that starts like that doesn't get a whole lot better!!!!

Oct 12, 2009

Here we go again---

Yes indeed, dear ones, I need your help! Since my recent accident I've decided I no longer wish to drive the OLDS. [in fact I don't even want to be in the same State with it!] How I'm going to pay for a new car remains to be seen but for now, it's Car shopping time. Now please keep in mind that this is one 'Granny' who wants to look like a 'hot lady' so Sedans, SUV's, and Minivans are out, O-U-T---Out![I DID my time!] Please tell me what appeals to you so that while I'm shopping I can look at those makes and models. I could use all the help I can get. The only car I've sat in so far had a previous driver who was careless with lit cigarettes. 'You want me to pay 20 thousand for this?' I'll bet the salesman can still hear me laughing. [the way he did when I said I wanted 0% financing.] As you see, I really do need help. So please send your suggestions my way, they will be appreciated!

RACH____ The pictures are really REALLY fun to see! What cute Kids and Grandkids I have!!!!

Oct 10, 2009

Thanks RACHEL!

Just wanted to thank you all for your sympathy comments about my 'brush with death!'[o.k.,o.k. that is a 'bit' much] Oh wait, only RACHEL commented. Well, thank you Rachel, as for the rest of you----No, just kidding, I love you all. I am feeling a bit better today just not looking forward to dealing with this new problem. I figure, I can't do anything about it before Monday----life goes on.
I'm trying to clean-up this mess I fondly call 'home' but I'm being a bit slow about it. Let me think, who can I blame this on---oh yeah, DENNIS! No really, it is his fault! Here I am, with the holidays on their way, and all the chaos that involves, so what does Dennis do??? Yep, he did! Started a completely new project. The one room in my house that was pretty organized and THAT'S the one he decides to mess with. He [bless him] bought me an ironing unit. This is one of those cupboards that goes into the wall. Of course you have to cut the wall in order to install it. When this is done it will be SUPER but for now---[f.y.i. Brandon-Dennis ALMOST gave it to you to install in your home--you OWE me son!] I keep telling myself that when I can iron and then just close the cupboard it will be so very nice [and it will] Guys---ya gotta love um!

Oct 9, 2009

Why ME!?!?

Please don't misunderstand, I'm sick about the motorcyclist being injured! This is what happened. I was buying veggies at Costco, Dennis calls, I sit in my car and talk with him. I get OFF the phone, [Thank GOODNESS I'll NEVER talk and Drive again!!!] I put my car in gear, and pull out into traffic. I get all the way to Home Depot and a motorcyclist pulls out, making a RIGHT hand turn, crosses one lane of traffic, and takes out the side of the olds. Yes, he was injured and yes I feel TERRIBLE about that. What I don't 'GET' is why he was so insistent that it was MY fault. As I stood on the side of the rode and was grilled by the 'police' I knew there was NOTHING I could have done. Even if I'd managed to get into the turning lane, he still would have hit me, he was at full throttle. I am home now and quite 'shakey' but I'm sure I'll be alright. I just wish that I didn't have to pick up Breane in a few minutes. I SO don't want to drive right now. What I wouldn't give to call Briddy and ask her to do it. Oh my, I AM a baby! [f.y.i. I did NOT receive a citation!] I think the gentleman will be o.k. but he did hit his head. He kept saying he was o.k. so I told the Police that he was holding his head when I got out of my car. He did end up going to the hospital, I just got word from the police that he seemed to be o.k. I sure hope that is the case. The bad thing is that this is the SAME side of the car that had to be repaired not 2 years ago. Maybe, I won't bother, just get a new car. I SHOULD BE SO LUCKY!!!

Oct 5, 2009

Bryon-ya gotta love him!!!!!

Bryon's cell phone doesn't work. Why!??? Because he was using it to TEXT while taking a SHOWER! That one is a real Brain-e-act! I told him, 'I was going to ask Dennis if he might have an old one you could get activated until your contract is up, but not now!' 'Why mom?' Oh I see it all now, Dennis asks HOW Bryon's cell phone got broken? um, well, you see, 'THE DOG ATE IT!!!' That probably wouldn't work as these days we keep the dog in an urn. I thought that I'd topped it all when I flushed my cell phone down the toilet, but even that is understandable compared to this!!!!!

Breezy talked me into watching 'The Village' tonight. October, horror, you know the deal. The movie was quite good. That really surprised me as I hate horror movies. I refuse to watch them anytime but October and only then because Breezy's pleads! My kids, you gotta love um!!!!

Oct 2, 2009

I need to move!!!

Yep, I've decided the only way to get away from traditional St. George activities is to move. Last month it was the 'Dixie Round-up, [I've never been- even though I've lived here my entire life-and that's been ever so long!] this month, it's the Marathon. I really HATE the Marathon! It's not a BAD activity, UNLESS you work at a motel. There is a reason that it is my least favorite weekend of the whole year. I wonder if they will EVER decide that Marathon Sunday [which is usually General Conference Sunday] and Senior Games Sunday should NOT be on the SAME Sunday. It's always a lot of work and as usual our 15 room motel decided to stripe their bedding today [they want it clean for the Marathon] that wouldn't be so bad if they didn't turn right around and stripe it again on Sunday so it will be clean for the Seniors. How is it that I wash more bedding for that motel than I do for Coral Hills. Hey all, if you want to stay at a motel with CLEAN, CLEAN, clean bedding, stay at Dixie Palm. Just be warned, that bedding is CURSED!!!! [I curse it every time it comes through the Laundry!]

Breezy and I plan to clean -up the back yard tomorrow and put up Halloween decorations. [No Bridget-I HAVEN'T put them up yet!] I hope you all enjoy Marathon Saturday as much as I plan to. Love to all

Sep 27, 2009

Sunday Afternoon

I have had a truly lovely day. The mountain was super. The colors were just starting to change. It was beautiful!!! After we got home I decided that I simply MUST do some housework. [Things were getting pretty bad! That's when I saw it [I almost fainted!] Yes dears, Rachel's birthday card. How can that be, I was sure that I mailed it Friday. Oh damn! [sorry Rach, but that IS what I said!] Her birthday is tomorrow! I'm so glad that I gave her her GIFT early. I hope it came in handy dear. Yes, I will be thinking of you as I mail your card TOMORROW! This card probably ought to be chucked into the trash can as soon as it arrives. Not only have I spilled coffee all over it, I realized when I went to put in a personal note, it's kinda rude! Sometimes I can be pretty dense. I got it cuz I liked the cat on it! Geez Wendy! Anywho, hope your b-day is simply WONDERFUL! Thanks for being such a love and brightening my life. Love Mom D.

Sep 25, 2009

Update--Breezy is still with us!

8:30a.m. yesterday we were at the oral surgeons office. By 10:00a.m. we were home again. [even though I'd stopped for the pain meds. I'd like to make that kind of money per hour!!!] Breezy didn't seem to well for the first couple of hours but started to bounce bake quick. That's good as Bryon had to do the sister sitting for the afternoon. [I did end up working.] When I got home I made a lovely veg. soup. Breezy says, 'gee mom, that looks good!!!' I say, 'yeah, too bad you don't get it like this.' I pour hers into the blender. Whalah, instant veg. smoothie. I tasted it, it wasn't great but not TOO bad. She didn't care, [hungry I guess] she drank it right up. We had to keep ice on her face yesterday and heat today. I had to cover both my shift and hers today [with Angie's help] so I'm just off of a 91/2 hour day with NO breaks. Sure hope tomorrow goes better. We plan on going 'on the mountain' first thing Sunday so I hope we get a restful day. Hugs to all you sweetie's.

Sep 23, 2009

It never rains----IT POURS!!!

