Apr 29, 2009

Milestones---who needs them

You guessed it! Yes indeed, I HAVE reached ANOTHER milestone. This one sneaked up on me unawares! How RUDE!!! I suppose I may as well confess. I have a CHAIR! Ok, I know, most homes have chairs. This is different. I have a chair that is MY chair. You know, as in, 'don't sit [or play] in Grandpa's CHAIR!' I remember well, as a child, 'no dear, not that chair, that is GRANDPA'S chair.' Or after mom re-married, and she made a sweet point of 'daddy's chair!' Never could bring myself to sit in THAT chair. Well now, I have a CHAIR! Picture this, me standing, looking aimlessly around, because Breezy is sitting in- MY chair. Or when I walk into the sitting room and snarl, 'get OUT of MY chair!' to Tootsie. No, I don't want to sit down, I just don't want her in- MY chair. Having a chair you've claimed as your very own, goes hand in hand with MIDDLE age in my mind. And yet--- I suppose I could just accept middle age and all it's perks--like having your very own CHAIR!!!

Apr 28, 2009

Food Storage---I GET it!!!

Shel Bell, I get it!!!! I was serious about not understanding food storage, but now I GET it! I found a way to store food in 4 EASY steps. Step one: Tease my nephew Bjorn about how Diane got 50 cans of tuna for her 50th b-day from him, and I was getting Zip! Step two: receive 50 cans of tuna from said nephew.[good one Bjorn! Do keep in mind, I KNOW where you live!] Step three: clean kitchen to find storage space for 50 cans on tuna. Step four: Brag to anyone who will listen about my WONDERFUL food storage!!!!! It works for me! If the next time you see my cat, she waddles more than usual, don't tell Bjorn!!!! I suspect Breezy will 'sneak' her tuna any chance she gets, and that will be the end of my food storage. Next time I'm storing WINE!

Apr 27, 2009

I'm unde-rAPPRECIATED!!!!!

I'm just a tad disgruntled tonight. First off, I have things at work COMPLETELY caught up. So what do the 'bosses'say? Good job, Wendy! Your crew is AWESOME, Way to go!. None of the above. In fact ABSOLUTELY nothing has been said. Hump!! Dennis leaves town for the weekend. While he is gone, I get the cooler panels cleaned and new pads installed, also, spray paint the wall heater and gather all the pieces for re-assembly. He was impressed, right? Wrong!!! Froze his little rear off on the motorcycle ride and was a 'bit' testy this morning. I have cooked EVERY meal for Breezy, from scratch, because she can't stand chemicals in her food. She thinks I'm wonderful! NOT! Can't even get a thank you!! What's a gal to do!?? Right!!! Trust me I do!!! I do thank the good Lord that I have such wonderful people around me! So I don't get a ton of attention. I'm loved! I know I am, and trust me, it don't get a whole lot better than THAT!!! Love to all

Apr 21, 2009

Woe, woe is me---

Hey all!!! Do any of you remember how much I used to HATE sattelite T.V. Why? Just as soon as I learned how to turn it on and get the channel I wanted, someone [Brandon, Thad--] would change the formula! I HATED THAT! Turned me off T.V. all together. I'm having the same problem with my computer. It will no longer preform the way I'm used to. I swear that I'm reading ALL your blogs but as soon as I try to post a comment my computer acts like it has NO idea what I want. It's making me CRAZY! [ok, crazier!!! Happy?] Anyway, here goes nothing--Congrats on the marathon run Shel, glad your weather is nice sis, cute picture of Hannah Rachel, ect. ect. Bryon and Sweet Libby, are going to be over for my B-day. I'm hoping Bryon will look at my computer and help me out. Thanks for the input on my last post. Brandon, you didn't REALLY not put oil in your car, did you???

Work is crazy. Off to work at 8:00a.m. and home by 6:00 p.m. [IF I'm lucky!] Needless to say, not much else is getting done!! Hugs and Kisses to all!!!

Apr 19, 2009

I love my life

Hi All! Life is good!!!! No, no special reason, just loving life. Don't know why. Kessler, is 'all over me' cuz my work isn't getting done, Dennis wouldn't let my bottom so much as touch Mom's couch, before he wanted me to jump up to help him with mom's swamp cooler. [we did get it taken care of] and I didn't get all that much done today. Oh well, tomorrow is another day. My life is beginning to feel like a really REALLY good movie, and I'm the STAR! How fun is that? [lay off the wine, Wendy, K?]

Due to the expenses for Dackery AND the needed car repair, coming up north might be a problem right now. I'll keep you all posted, and let you know as soon as I know. I hate to disappoint anyone but I'll have to put the car repair at the top because the car won't pass inspection without it AND it has to be inspected next month. I hope to make it in may but it could be later before I make it up there! Love to all. As soon as anything interesting happens, I'll let you all know.

