Mar 22, 2011


Yes , today is a shopping day. It wasn't suppose to be. It was a day for relaxing and cleaning the yard up, but---you know how it goes. I've been looking forward to these two days off since I went back to work. Why???--two words--spring break! Yes, things are crazy at work. So anyway, going to 'take er easy' today, or so I thought. Two days ago we had 'gentlemen callers' at work. AFTER they leave Bridget informs me that I have a tear in the butt of my pants. Oh dear, how embarrassing! Ok, time for a new pair of work pants. The next morning as I 'ready' for work I feel an all to familiar 'pull' in the butt of my pants. Yes indeed, 'another pair bites the dust'. How can that be? Two pair in less than a week? I have a 'new' crew member, one who doesn't know me well--otherwise how do you explain her comment when she learned of my misfortune--'Maybe your butt got bigger!' Oh--do ya think? Wonder she still has a job!!! As with any 'little' job I attempt--this job has GROWN! I now need new pants [two pair] laundry supplies, make-up, and misc. other stuff. This could take all day. The up side is that I've learned from two sources some things that help. Thank you Rachel [the 'queen' of coupon shopping] for making me realize those '10 dollars off' coupons that my credit card companies send out ARE valuable. Probably going to use at least two of those. Also, from 'what not to wear' size doesn't matter--it's 'fit' that counts. Here's hoping for the best. 'Happy shopping all!


Bridget said...

Best of luck to you today. Brady woke me semi early so I'm just hoping not to kill anyone today:).

Megan Nollet said...

Your blog made me laugh lots! Thanks :) I too have ripped the butt of many, many pairs of jeans in my life. The first time it ever happened was actually on my first date with an ex-boyfriend. Agh! Also, I noticed the quote you have on your 'about me' section. That is one of my very favorite quotes from my absolute favorite book.