First off, thank you all so much for your input. It helped A LOT! Now for today. It started pretty good--with Dennis eating humble pie! [I LOVED it!] It seems that he didn't trust me to check on the price Breezy was going to pay for her teeth extraction, so---he checked himself. When he came by this morning, he HUMBLY:] informed me that we were being charged the going rate! All Right! He leaves, Breezy gets up. Oh my GOODNESS! An entire half her face was swollen. I IMMEDIATELY call my dentist. He x-rayed her at 10:00a.m. [I've decided I'm an IDIOT! No way, was this a wisdom tooth problem.] I'm not so dumb. IT WAS! He sends us upstairs to see the surgeon who is going to pull her teeth. The surgery is still a go but she is on medication. I liked the dr. I feel good about his concern and the steps he plans to take. Ok, I get Bre home and then have to run to work to cover her shift. At work, a washer is down, a new chemical system is being set up, a dryer goes down AND we get a call that there will be an Inspection tomorrow! I had to ask myself 'WHAT am I doing here!!!' However, by the end of the day, we had all our machines working, the new system is 3/4 in AND we are ONLY 6 or 7 loads behind. I hope Sarah can work my entire shift tomorrow, I'm not UP for dealing with the inspection. [naturally I'll do whatever I have to, but I DO hope!]

Take my life--PLEASE. No, just kidding, I LOVE my life but today WAS a bit much. Love to all and thanks again for your support AND advice.

Sep 22, 2009

Family, please help!

OK, HERE'S THE PROBLEM! Breezy was at the dentist a couple of months ago. This is the only dentist she's ever been to. I trust this man. He tells her, 'you may want to think about having your wisdom teeth pulled.' [no, I don't know why he said this.] He doesn't pull wisdom teeth. [I'm SURE he has a good reason!] Ok, fast forward to about 2 weeks ago. One of Breane's wisdom teeth started to hurt. It has been hurting almost non-stop. Today I figure, enough is enough, so on the way to work we stop at the oral surgeon's office above my dentist. They will get her in and pulled all four teeth [under sedation] for a measly [choke] 1,300 to 1,600 dollars. Gasp!!!! And they didn't even have a gun! I ask Breezy, she says 'Yes!' [she's the one paying] We make an appointment for Thursday at 8:30a.m. Now comes the problem. DENNIS! When I told him he went BALISTIC!!! He insists that's way too much. Ok, I'll go along with that. He wants me to spend tomorrow on the phone finding a DENTIST that will pull them. I'm not sure about that. I mean I trust MY dentist and he won't pull them. Should I really take her to someone I don't know, who will. Even if it's a lot less money, should I really do this? Please help me out and send your comments. It would really help to have other points of view. Please keep in mind that Bre is in PAIN!

Extended family-this means you!!!

My last two posts have been about grandkids and this one is no different. [sorry!] I was thinking about what a trip it is to see the NEXT generation. Lets see, there are 7 or 8 now. I don't know Forrest's little one, but there's Skyler, Trissy, Serenity, Nathen, Brynna, Hannah, Jase, Legacy, Kaylah and the expected arrivals. I hope I haven't forgotten anyone! I decided that though I'm STILL not happy about saying a fond fare-thee-well to MY youth, this ALMOST makes it worth it. These little ones are so AMAZING! Watching my sisters with their grandkids is so much fun. Dinny jumping up and down, clapping her hands cuz Trissy learned something new, Heidi, mothering that 'little man' of hers to death. It really surprises me that Jase allows her too. Those of you that have seen him will know what I mean. When you look into his big, BIG eyes it's like you see the wisdom of the world in them. I don't call him a 'little man' for no reason! Yet, he takes to Heidi's mothering like a duck to water. I may not be happy about my body turning traitor on me, but hanging around for this new generation has been a total gas. [Oh, and I can't forget the girliest girl alive, Legacy, no wonder she's Daddy's little princess!!!!] Hey family, you did ALRIGHT!!! Keep 'um coming!

Sep 21, 2009

Grandkids-too much of a good thing--Is Wonderful!

Don't you just love the title. [no, Caleb is the ONLY expected grandchild this year.] I titled it that way because Dinny just gave me a shirt that says that on it. Isn't that just too cute, and so TRUE! I am looking forward to the holidays this year. What with Caleb's expected arrival AND planning to spend Christmas with Briddy and the Bradster. [with a possible side trip to see the grandkids] The holidays should be something to remember.

By the by, Mom and Dinny aren't feeling well. Alergies according to the Doc. I have my doubts. I sure hope they get feeling better right quick. I'll check on them in a day or two. They're the best!

Sep 16, 2009

I'm in LOVE!!!

Yep, the LOVE bug has indeed bit! [Dennis is going to be SOOOO mad!] Yes indeed, I am IN LOVE! Who? [you may well ask!] That would be my absolutely ADORABLE granddaughters. [yes Dennis, you won't have to KILL anyone, at least you'd better not!] I was busy doing some touch-up painting this morning when Rachel calls, 'would I be willing to watch Hannah while she went to the doctors!?' Would I? You bet!!! The darling little Cherub was sleepy so I changed her and then we just sat in the 'reading' chair and she ate cereal and drank her milk. She was sleeping within minutes. I couldn't consider putting her down, so I just sat and held her until Mom and Brynna came back. What bliss! I thought Hannah was the most adorable child on the planet until---Yes, Brynna---What can I say? She's got to be the cutest, almost two-year-old, alive. Oh my, no favorites here, their both too cute for words. What fun! I only hope Rachel didn't feel like an 'also ran---' She's the best daughter[in-law] a mom-in-law could ask for. We are ever so funny. Each one of us gets busy with our lives and then feels guilty cuz we don't make more of an effort towards each other. I must give her the highest compliment I can, 'Rachel dear, I never feel uncomfortable when I'm with you!' That may not sound like much but believe me it is. It's so nice to visit with someone and be so ok with just being yourself. By the by, I told Dennis what you said about the trim board, he was ever so pleased!

While I'm on the subject of kids--Bridget's visit was the best! Because of her schedule she is never, ever, here long enough. I had such fun shopping with you dear! I can not wait until you are here ALL the time. I've missed you so. Thanks for helping Breezy with her I.D. card. I can ALWAYS count on you. Oh, Bryon has his car rented for friday morning, it looks like a 'go' for him. I'll certainly keep you posted.
Back to work tomorrow. That's ok! It's been a pretty fun two days off. I've spent a ton of money but that's fun too. Breezy can't wait til you're home. I miss you! Hugs

Sep 10, 2009

New post- as promised

First- Thanks for updating me Rachel. If you had already told me that, I am sorry for bugging you. However, it feels like news to me. I haven't been in a church house since Brynna's blessing ,that I recall. I do remember that the Sunday School guys were SUPER neat and you could ALWAYS count on them to answer ANY questions you might have about Church theology, and now my 'little boy' is one of them. Gee Brandon, that's GREAT!!![will you still talk to mom though?] I'm very pleased with you for taking the lead with your family. Way to go son!

Bridget will be here sometime tomorrow afternoon. Yeah!!! It's always so fun to see her. I think we will treat ourselves to a dinner at 'Brick Oven' just to celebrate. Right Sis! No one here EVER wants to eat out [at least not with me] so it should be fun for both of us.

AIDA!! What to say? It was indeed set in Egypt. [New kingdom period][ b.c. for those not in the know] Did I enjoy it?? YOU BET!!! I would see it, again any day, any time!! [yeah, it was that good] The fact that Elton John had co-wrote the music was VERY obvious. I could hear his theme type again and again. I expected to see a piano on stage at any moment. If you like stories set in Egypt and those about star-crossed lovers you would enjoy this. By the by, does anyone know if they REALLY buried people alive during that time frame. [not a pleasant thought!!!!!]

Sep 8, 2009

post alert--

Going to Tuachan tonight. [I think I misspelled that] New post to follow. This play is Aida. I haven't heard of it before, but someone said it had an Egypt type theme. If that's the case I'll LOVE it. I like ALL THINGS Egyptian!!!!! I'll post AFTER I've seen the play.

Sep 2, 2009

At last!!!!!!!!

