Apr 20, 2011

Yard is only half done...

Lovely day off...but it's over now...It must have been love...but it's ooooover now...Sorry, spaced for a minute. I love my life. There is ALWAYS something to do. Today, I had a zillions things on my 'to do' list but did about 3. It's ok, no one to answer to but me. I DO love my life. If I want to do something..I do it...if I don't...I don't. Even my money is my own. Does life get any better? Don't misunderstand, I realize some people NEED to be married. I mean, If you're raising kids, it's better if mom and dad live in the SAME house. I don't NEED to be married and loving the fact that I'm not. I even have my retirement planned. 40 cats and a scooter. I can see it now!!! Ain't life grand!!


Brandon Doyle said...

Oh deer. Too funny!

I know what you're getting for Christmas now... those little back of the car family decals... only yours will be a 'Simpsons like' crazy lady and a bunch of cats. : )

Love you.

Bridget said...

yea either Liz or Breane gave me the cold back so I'm going to try my best not to give it back to you or Angie. Can't wait to work with you today,