Apr 17, 2009

Friend-companion--gone but not forgotten

Today has been a very sad day. Due to the fact that Dackery was doing so very poorly, it was neccesary to have him 'put to sleep' today. Breezy and I knew the 'time' was at hand but were not prepared for how difficult it would be. Bryon, bless his sweet and wonderful heart, agreed to take him to the vet today. Bryon knew it would probably mean 'putting him down' but helped us out anyway. I love you Bryon, there was no way I could have been the one to do that. Breezy and I have worked and cried most of the day. Dack leaves a very big hole in our lives. He has been a friend and companion for some 13 or 14 years now. Even when Thad was in 'hospital' and feeling so ill, what did he want? He wanted to see his dog!!! I joked about how I was going to bring the dog in and if anyone asked, I'd INSIST he was one of Thad's children, 'they ALL look like this!' [probably would not have gotten away with it though!]

Dack has been a friend and companion to Breezy for most of her life. She will miss him so! Me? I INSISTED I HATED that DAMN dog! [more believable if I hadn't cried so much today]
Dackery--We love you and will NOT forget you. Thanks for being 'Girls best friend!'

Apr 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Hi all! I hope that each and every one of you had a wonderful Easter. Mine was FAB! It started yesterday. My assistant Manager asked for a ride to his apartment. He had his 9 year-old daughter 'in tow!' He is a 'recently' divorced dad. Boy, did I have fun!!!! He thought his 'sweet one' was going to spend the night at his place and obediently run off to church with him today. By the time I got finished with her, she expected to 'color eggs, get an easter basket, AND be treated to an egg hunt!!! It's lucky for me that he will do ANYTHING to put his family back together, or I might be in a tab bit of trouble with him. I'll just bet he and the young lady had a wonderful time!!

I LOVE holidays [even if I do work most of them] Breezy and I colored eggs last night, and the Easterbunny didn't miss her on his rounds, so she's a happy camper! Work was a bear, but after 14 years, I expect that. No problem!! Tomorrow we will play 'catch-up!' Same as always! I called Mom and they were having a nice day, that made me happy.

I've got most of the door painting done. Oh yeah!!!! I can't wait for the 'trim board' to go up. I'll bet it looks great! Dennis is going to be so proud of me! I celebrated a holiday AND got the door frame and door painted. Damn I'm good!

Happy Easter to all! I adore you guys and gals!

Apr 7, 2009

History will NOT repeat itself---

So, this morning I turn on the t.v. I haven't had it on in days. I'm so glad that I switched it on. I discovered that today was the only expected dry day, for the next week. Oh my, my yard was just about to the point of needing to be mowed. You take that, and add a week of wet weather, guess what you get??? Bingo, knee high weeds! Oh no, we are NOT going there!!! Therefore, I have spent the day in the yard. I dare you to find a weed more than 2 inches high. Now that I can manage, even after a week of rain.

While I was outside, I had a nice visit with Bill. [mr. Fab. yard] I believe I'm going to start buying my eggs from him. It totally fits with my 'go green' phylosophy. The chickens are 'free range', no 'growth' hormones, the eggs wouldn't have become chickens anyway, the price is right AND they're fresh. It don't get much better.

Slow but sure, the front door is coming along. It would be totally finished but Dennis is being very picky. He doesn't want anyone to be able to tell that this door doesn't fit this frame. He can't change the size of the door, so he's changing the size of the frame, and doing a nice job of it, if I do say so myself.

Loving life and hoping the same goes for all of you!

Apr 6, 2009

Nice Surprise

I had such a nice surprise on Saturday. I'm working, and I hear the sweetest voice say, 'Aunt Wendy?' It was my darling niece Shar. Not only Shar, but she had Shellie 'in tow!' Those are two of the loveliest girls I have ever seen. Quite a jump from 'paint can to the forehead, Thanksgiving' right Shar? Shellie has also grown into the loveliest young woman. The reason I mention this, is because those two left the nicest 'glow' behind them. It's so obvious that they are happy young ladies. Happy with their husbands, happy with the life they've chosen, and most of all, happy to be mothers. I felt their 'glow' well into the evening. Thanks gals, you two are the best. To stop and see, 'good ol' Aunt Wendy' was so sweet of you. Next time I hope to see those two adorable 'little ones' Love you both!!!! Oh, by the way, Shellie had every reason to be alittle 'down in the mouth. 'She'd been in a wreak just days before. Not so, she was happy and upbeat. So cool!!!

Ok, I want 5 minutes with the person who invented my alarm clock. It's ever so convenient .It's convenient, right up until it is NOT! The stupid thing changes for daylight savings time, all by itself. Which would be great, IF it changed on the right days! As is. it's just a 'pain in the---.' That's twice in 2 weeks that I've needed Dennis to change it for me. It's just a- 'Ugly, stupid, jerky, obssesive , Alarm Clock!!!' [did I get it right Bridget?]