FINALLY, I am having a really productive day. I'm so proud of me. I started the day in the backyard. I cleared a good size section before it got too hot. I also cleaned two [count them TWO] planters out. I come inside and primmer the dinning room wall. [Dennis once again had to raise a base board heater because the new trim board is too tall.] I've had a nap, put two coats of paint on that wall, painted the new trim board, done 3 loads of wash and it is only 3:30. I have tons more to do but I think a good chunk of it will actually get done. This feels wonderful. I haven't been able to figure out what was wrong but I've had zero motivation lately. I need to finish cleaning up the paint mess so I better get to it. Brandon and Rachel-I'm so glad you had a good anniversary. No two people [or is that 6] deserve it more. By the by, thanks for the grand kids. I may just have to 'play favorites' this Christmas. I'll tell the others, '-yeah, when I get some GRANDkids from you-'

Aug 26, 2009

Early days---

I've been waiting for these shorter work days it seems like FOREVER! So now that I'm getting a few, am I spending the extra time at home wisely? Of course--NOT!--I don't know why but I'm feeling a 'bit' discouraged lately. I've decided I need a 'new' game plan. Oh dear, no motivation! All I've come up with so far is--'Wendy, you may NOT retire at night UNLESS the dishes are done, coffee pot is set for the morning AND the kitchen floor is swept. My hope is that getting up to a neat kitchen might help me get a good start on the day. I have tomorrow off but then have to be at work by 9:00a.m. for 5 days running. It seemed a good time to put the new plan in action. I'll keep you all posted.

So that I don't make it too hard on myself. I believe tonight's meal is going to be something really REALLY simple. Salad, I think!

Aug 24, 2009

Problem solved!!!

I mentioned in a recent post that I didn't know what to do with the bed in the garage. PROBLEM SOLVED! The 'hide-a-bed' gave up the ghost!! I guess it was not designed to sleep an 'adult' for 3 months running! Neither Bryon or I could pull it out anymore. I discovered why when we moved it. The frame is totally 'bent!' So anyway, the bed is now in the t.v./Bryon's room. Good-bye t.v., Good-bye surround sound, at least for now! It's all good though, Bryon doesn't know it yet, but when he does move out, he's buying me a brand new 'hide-a-bed!' The way I figure it, he 'owes' me! What do you all think my chances are??? Oh well, maybe Breezy and I will find a couch we like better anyway!

I need to take mom to therapy this morning. I always enjoy the time I spend with her. I hope to get some of my work done today but who knows. I seem to do as little as possible most days off. I wonder why??

Aug 21, 2009

-and another one bites the dust---

Consumer beware!!! I received ANOTHER notice today from one of my credit cards. I was VERY suspicious! Why? Dennis told me that they have just changed some laws to try and protect the consumer from credit card companies. So ANY company that contacts me now raises my suspicions that they want to get something on me 'under the wire' as it were. Well, I don't know about that but as I reviewed the material sent, I almost fainted!!!! 25% Interest? SURELY they jest!!! There is NOTHING I want bad enough to pay that kind of interest. The title says it all. They received their card [or part of it] back with my very nice 'thanks but no thanks' note. That brings the grand total of credit returned to 14,700 dollars. It hurts a little until I remember the rate that they want to charge me, then it doesn't hurt at all!!! If anyone knows why all the companies are suddenly raising their rates I'd sure like to be enlightened 'cuz I'm not 'getting it!'

Aug 19, 2009

Bridget--you're the GREATEST!!!

Briddy dear, I sure have been missing you lately. It's made me realize how much I count on you! Do you realize that in your 29 years of life you have NEVER let me down. What an amazing record. Although you have not always agreed with me you have ALWAYS let me feel your support! When I think about it, I don't understand how you do that. I have many people that I love and who love me. [I'm so lucky!!] However, life is busy and we don't always let those we care about feel it. How in the world can you ALWAYS show support??? I would LOVE to figure that out, so that I can do it to. I don't think you do it so that I will love you, [I do!!!] I think that you are simply such a warm person that you can't help it. You remind me of mom, she is so warm too! Come ON girl, teach me to be warmer!!! Anyway, love you bunches and bunches!!!

Aug 16, 2009

Grandee--It's the BEST!!!

LOVED having the girls yesterday. My, but they've grown. Brynna is such a little PERSON! I could see her 'pushing the limits.' She didn't know me quite well enough to push very hard, but pushing she was. What a gal! She was so cute to watch Aladdin with Uncle Bryon. What a tease he is! She loved it though. Hannah is a cutie but still at the age where EVERYTHING goes in the mouth. [except dinner which went on the floor] About dinner, she thought eating it off the floor might be fun but mean ol' Grandee said 'No'! I had a ball but after about 4 hours Bryon noticed that I 'might?' be reaching my limit. He was right. I'd do it again though. THEY WERE FUN!!!!!!

Aug 14, 2009

Mom-you did IT again!

Mom-you've got to love her. However, in my NEXT life, I want a mom who isn't quite so intelligent. This is her newest blunder. I'm teasing Breezy last night. I start a quote, 'oh the tangled web we weave--' and so on and so on. Yes, it DID drive me crazy that I couldn't remember the rest. I've been on the internet for 30 minutes trying to find the quote. I should have guessed, mom would have quoted an AUTHOR! Sr. Walter Scott. The entire quotation goes as follows, 'oh the tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!' I suppose this is just the price you pay when MOM'S a retired SCHOOL TEACHER! [yes, I WAS using the quote properly, but that's another story]

Looking forward to minding the GRAND babies tomorrow evening. When the new 'little one' arrives it will take BOTH grand moms to look after then. It's all good though, Shar is easy to work with. We'll just take turns on which ones we take. One thing I do know, me [alone] and 3 babies is a formula for disaster!!! I do so love seeing the girls. They are growing way to fast. Don't those two have a 'slow down' button, I need to catch my breathe!

Trim board needs painting. I TRIED to tell Dennis that there was already some painted trim board he could use but--- I think he just did not want to install trim board this morning. Well for his information the work will NOT go away or be done by someone else! [if that were true I'd live in the cleanest house in all of St. George!!!]

Aug 12, 2009

CRAZY-it's SO much fun!!!

Yes indeed, I HAVE found a new way to drive myself CRAZY! It's SO bizarre! I have this shirt. The past few times I've worn it, it hasn't been overly comfortable. Why? There's a scratch on my pudgy tummy. I FINALLY realized today that there is a sticker in it. Ok Wendy, REMOVE the sticker. Easier said than done. FIRST, I have to FIND the little bugger. I have practically torn this shirt apart, looking for it. I decide that it's 'all in my head' and then---- Yes indeed, if you have to come visit me, in a place they put me to keep me [and others] safe, it will be the fault of this $#*&*!* shirt!!!!

Hi ho, Hi ho, it's off to work I go. Bryon will be so happy. The poor thing, as SOON as he finishes one project, I have a new one for him. He'll leave the 'comforts' of my home just to get some rest. The sweet dear cut the branch that hung over my driveway yesterday. No big deal, right? Well, not the way I had in mind. He did a much MUCH better job than I intended. The branch was hanging too low, so I wanted him to cut the END off of it. I should have remembered I was asking a MAN. He cut the entire branch off. No more problem! [this year, next year or for many years to come!!!] I DO appreciate that dear boy. [yeah I KNOW he's a MAN, but he'll ALWAYS be a boy to me!] He also set up my receiver to get the am, fm radio yesterday. It's so fun to listen to the radio with the nice sound from the speakers. Now, if he could just 'hook up' my mp3 player to the receiver. That MIGHT be a trick, as I usually listen to IT at WORK! I'd need A LOT of speaker wire:]

Aug 7, 2009

Garage cleaning???

I am CONSIDERING cleaning the garage tomorrow! I haven't even started and I'm thinking this may not be one of my brighter ideas! [this coming from a gal whose 'not the sharpest knife in the drawer!'] It is just that it's such a mess. I still can't figure out where to store the bed. This would not be a problem if SOME people hadn't decided a hammock was better than a bed for sleeping. I should have made her figure out what to do with the bed:]

Work is going well. I may even have 3 washers running this weekend. That would be way WAY cool. I'm tired of being 'behind' every day. By the time we get 'caught up' it's the weekend again. Of course, as always, there is that one co-worker that I wouldn't 'spit on if he was on fire!' There always seems to be one. Is it him, or is it ME! No, it's HIM!

Loved the recent comment Rach. Yeah, you do indeed qualify as AWESOME! Any woman who can 'give birth' [no matter the size of the said 'little one'] every year, is AWESOME!

Aug 5, 2009

Hi 'all

I have gained about 5 min. So I thought I'd write a bit. No, I did not learn how to create time, I'm just about 5 min. ahead of my cleaning schedule for this afternoon. I had mom to therapy this morning. That woman is AWESOME!! [any woman who can birth a 10lbs. 4oz. baby is TRULY awesome!] She is up to one hour on her therapy and working on her own at home. I can see so much difference already. Yeah sibs, she is where the stubborness comes from. I'm so proud of her. Just between us friends though, it doesn't hurt that her therapist is GORGEOUS! Many men aspire to look like him, but few are so lucky! So you see, it's no hardship at all, to help mom out. [Not that it would be even if the man was ugly!]

