theme song:
'I'm a bitch, I'm a Bitch'
Oh the Bitch is back,
stone cold sober, as a matter of fact.
I can bitch, I can Bitch,
It's the way that I do,
the thing that I do---'
theme song:
'Whatever' [I can't even be bothered to come up with one]
Lately everything has been 'Whatever'. Washer down at work-whatever. Can't get enough work done each day-whatever, Bre left her dirty dishes again-whatever. I have LOVED the 'new' attitude. However, lately I've noticed the old me creeping back in. [just ask Angie!] Yesterday for instance-I hear her telling Lizzy that she and Jeff have been together for 1 and a half years. Do I 'politely tell her I think she 'might' be 'off' a bit. Oh no, I say something along the lines of--'Yeah, on WHAT planet. If that's true, I'm 20!!!' See what I mean? I've so wanted to tell all who would listen, 'Yes I WAS a Bitch--but the Bitch is DEAD!' I'm very much afraid that instead of me saying that about myself it will be said about AFTER I've drawn my terminal breath!!!!!
Mar 25, 2011
'The Bitch is back----'
Posted by wendypepper at 8:05 AM
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Hakuna matata.
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