Aug 15, 2010

Que Sera, Sera--or something like that!

Far as I know, 'the man' is due back in town today. Sooo Wendy, is the sheetrock patch finished? Beats me! I had to stop cuz I din't KNOW if is was finished or not. Therefore, the que sera, sera' what's the next line? Oh yeah, 'whatever will be, will be.' I refuse to STRESSSSSS about much of anything these days. It's all preception anyway. I can't go but a couple of days without getting my 'butt chewed' at work. I could stress and say 'no fair, it's not my fault!' OR I can just take it and try to do the best job I know how. [I opted for the second choice.] I decided awhile back that there is very little worth stressing about, be it, my job, family relationships, car payments, ect. ect.. I've decided 'do your best' is my motto, and if that's not good enough????? QUE SERA, SERA!


Brandon Doyle said...

"I make a living by 'giving it the ol' college try' and going from butt chewing to but chewing. ; ) It's not a glamorous living, but it pays the bills. : )

Luckily, my boss/bosses back me up and back up the Dept. if the Dept. was in the right. But if the Dept. was in the wrong... there had better be a good reason. : )

Have a good week.
Don't sweat the small stuff... and it's ALL small stuff.

Love you.