I did a little shopping at 'Big Lots' when I got through. I was looking for a soap that Diane found there. The soap is big, pink, with a white wrapper and says Zout. I tell you this because I have yet to find a laundry, de-stain soap that even comes close. If you see that soap, and value your clothing, buy it. You won't be disappointed. I couldn't find any, so if you DO see it, buy me a couple of bars, will you?

I'm afraid my 5 min. are up, so---so long, farewell----and so on and so on! [When mom used to say that I wasn't aware it was from 'Sound of Music', I just thought she was annoying!

Aug 3, 2009

Gifts for Josh--

First off, take your GIFTS with you when you leave, Josh!! I can't say that I appreciated this particular gift,my friend. Picture this, me sitting and relaxing in the chair Josh used when he was here. [this was outside] My attention is caught by something on the ground. It seems our very own Rascal thought Josh needed a gift. Yeah, it WAS a dead mouse. Gee thanks Rask! Just what I wanted. I hate the idea that a mouse was anywhere near my house, I hate ,even more, the idea that Rascal has changed loyalties. I mean, HEY I'm the one who has fed you for- well EVER! I'm the one who has put up with you. Just because Josh petted you, fed you hotdogs, and DID NOT call you Sue, this is just not fair. Animals!!!!

Heavy work day today. It'll be fun to work with Cindy but trust me, I'll WORK!!! I don't believe that 'little lady' has a low gear. It's great actually, we get more done when she's on staff. I need about 3 more, just like her.

Loved the recent pics of the Grand-ladies! They are just too cute!!!

Aug 1, 2009

Really cool stuff!!!!

I now know how the 'other half lives!' [and it's GREAT!!!] The 'surround sound' is fully operational. It is WAY cool stuff. I don't notice a lot of difference when watching t.v. but-- anything else is WONDERFUL! I'm listening to a c.d. that I've heard many, many, times. I tell you, I've never HEARD it before. I admit the sound is the best in the t.v. room but it sounds good anywhere in the house. Also, the clarity of the picture on a d.v.d. is really something. Bryon says it's because it's not running through the cable box anymore. Whatever---'Phantom of the Opera' was AMAZING! I bought a 'pioneer' receiver to the tune of $200.00 but it was worth it! GREAT b-day gift Dennis!

Bryon has my car but when he gets back I need to run to Harmon's to pick up some stuff for the dinner Breezy wants. She's 'hanging out' with friends and I'M worrying about HER dinner. I'm telling you, that little lady sure does know how to 'work me!' You gotta love her! She wanted Asian and as that sounds good to me, looks like Asian it is! Bryon went to Cedar City for a Chess tournament. I told him I need a new 'accent' for the house so he'd better not come back without 1st place. :] Hope he's having a good time. Me, I'm just 'chillin', dancing, and singing' and believe me, I should be ALONE when I do THAT! Loves!

Jul 29, 2009

Good-bye Josh

Josh is heading home today. It's been a short month. Although it seems that the 4th was a long time ago, this past week has flown by. If he makes good time, he'll be half-way home by this evening. It's going to feel strange for a bit. Josh has helped out a lot. I'm really going to bless him when I have my surround sound. No one, and I do mean NO ONE, wanted to be the one to get in the attic. Bless him! Dennis is hoping to hook-up the speakers tonight. Perhaps I should go shopping for the receiver today. That would help Dennis out. He'd then know what he'd be hooking into. Ok, OK, I just want to go shopping!!!! Happy?
Hotter than hot but--life is GOOD!

Jul 23, 2009

Can we say, 'Pro-cras-ti-nate'

That's lousy spelling, I'm sure, but you get the point. As I type this I really should be cleaning the t.v./Bryon's room. It's the prefect chance. Both Bryon AND Josh aren't here and that room BADLY needs cleaning. When I told Bryon [before he left] that I wanted to clean it, he says, [I kid you not] 'Why, it's not bothering me!' My response, 'Bryon dear, the things in this room are MINE, if I don't clean it, when you leave, it will still be my stuff just my RUINED stuff!' His response, 'oh!' Men, you gotta love um! Anyway, I should be cleaning but I'm not! Come on Wendy, kick it up a notch! [and no I don't WANT Bryon to do the cleaning, I'm sure you know why!]


Jul 21, 2009

Ever Notice?--

I think that some of my faithful readers can relate to this story. Have you ever noticed that the person who MAKES the mess, RARELY cleans-up the mess??? I ask this because after I came off the mountain [on Sunday] I decided to clean the bathroom. I have the most amazing rubber mat in my tub. I'm SURE it's color is cream, and yet, it's ALWAYS black. What is up with that? I scrubbed it until I thought I would ruin it. Yes indeed, it is CREAM colored. Or it was, for a brief time, then BLACK again. After giving this some thought, it occurred that it HAD been cream UNTIL the 'bare foot queen' got off work and 'yes' took a shower. Ok, mystery solved. However, I was also wondering why my bathtub had grown a full 'fur' coat. I mean it's JULY in DIXIE! Why would it need a fur coat? Oh right, I have a 'long haired biker dude' as a house guest! There was even hair twisted around the suction cups on the afore-mentioned rubber mat. How DO you do that, Josh?? Never mind, I DON'T want to know!!! In Josh's defense he DOES make a MEAN grilled chicken breast. Last night's was HEAVENLY! What a cook!! Since Josh and I are the ONLY meat eaters living here, I get all I want! How great is that??? I'd be in heaven if only-- between Josh's super cooking and Bryon's liking for 'Cheese' pizza, I have some fear that my clothes are going to get 'extra' tight. Oh but what a way to go! By the by Brandon, don't leave any opened pepsi cans lying around my house. I'm not saying who, but someone, [Bryon] just MIGHT finish it off for you!
Love to all!!!!

Jul 19, 2009

Home again, home again--

I had an awesome time. [well, most of it was!] I was surprised that I didn't rest better but it seems that I have turned into a 'nervous Nellie.' I've always been a bit 'high strung' but this is unexplainable. It took 'at least' 24 hours for me to calm down enough to truly enjoy my good fortune. Yesterday, I thought about coming home but decided against it as Dennis was likely to come up today. I figured that I could follow him down. [easier trip for me] This was a TOTALLY bad idea. First off, I decided to go for a walk yesterday. Since I am a bit 'high strung' I decided to lock the house. Another bad idea. Yes I did! Locked myself out. EVERYTHING was INSIDE including the phone. What to do? [besides cry I mean!] FINALLY it occurred to me that I had more than the one key. The other keys might let me in a different way. They did, but I can't decided if I should inform Dennis that the lock is broken. I think not, I mean, he did make me feel pretty stupid for calling him at 4:00a.m. this morning. Well excuse me for thinking an alarm BLARING from the basement MIGHT be a problem!!! Picture this, me FINALLY getting some really REALLY sound sleep. As I slowly come awake [in a strange place mind you] I cannot believe how loud the crickets are. After a bit I realize that what I am hearing are NOT crickets. A few more minutes and I realize that it is an alarm of some sort. I wander all over the cabin looking for the stray clock. [it is about 3:30a.m.] I finally realize the sound is coming from the garage/basement. Me, go down there, in the dark, alone? No, I don't think so!!!! I had to of course. I only stayed long enough to determine that it was a sensor hooked next to a water heater [or something] I knew the water heater was gas so I'm thinking, 'this is NOT good.' Thus the early morning 'wake up' call to Dennis. He didn't answer [of course] so I left a message. Now, I'm having visions of blowing his cabin to 'kingdom come' so of course I have to make ANOTHER trip downstairs to shut off the gas line. End of the alarm? Oh no, dear ones, it continued until I wanted to rip my hair out. I shut off the gas to the stove even though I knew I'd shut the main line off downstairs. As soon as it was light enough, I went outside and shut off the line from the tank. Soon thereafter Dennis shows up. He laughs and says, 'oh it's nothing, why did you shut everything off? it's just a testy sensor!' Yes, dear ones, I DID consider murder! No court in the land would have convicted me. The only reason he still breathes is that he DID make good time getting up there.[ if only to laugh at me] We had an hour or so of enjoying the air and view and then he led the way down the mountain. So, I return to work tomorrow and it's going to be a tough one but I'll just smile and enjoy!

