Mar 14, 2011

Technology--Iove it--I think?

I love the ceiling fan in the sitting room--I think? He says, 'Wendy, I'm going to wire the light/fan to a remote. That will make it easier for you. You can control the light/fan from anywhere in the room.' It SOUNDED like a good idea so I say, 'you go!' In truth, it is a good idea---unless---the battery in the remote goes dead. It's the funniest thing--you can control the light by puling the chains, even if the battery is dead, provided that the light was 'on' when the battery went out, otherwise---no go! Go figure! The fan simply 'will not' work without the remote. Anyway, it's been about 3 weeks since the battery went dead. Yes, I HAVE been looking for a new one. I knew I could get one at 'batteries pus+' but--at nearly 7 dollars I was hoping to find it cheaper. I look every place I go. It simply is not with the 'AA or AAA's. Last night , at Walmart, I get smart and ask at the jewelry counter. YES! They have one--and at only 5 dollars. It does occur that pretty soon I will have paid for that ceiling fan again--just in the cost of batteries--no matter--for the time being--when I say--'let there be light'--there is indeed---LIGHT!