May 5, 2011

My faith in 'Gentleman' kind has been restored

Yes I am indeed a fan of the 'tougher' sex once again. After several years of stuggling with boxes and linens at work while the 'male' sex walks on by, doing something close to nothing, I had lost all faith in the term 'gentleman.' However,'the man', gave me a chance to see men in a whole new light. The story goes as follows: He climbs on my roof to take my cooler panels off. He throws me the cooler belt and says, 'you need a new one, oh, and while you're at it, get new wiper blades for your car. The book will tell you what size.' 'Okkkkkk....' So after work I run to 'Home Depot.' Cooler pads were no problem [done that before] but the size on the was not readable [even WITH my glasses] I ask a associate for help, he is ever so sweet. He even goes so far as to take it out the package just to be sure. [I think HE could read the size on the old belt] Good experience! On to Walmart. I looked FOREVER for the brand of scratch cover I was told to get. FINALLY I see it [right infront of me:[ On to wiper blades. This is where it gets tough. Yes indeed, the BOOK did have my car year. It DID give me a size. Well actually TWO. Oh no. Do I have TWO different size blades, do the come ONE to a package...are there different sizes for different brands? I am sooooooo lost. I see am associate I have dealt with before [electronics, NOT automotive] he was ever so sweet but wasn't sure if I had the right sizes. So here I am , walking through Walmart looking for a 'man' any man, to help me. I kept looking for someone with a girl [so it wouldn't be presumed that I was attempting to flirt], everytime I saw a likely one, either the girl gave me a look of 'dislike' or the guy started speaking 'SPANISH' Damn! And then, like a light in the dark, I saw a familiar face. Oh yes, an old Bishop. He was ever so helpful. I now feel so renewed about the goodness of men and there williness to help a 'lady' in distress. So if ever you're in a store with your 'significant other' and some 'strange' lady keeps staring at nice...let her 'pick his brain'...she probably needs the help AND is SOMEBODYS mother.


Bridget said...

oh that's cute and very sweet.