Mar 12, 2011

Please, what do I think?

I've been laughing myself silly for the past couple of days! First, I gave the girls at work a choice. 'Hire one part-time gal, and keep things 'as is' OR hire two part-time gals and everyone gets a 'set' schedule!' Not so very hard is it? BOTH girls had to contact their 'friends?' to find out what they thought. First, 'Jeff thinks, I think, that we should hire one girl.' 'Richard says , flip a coin!' 'SO this is how YOU feel.?' I swear they didn't know. This was indeed very funny UNTIL I caught myself doing the SAME thing. 'Here's the deal sweetie---what should I do?' How very pathetic!!! When did we all decide to quit thinking for ourselves. As Bryon's shirt put's it--'THINK--it's not illegal--yet!' AND that's what I think--I think!