Jul 12, 2009

Time for a plan!!!!

This is one time Bryon can't help me, talk about a boy without a plan. [I LOVE him anyway!!!] Anyway, time to get a 'plan' for my 'down' time this weekend. I have decided to go to Kolob for sure, but what am I going to DO with myself. I am really, REALLY looking forward to 3 days of no one's company but my OWN! I think I should get a few more books to read. Perhaps a trip to the library would be a good idea. The cabin [I don't know how you can call a 3 story, 3 bedroom, 2 bath house, a cabin, but there you have it] doesn't have a dvd player so I think books and puzzles are the way to go. The deck wraps around 2 sides of the cabin so the view is spectacular!!! I foresee a lot of time spent just soaking in the view. This is going to be SOOOOO good! I suppose I've had a bit too much company for awhile now. Some time to myself should be just the ticket. I do need to come home earlier Sunday than I had planned to as it's Dinny's b-day. I could not possibly miss HER b-day. Oh well, I'll probably be more than ready to come back by then anyways!

I miss Briddy and the Bradster already. I wish they lived HERE again!

Jul 7, 2009

'Grandee'--ever had one of THOSE moments?

My absolutely darling, sweet AND adorable granddaughter, Serenity, came into the Laundry room to visit 'Grandee' for a few minutes today. Bless Rachel, she sent her down. Serenity and I have not spent NEARLY enough time together in her 7 years of life. I would like to think that the time we HAVE had has been fun for BOTH of us. [I know I've enjoyed it.] Anyway, Serenity is talking to me and she is telling me all about her OTHER family. Oh my, I'm sure Martha and Emily would be APPALLED! The family secrets that 'little ones' reveal. I'm thinking to myself, you sure do remind me of someone, you little chatterbox. And then it hit [like a brick] she reminds me of ME!!! Oh dear, the poor thing. You don't MEAN to upset anyone, it's just you have so MUCH to say!! Well do I remember those days. I hope she doesn't get yelled at for her chatter. [she probably will though, I mean, just today was an EYEOPENER!] It's all good though, as I have no desire to do or say anything that would upset Martha or Emily, I'll just forget what was said. That'll be easy enough, I forget EVERYTHING else. Like: 'You've ALREADY paid that bill once this month.' [that's a story by itself]
I'm thinking of taking a couple of days 'away from it all' next week. I'm not sure where I'll go, just AWAY! I hope to have fun. At least it's something to look forward to.
Bridget is less than 24 hours out. YES! I can't wait to see her. She took care of getting me a gift for the 'Bradster' and I have Breezy's b-day gift, so that just leaves Briddy. I hope to come up with something good.
Love to all!!

Jul 2, 2009

No 75-year-old is kicking MY ASS!

Picture this, me, sitting watching a 75-year-old on a stationary bike for 25 MINUTES. I'm telling you, that was an eye opener! I wasn't sure I could do 25 minutes on MY bike. Ok Wendy, what do you plan to do about it? Well---since the person in question was MOM, murder probably isn't an option! There is NO WAY I'm going to let that 'old lady' [just joking mom] show ME up! I got on MY bike that very night. I was going to prove [to myself] that I could do anything SHE could do, only BETTER! I was shooting for 30 minutes! [nayner, nayner mom] I'd made it too, only--No really, Bryon showed up! He needed to talk so I had to stop. The very next night I let Bryon walk me all over Middleton. We walked 3 miles, if we walked one. HOWEVER, I took last night off and it's not looking good for tonight EITHER. Maybe beating MOM, isn't such a great motivator after all!!
Love to all!

Jul 1, 2009

Josh! WHAT did you say????

Josh is such a cutie. [I REALIZE he's your boyfriend Breezy but--I can still LIKE him, right?] Anyway, I was thanking him for helping out so much, i.e. washing, cleaning, cooking and he says, [HIS words NOT mine] 'I make a good kitchen bitch!' I could NOT believe ANYONE ever came up with such a term. How rude!!!! No one had EVER better call ME that! Language aside, It's been pretty nice to have Josh here. He's such a pleasant young man.

I'm a tad nervous about the upcoming week. Brandon and family will be down, Jamie's wedding, Bridget and the Bradster will be in town, AND I have a review at work, [not had one of those in a few years.] I hope there's enough time [or me] to go around. I ALWAYS hate it when I don't have enough time for family things. It should be a busy week. Dennis realizes that things are getting pretty hectic and I might start feeling over-whelmed. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he doesn't figure out a way to get me some 'me time!' That would be super!!!! Just NOT next week!

The 'computer hog' crashed my computer. Someone PLEASE tell him, 'Mom doesn't WANT you to down-load all this chess stuff! She doesn't WANT it on her computer.!!!'

I am SO sorry Bjorn!!! Bjorn will be here as well! I'm looking forward to seeing him again! What a darling boy!!! [yes I CAN call you a BOY! I mean I DO have you by a FEW years.]
Love to all!!!

Jun 26, 2009

I'm ruined!!!! Ruined-I tell you--

Yes, you read the title correctly! I'M RUINED!!!! Today, for the FIRST time, in AGES, I went grocery shopping with NO food restrictions, what-so-ever! So---how'd you do Wendy??? I'M RUINED! Yes, I LOOKED at the frozen treats AND the meats, AND the pre-prepared foods, but--- did I buy???? No, of course NOT!!! Why????? I kept hearing this voice in my head [Breezy] 'that is REALLY unhealthy!' How do I get past, 'the VOICE!' Oh please do tell! I came away from Costco with $159.00 worth of fruits and veggies AND rice. [BROWN of course!] Oh, I forgot, also, a HUGE bag of potato's. Please, PLEASE help me when you get here Bridget, otherwise, I might die, old and HEALTHY! :)

Footloose--'Good stuff, Maynerd!'

Bryon and I attended the production of 'Footloose' last night. We really enjoyed it! Tuacahn usually does a great job so I have learned to go, any chance I get. I had never seen that musical so I was surprised by how familiar the music was. It must have been a pretty big hit.

Today I'm off. I have just tons and TONS to do. It will be interesting to see just how much actually gets finished. I covered a shift for Breezy this week because she didn't feel well so she's covering my shift today. I can't say I'm sorry. [she will be though] Fridays are our worst days right now because that's when the teams check out. I expect tomorrow to be a BEAR. That makes having today off all the sweeter.

I hope to get some errands run this morning so I best get cleaned up now, BEFORE I take Breezy to work. Also, I should get a bill ready to mail. I hope you all have an awesome day, week, month. [take your pick!]

Jun 23, 2009

That was fast!!!!

Dennis and I usually take a couple of days off when we finish a project. Well, the sitting room is all but done. YES!!! However---we seem to have skipped the 'let's just sit back and enjoy this' part. Today we were pulling off trim board in the dinning room so we could install the same kind that we have in the hallway, T.V. room AND sitting room. It will make everything blend better but--- I guess you just can't keep a 'good man down.' Dennis has been so kind to work so hard, and for FREE!!! I told him today, 'Honey, I know you have worked your little tail off giving this place a 'face lift', but---you STILL don't get any equity out of the house!' He threatened to QUIT! He won't though, he enjoys all of the compliments WAY to much to do that. [thank goodness!] He really enjoys hearing what everyone is saying about his work. Keep 'um coming! [I may just get the bathroom done yet!]

Breezy and I have come to an agreement. YES! We have decided that since we don't want the same type of diet we will each buy, prepare, consume, and clean-up after our OWN meals. This will be a big change. Breezy is determined to eat ONLY healthy food [good for her!] but me---well, I like ALL kinds of foods. Healthy, sugary, starchy, ect. ect. This way we are both happy and we won't fight over meals. So when ya'll come to my house, just ask me where I keep MY stash, K! I'll share!!!! Yeah! I can have MEAT again. I had a tuna fish sandwich last night and it tasted WONDERFUL!!! I think that sloppy joe's [heavy on the sloppy part] won't be long in coming. Why didn't I think of this a LONG time ago???
Hugs to all!!!!!

