Apr 23, 2011

Happy B-day to me:]:]:]:]

Birthdays are the funniest thing. I have finally reached the age when a birthday can come and go with little notice on my part. I expected this birthday to be like that. Going to take the day off ,color easter eggs with the girls, and pay little attention to the fact that it was April 23rd. My friends and children had a different idea apparently. There have been several things that are making this birthday 'stand out.' The dozen roses from the northern Utah Doyle's, homemade slippers from Mom, candles and a t.v. series year from Bryon, a card from a favorite aunt, and card from an adorable grandaughter, the list just goes on and on. Such an outpouring of love is very humbling. I love all of you so much too. This is so much more than I deserve. I can't thank you all enough.

On a different note, Mom told me the best quote this morning. Yeah, I going to share:]

'You wouldn't worry so much about what others think of you...if you knew how seldom they do:]'
Love you all and am wishing you a Happy Easter!