Jun 19, 2009

You're kinda mean---

Welcome to MY world! I love Breezy, I do!!!!! However, any time I say something she doesn't like, her response, "you're kinda mean!' Doesn't matter what it is I say. I could say, "sweetie, you look tired!' Her, 'You're kinda mean!' Me, 'It's hard to make dinner with all the restrictions you've made!' Her, 'you're kinda mean!' For awhile she had me convinced, 'I'm kinda mean!' Then I woke up! She simply says that for EVERYTHING! That or 'What----?' I LOVE that girl!!!! No, I am NOT kinda mean!!!

Kids are here! YEAH! Wait???? What do you mean, you want me to watch BOTH of the babies!?? Me????? by myself???? Oh my! Should be really, REALLY interesting. Breezy will be at work and Bryon will be in Cedar at a Chess tournament! Oh my! I'll let you know how it goes. I sure hope Dennis doesn't decide to 'drop' by.

Jun 15, 2009

Kids-who needs them?---I DO!!!

Missing my kids today! It's funny, as Bryon is still living here. I guess it's because Rachel and the girls were here and I didn't see them. Also, Brady was down and I didn't see him. I have a plan. There are three lots across the street that are empty. Brandon and Rachel buy one, Bridget and Brady buy one, Bryon buys one, whalla!!! Instant family. We could call this 'Doyle/ Postma' street. Wouldn't that be cool!!!! Every day would be like a holiday. Now, I just have to get the kids 'on board!' So----any takers???

Dennis just left. He finished installing the window trim this morning. It looks WONDERFUL!!! I was telling mom last night how close we were to having the sitting room finished. I will enjoy this for a day or two and then be after Dennis for the next project. He's so good to listen to me and then do it on his OWN schedule!!! Men! I do appreciate all his hard work. The front of the house looks so much better! I'm LOVING it!

Jun 13, 2009

Highway to the DANGER Zone---

If any one of you loves Bryon you MUST pull him aside and warn him that he is truly on a 'Highway to the Danger Zone!' What IS he thinking? Someone MUST tell him:
1. do Not claim 'squatters' privileges to Mom's t.v. room.
2. do NOT use mom's car as if it were your own.
3. DO help out around the house WITHOUT being asked!
4. [and this is the ONLY one that will get his 'breathing privileges' revoked] NEVER, EVER, make fun of mom's menopausal moments!!!! I'm sure you can tell that life has gotten really, REALLY interesting lately. I must confess however, I have enjoyed having Bryon around. He's a lot like his father. It seems that he just fills a room with his presence. [which is tons better that filling it with his stuff.] He's away again this evening so I can write whatever I want about him. I do love him and only want him to be happy [AND have his own place :)]

I haven't felt well today. I think it's just that cycle stuff and being tired from work. Most of our shifts are 8+ hours right now so I do get pretty tired. Sarah at work, said I was wrong about being menopausal just yet. Is it true that to be menopausal you have to have NO cycles. I'm not sure! However, I've got the mood swings down to an art. Dennis won't even walk in the door until he has gauged my mood. If he doesn't like it, he's gone again before I have ANY chance to take it out on him. Smart man! [smarter than Bryon!]

I think I'll see if Breezy's up for walk tonight. It would probably make me feel a lot better. Love to all!!!!

Jun 10, 2009

Days off, I love them but---

Life is busy, busy, busy! I had yesterday off. I LOVED IT but--- I'd like today off, as well! It seems like my days off NEVER last long enough. There was so much time and so little to do-- wait, that's not right. I worked in the yard, finished the window sills, made lunch AND dinner, took Bre shopping. It simply felt like there was so very much to do! I've decided I'd BETTER enjoy the journey 'cuz I'm never going to reach the end! I window sills were installed this morning. They are ever so pretty. I'm glad I took extra time on them. Now the windows just scream out for the trim board. Oh well, I hope I have fun getting those ready.

I haven't seen the GRAND kids yet. I hope to before they leave for their family vacation. I haven't called to see how Diane is doing, I missed my grilfriend's b-day, and that's just the tip of the iceburg! I swear I need more time in each day. My days start at 5:30 and end at 10:00 p.m. and still there just isn't enough time.
Hoping each of you are busy, happy and productive! [look at it this way, 'it's a dirty job but-someone HAS to do it, it may as well be you!'

Jun 5, 2009

Breezy-Tootsie--Can we say stubborn??

I have been having a ball, watching the newest 'power struggle' between Breezy and Tootsie. [my money is on Tootsie!] Breezy has decided that catfood is not healthy. She has researched catfood on the internet and it tells her that just about everything catfood contains is not particularly good for cats. Ok, she's going to change Tootsie's diet. The problem is that Tootsie LIKES catfood. I mean, we are talking about a cat that is underfed and over-excersised. [stop, wait, reverse that!] Lat night was a hoot. Breezy cooks some chicken and tops it off with cheese, for good measure, Tootsie loves it, right? WRONG, won't even sniff at it, but---she WILL sniff around on the floor looking for CATFOOD! Bre is almost in tears, so I say: Honey, leave the cat alone, she knows what she wants!. Bre: but I don't want her to die sick and fat! Me: she's not fat, she's big-boned! [Bre's usual argument] Bre says: No, she's fat! [my usual argument] So how will the saga end? That's anyone's guess, these are two of the most stubborn creatures I've ever met! In the meantime, I'm having so much fun watching them.

Jun 4, 2009


bryon should be leaving for 'Nationals' later today. Even though he's only been here 1 1/2 weeks, I'll miss having him here. He'll be playing 6 games over the next 3 days. Each game can last up to 6 hours. Oh my, I could never do that. I'm glad he's going. It should be good for him. If he plays well it should also be worth a large sum of money and we can all use money. Mostly though, I just hope he has a good time.

Sorry I missed your call Brandon. I ALWAYS enjoy hearing from you people. I hope things are well and that you enjoy your upcoming family vacation. Breezy and I are just going to 'hang tight' for a few months until we figure out just how much money we do have to live on. I hope it's enough that we can ride the shuttle your way 'once in awhile.' I do love to see you.

Even though I don't mention Lib much these days, I do love her dearly and only want the kids to do what will make them both happy. It will be strange if they opt for divorce but that will have to be up to them.

Dennis is helping me finish up the window sills so that we can install them soon. They are ever so pretty. I don't want to rush this part as it's the part I have to live with. The sills will most likely get 5 or 6 coats of varnish. I'll love cleaning them cuz they'll be so smooth but for now it just seems like it's taking FOREVER!

Jun 3, 2009


I have a dentist appointment in just about 1 hour. Even though I think it's only a crown, not looking forward to it! Too many years of abusing my poor teeth I guess! I like the crowns once they are on cuz it's so easy to keep them clean but getting the crowns, well, that's a whole 'nuther story. Oh well, should be through this in a couple of hours and then the rest of the day is MINE! Well, mine, Breezy's, Bryon's, Dennis's- you get the picture! There always seems to be SOMETHING to do for someone. I guess that's good otherwise I might be sitting around with my coffee, reading a good book and who needs THAT!

I totally cannot believe I even did this, much less that I'll talk about it! While I was shopping at the dollar store yesterday I bought a particular undergarment. What WAS I thinking. Something to hold the 'girls' in place, at the DOLLAR store!!! I must have had a moment of sheer madness! I guess it was only a dollar but jeez Wendy haven't you got better ways to spend your 'hard' earned cash. Go figure [and no, it doesn't do ANYTHING for MY figure!]

Jun 2, 2009

Computer hog!

You have all heard about the 'energy hog' right? I don't have an energy hog but I DO have a computer hog!!! I'm not posting as much as I'd like 'cuz every time I want to, the computer hog is using MY computer! He's just doing silly stuff like writing resume's and filling out job applications. You know that sort of thing! Naturally, this is all in fun! I have truly enjoyed having Bryon around. He's helping so much with errands and help in the yard. It feels like I should be paying for all this help. [I'm not going to though!!!] Also, Bryon is a GREAT cook. He's made dinner twice this week and both times it was excellent! I could get used to this.

I wanted to thank those of you that posted as my friend! NOW I have proof! [no going back on your words] I must have the neatest family and FRIENDS ever! You people are the greatest!

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer! Can NOT wait to see you bbgott. I have to get decorations for Jamie's bridal shower today. I'm thinking dollar store! Yeah, I'm cheap! Angie will help me make it look good though. She's good!!!!!

May 30, 2009

Need friends

I know there are a few of you that are kind enough to read my silly little posts now and again. I do thank you but---yeah, I need proof!! So, if you would all be so kind as to sign in, hey, that'd be great! Then I'll have PROOF that I have friends. The next time Dennis says that I'm crazy I'll just pull out my list of friends and say 'maybe, but these people like me anyway.!!!' How cool would that be? Just between you and me, I'm not REALLY crazy but I say, 'whatever it takes to get things MY way!' [wouldn't you all agree?]

Life is busy and tons of fun right now. Bryon was trying to hook up my speakers last night. I guess you can't really hook up expensive speakers to a 40 dollar c.d. player. He tried, bless him. It looks like it is time for an 'upgrade' on the t.v. stuff. Oh well, it'll be wonderful when it's all hooked up the way Dennis wants. Imagine this, 'a ten by ten room with SURROUND sound. Now that's CRAZY! It should be fun though. Bryon did get the sub-woofer working so 'Phantom of the Opera' sounded pretty good last night.

Have new pictures of ' the babies' on my fridge. I think of them every time I open the fridge [which is pretty often.] Sure do love being 'Grandee"

May 26, 2009

Greedy Issues

Yep, you read it right! I have issues that are greedy. Take the car, [Please!!!] It was last weeks issue but it spilled over into this week. Dennis met me at the shop this morning. It will be there again today for the same reason as last week. Oh pooh! However, it is now a NEW week so I have this weeks issue also. This week it's the cell phone. Looks like I need a new one. I still have a year on my contract so I'll need to have a working cell. I've bought this same phone twice this year. I guess I better go with a different model. So anyway, now, because the car was greedy, I have TWO issues to deal with. Lucky me! I don't mean to complain but--- Oh well, we're alive and happy so life ain't bad!

Dennis brought over the bases for the sitting room windows today. He did such a nice job on them. I can't wait to get them stained and in. They're going to look GREAT! It's been so fun to give my living space a face lift. I'm telling you, sometimes that man 'gets' me. He knew just what would make life comfortable for me. I was sitting and reading in the sitting room last night. It was so very nice.

May 23, 2009

Men, gifts and other misc.

Dennis kills me! Really, he does! He gets me a b-day present! Now that is SWEET! He's ONLY a MONTH late. Never mind, it was SWEET! It was speakers for the t.v. room. Thoughtful yes, thought through, no! He got me only HALF the system. So I am now the proud owner of 5 very nice speakers AND a sub-woofer, but no means of hooking them up. Apparently, I need an amplifier of some sort. GREAT! Guys!! I must warn you sweet ladies that that saying, 'never look a gift horse in the mouth'--that means gifts from men. Really, it does. If ever any of you receive a gift from a guy that does not totally 'blow you over' never, I repeat NEVER let them know. Guys remember gifts that 'fell flat.' They do!!!! If they give too many that aren't well received, they just quit giving you gifts. Before you know it it's, 'here Honey, here's some money, go get yourself something for your b-day.' May sound great, but trust me, it's not!!! So, I will proudly brag about my very nice speakers [even if I have to make planters out of them] just so Dennis knows that I do appreciate his 'thinking of me!' Guys, ya gotta love um!!!

Saw the grandkids today. My, but they've grown. They are ever so cute. Rachel always has them fixed up so cute. Today Brynna was in blue and Hannah in yellow. I wouldn't have thought yellow for Hannah as she's a redhead but it works. The outfits looked so much like summer. How talented Rachel is, and how happy Brandon seems to be. You can't ask for more than a spouse that makes your child happy. I DO so love all 7 of the children.

May 21, 2009

Horrible, no good, rotten, lousy day!!!!!!!!

Which ever, one of you, [ or more] has it out for me, please stop it! I can't take anymore! Really! The day started out pretty good, right up until I fell. Yeah, it wasn't pretty! I was walking outside to get the bag of recyclables, when I tripped on a piece of trim board. Mind you, this was trim board I likely will never use. [left over from the door, it's Dennis' fault, he NEVER lets me throw ANYTHING away] Ok, I try to catch myself, no go! Down I go, right on top of the steam cleaner [which I broke!] scrapping both shoulders. Dang that hurt. I made so much noise I thought sure Breezy would be out to see what the matter was. Nope! Just me, laying there wondering why my finger hurt so bad. [it's been numb since it quit hurting, I wonder if that's a GOOD sign?] After about 5 minutes, I decided the only way I was getting up was under my own steam. So, life goes on. I run to the recycle bins, by the cemetery and to work. As I turn my car off at work, the key sticks in the ignition. NOOOOOO-- This is the very problem I had it in the shop for. BAD WORDS, bad words, bad words!!!!! I was feeling alittle sorry for myself. I thought, 'can't it ever be anything BESIDES the car?' Trust me, I repented from that thought IMMEDIATELY! Car problems are tons easier than some problems people have. Feeling a tad stressed tonight but all things considered, life is pretty awesome. For one thing, the grandkids [and the KIDS of course] will be in town this weekend. Yep, life is good.
Live long, and prosper---Spock

May 19, 2009

Car repairs--AGAIN!

Yep, new week, new repair! This is my only week day off, this week, and I think the car will be in the shop-again. This car is getting to expensive to maintain. If I had the money, I'd buy a new one. May have to anyway. Does anyone know anything about a 'home equity, line of credit?' I've heard the term, and I have equity, but Dennis says, 'no, don't do that!' I thought that if that kind of loan stays with your credit union, that it might be a good way to get a new car. I suppose I'll just have to do my 'homework'. I know Dennis has my best interest at heart but does not realize how difficult it is to be a woman with a car you can't depend on. The fact that the car is not the 'new' model year doesn't bother me at all, not being able to depend on it, now THAT bothers me!!!!

So---how is everyone? I LOVE getting the little comments on my post. You people make me feel so neat. Hey question, What is the difference between living by faith, and living by hope? Just a little question being kicked around between John K. and I. Your input would be helpful. Any ideas? Love ya all

May 15, 2009

Bill payments---lots of fun!

Does anyone else enjoy paying bills as much as I do? It seems that just as soon as a months worth of bills are paid, it's time to start a new month. I'm so tired of paying bills I could scream! There has to be a better system. Let me think,--not pay bills, GREAT idea--right up until I'm living on the street. Ok, new idea, Deposit my checks and then a 'free for all' -- 'first come, first served!' What do you think. Probably wouldn't work, someone would take more than their fair share, then it's back on the street for me. How do you all do this? Online was great until I realize that I STILL have to get 'online' and pay them. I love how easy it is to just pull out a card when I'm shopping but hate having to sit down and pay the cards off. Maybe it should be checks and debit cards fopr everything. That would cut out a few bills each month. Of course there are those extra expenses when you HAVE to use your card. Like when the car repair is 700 instead of the 300 you expected. I guess my system is the 'best I can do' afterall.

May 11, 2009

I love Breane

Yes darlings, I love all of you but I LOVE Breezy! Working with her is so much fun. Let me tell you why.[well I'm going to anyways!!] For the past several years I have had the 'joy' of living with someone whose anxiety level is 'off the charts!' Bless her, she tries, but--- Anyway, lately I've begun to have a few issues with anxiety myself. So what does Breezy do? She smiles ever so serenely and says, 'it doesn't matter!' I truly want to hit her!!! If I snap at her she seems so hurt that I just feel terrible. You know what??? IT DOESN'T MATTER!! It really doesn't. Although I'm complaining, she helps so much. When I'm REALLY wound tight, she uses humor! I LOVE that gal.

Thank you so much! This means ALL of you! It was so nice to be remembered on 'Mother's' day. The only children I didn't talk with yesterday were Brady and Liberty [and I just KNOW they were thinking of me!] I love you all so much. I am still feeling a 'bit' sorry for myself that I wasn't able to make it up to see the kids. They are so cute!!!! I hope to do alittle better in the future!! However, if you don't stop bragging about Hannah taking to you, Bridget, I'm going to hurt you!:0
Hugs to all!!! This means you Shel AND Bjorn!

Apr 29, 2009

Milestones---who needs them

You guessed it! Yes indeed, I HAVE reached ANOTHER milestone. This one sneaked up on me unawares! How RUDE!!! I suppose I may as well confess. I have a CHAIR! Ok, I know, most homes have chairs. This is different. I have a chair that is MY chair. You know, as in, 'don't sit [or play] in Grandpa's CHAIR!' I remember well, as a child, 'no dear, not that chair, that is GRANDPA'S chair.' Or after mom re-married, and she made a sweet point of 'daddy's chair!' Never could bring myself to sit in THAT chair. Well now, I have a CHAIR! Picture this, me standing, looking aimlessly around, because Breezy is sitting in- MY chair. Or when I walk into the sitting room and snarl, 'get OUT of MY chair!' to Tootsie. No, I don't want to sit down, I just don't want her in- MY chair. Having a chair you've claimed as your very own, goes hand in hand with MIDDLE age in my mind. And yet--- I suppose I could just accept middle age and all it's perks--like having your very own CHAIR!!!

Apr 28, 2009

Food Storage---I GET it!!!

Shel Bell, I get it!!!! I was serious about not understanding food storage, but now I GET it! I found a way to store food in 4 EASY steps. Step one: Tease my nephew Bjorn about how Diane got 50 cans of tuna for her 50th b-day from him, and I was getting Zip! Step two: receive 50 cans of tuna from said nephew.[good one Bjorn! Do keep in mind, I KNOW where you live!] Step three: clean kitchen to find storage space for 50 cans on tuna. Step four: Brag to anyone who will listen about my WONDERFUL food storage!!!!! It works for me! If the next time you see my cat, she waddles more than usual, don't tell Bjorn!!!! I suspect Breezy will 'sneak' her tuna any chance she gets, and that will be the end of my food storage. Next time I'm storing WINE!

Apr 27, 2009

I'm unde-rAPPRECIATED!!!!!

I'm just a tad disgruntled tonight. First off, I have things at work COMPLETELY caught up. So what do the 'bosses'say? Good job, Wendy! Your crew is AWESOME, Way to go!. None of the above. In fact ABSOLUTELY nothing has been said. Hump!! Dennis leaves town for the weekend. While he is gone, I get the cooler panels cleaned and new pads installed, also, spray paint the wall heater and gather all the pieces for re-assembly. He was impressed, right? Wrong!!! Froze his little rear off on the motorcycle ride and was a 'bit' testy this morning. I have cooked EVERY meal for Breezy, from scratch, because she can't stand chemicals in her food. She thinks I'm wonderful! NOT! Can't even get a thank you!! What's a gal to do!?? Right!!! Trust me I do!!! I do thank the good Lord that I have such wonderful people around me! So I don't get a ton of attention. I'm loved! I know I am, and trust me, it don't get a whole lot better than THAT!!! Love to all

Apr 21, 2009

Woe, woe is me---

Hey all!!! Do any of you remember how much I used to HATE sattelite T.V. Why? Just as soon as I learned how to turn it on and get the channel I wanted, someone [Brandon, Thad--] would change the formula! I HATED THAT! Turned me off T.V. all together. I'm having the same problem with my computer. It will no longer preform the way I'm used to. I swear that I'm reading ALL your blogs but as soon as I try to post a comment my computer acts like it has NO idea what I want. It's making me CRAZY! [ok, crazier!!! Happy?] Anyway, here goes nothing--Congrats on the marathon run Shel, glad your weather is nice sis, cute picture of Hannah Rachel, ect. ect. Bryon and Sweet Libby, are going to be over for my B-day. I'm hoping Bryon will look at my computer and help me out. Thanks for the input on my last post. Brandon, you didn't REALLY not put oil in your car, did you???

Work is crazy. Off to work at 8:00a.m. and home by 6:00 p.m. [IF I'm lucky!] Needless to say, not much else is getting done!! Hugs and Kisses to all!!!

Apr 19, 2009

I love my life

Hi All! Life is good!!!! No, no special reason, just loving life. Don't know why. Kessler, is 'all over me' cuz my work isn't getting done, Dennis wouldn't let my bottom so much as touch Mom's couch, before he wanted me to jump up to help him with mom's swamp cooler. [we did get it taken care of] and I didn't get all that much done today. Oh well, tomorrow is another day. My life is beginning to feel like a really REALLY good movie, and I'm the STAR! How fun is that? [lay off the wine, Wendy, K?]

Due to the expenses for Dackery AND the needed car repair, coming up north might be a problem right now. I'll keep you all posted, and let you know as soon as I know. I hate to disappoint anyone but I'll have to put the car repair at the top because the car won't pass inspection without it AND it has to be inspected next month. I hope to make it in may but it could be later before I make it up there! Love to all. As soon as anything interesting happens, I'll let you all know.

Apr 17, 2009

Friend-companion--gone but not forgotten

Today has been a very sad day. Due to the fact that Dackery was doing so very poorly, it was neccesary to have him 'put to sleep' today. Breezy and I knew the 'time' was at hand but were not prepared for how difficult it would be. Bryon, bless his sweet and wonderful heart, agreed to take him to the vet today. Bryon knew it would probably mean 'putting him down' but helped us out anyway. I love you Bryon, there was no way I could have been the one to do that. Breezy and I have worked and cried most of the day. Dack leaves a very big hole in our lives. He has been a friend and companion for some 13 or 14 years now. Even when Thad was in 'hospital' and feeling so ill, what did he want? He wanted to see his dog!!! I joked about how I was going to bring the dog in and if anyone asked, I'd INSIST he was one of Thad's children, 'they ALL look like this!' [probably would not have gotten away with it though!]

Dack has been a friend and companion to Breezy for most of her life. She will miss him so! Me? I INSISTED I HATED that DAMN dog! [more believable if I hadn't cried so much today]
Dackery--We love you and will NOT forget you. Thanks for being 'Girls best friend!'

Apr 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Hi all! I hope that each and every one of you had a wonderful Easter. Mine was FAB! It started yesterday. My assistant Manager asked for a ride to his apartment. He had his 9 year-old daughter 'in tow!' He is a 'recently' divorced dad. Boy, did I have fun!!!! He thought his 'sweet one' was going to spend the night at his place and obediently run off to church with him today. By the time I got finished with her, she expected to 'color eggs, get an easter basket, AND be treated to an egg hunt!!! It's lucky for me that he will do ANYTHING to put his family back together, or I might be in a tab bit of trouble with him. I'll just bet he and the young lady had a wonderful time!!

I LOVE holidays [even if I do work most of them] Breezy and I colored eggs last night, and the Easterbunny didn't miss her on his rounds, so she's a happy camper! Work was a bear, but after 14 years, I expect that. No problem!! Tomorrow we will play 'catch-up!' Same as always! I called Mom and they were having a nice day, that made me happy.

I've got most of the door painting done. Oh yeah!!!! I can't wait for the 'trim board' to go up. I'll bet it looks great! Dennis is going to be so proud of me! I celebrated a holiday AND got the door frame and door painted. Damn I'm good!

Happy Easter to all! I adore you guys and gals!

Apr 7, 2009

History will NOT repeat itself---

So, this morning I turn on the t.v. I haven't had it on in days. I'm so glad that I switched it on. I discovered that today was the only expected dry day, for the next week. Oh my, my yard was just about to the point of needing to be mowed. You take that, and add a week of wet weather, guess what you get??? Bingo, knee high weeds! Oh no, we are NOT going there!!! Therefore, I have spent the day in the yard. I dare you to find a weed more than 2 inches high. Now that I can manage, even after a week of rain.

While I was outside, I had a nice visit with Bill. [mr. Fab. yard] I believe I'm going to start buying my eggs from him. It totally fits with my 'go green' phylosophy. The chickens are 'free range', no 'growth' hormones, the eggs wouldn't have become chickens anyway, the price is right AND they're fresh. It don't get much better.

Slow but sure, the front door is coming along. It would be totally finished but Dennis is being very picky. He doesn't want anyone to be able to tell that this door doesn't fit this frame. He can't change the size of the door, so he's changing the size of the frame, and doing a nice job of it, if I do say so myself.

Loving life and hoping the same goes for all of you!