8 step cleaning method--I LOVE this:
1. trash removal and trash container cleaning
2.high dusting--picture frames, doorframes, vents, ect.
3.dustmop, unless carpeted
4.cleaning walls, furniture, glass,light switches, doorhandles, ect.
5. restroom and sink in rooms that apply.
6. wet mop or vacuum
7.restocking: bathroom tissue, kleenex, in my case--candles
8. double check your work. Don't forget to 'pat yourself on the back' for a job well done.
love working this way. 3 spray bottles of different cleaners and a bucket of clean rags. It's easy and effective. I do go back with polish on the items that need it. I could not believe how fast I cleaned the bathroom, dressing room, hallway, and sitting room. It was just over an hour and the rooms still feel clean today even though they are now cluttered. I must say that I'm not missing my carpet at all. It's great that I only have it in the bedrooms because dirty carpet will make a room 'feel' dirty no matter what. So, as you see, I am learning a lot from my new job. I hope to learn even more. I do love doing what I enjoy AND getting paid for it. It sure beats the old job. That job had become very stressful as there was no way you could feel good about a job that could not be completed properly.
Happy Sunday all. Love ya!
Aug 7, 2011
Here it is--want it or not.
Posted by wendypepper at 8:53 AM 11 comments
Jul 7, 2011
Day off
Soooo......it's a day off for me. I should be crazy busy getting everything done. Not so! Here it is 8:00a.m. already and I have done...nothing. Oh Wendy! I think I must be tired. That's my 'excuse' of choice these days...and...when that won't work?...'it's too BLASTED hot!, is always good. Life is crazy busy right now. I have about a zillion b-days to remember this month AND a visit with a lovely granddaughter AND working 40+ hours a week AND yardwork AND.....you get the picture. I haven't even started on Bre's b-day, Brady's Briddy took care of, I just owe her money, then Briddy's and Diane's and Chris's is TODAY! Dang!
Let's get organized Wendy! 1. Shower 2. clean house 3. shop for Bre's b-day 4. mow the yard 5. soak feet!!!!
Brandon and Rachel are my 'new best friends' these days. A few years back they gave me a foot massager. Oh, I do love you two! Every night after work I sit for a few with my feet in it. It makes me feel that 'I can go on!' The foot soaks every night are helping a lot to. The not wearing anything but 'flip flops' has made a 'huge' difference. I see a 'pro' pedicure in my future (and not to far in either)
Dennis has been working for the past couple of days on my window air condictioner. I hope he can get it installed soon, BEFORE the humid weather is past. There are only a couple of weeks each summer when 'swamp' cooling just won't 'cut' it and they are fast approaching. I tell him, 'sweetie you really REALLY don't want it to get to the point where I can't sleep because it's to hot. I'll turn into a total b-----' Bless him, he asures me that I already am.
Opps! New plan. Today I work. Darn. Poor Briddy is sick and can't cover her shift. I hope she get's better really quick. So....shower and work. Ain't life grand!
Posted by wendypepper at 7:15 AM 7 comments
Jul 2, 2011
How many mouse clicks Wendy...youdon't want to know!
Here I am again. I spent 2 hours one afternoon trying to restore this blog. I gave up. I decided it would be much easier to simply create a new one. I just had not gotten 'around to it' yet. I'm posting on Bridget's blog a 'click' something that I didn't mean to and 'whala' I'M BACK! How scary. People like me really shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the 'internet!'
Posted by wendypepper at 7:38 PM 3 comments
Jun 13, 2011
Vacations....I could get used to this:)
My vacation was SUPPOSE to be for 5 days but ended up being 6. [sorry Briddy] I spent last Weds. worring about and taking care of Mom. Briddy covered me at work, bless her. When it appeared that Mom was going to be ok I decided it was off to North Dakota. Thursday morning, woke up late so it was like a scene from "Home Alone" getting to the airport. I kept telling myself, you'll either make the plane or you won't....no stress. Got 'squared away' with 30 minutes to spare...only to be on a delayed flight? Once I made it to Grand Forks....well it was 'party' time and party I did. I had a lovely time with some truly AWESOME family. We had a barbecue, wedding, arts festival, movie and treat night, it just went on and on... I loved every minute. My nephews and nieces are all so fun to be with. Funny, charming, problem solving....the works! The only 'fly in the oiment' was the trip home. ANOTHER delayed flight, this time by 4 HOURS, 'no room in the shuttle' a different ride to South Point and a 2 hour wait for Bryon. [who did AWESOME at Nationals...go Bryon] and a late night ride to St. George. All in All AWESOME! For those of you that havent tried this, Hot pizza and cold beer at a rooftop pizzaria is NOT to be missed!
Posted by wendypepper at 6:42 PM 2 comments
Jun 5, 2011
Life...what can I say
Good news...my dress IS NOT' dry clean only'. I wonder why I thought it was? I wear a dress so seldom that the one I plan to wear to the wedding is getting a bit 'dated.' That's ok though because it's a 'special' dress. I bought it over 8 years ago to wear to Briddy's wedding. Since then I've probably only worn it about half a dozen times but always for something 'SPECIAL'. It's my 'SPECIAL' dress. I have it on in the picture of Brynna's blessing, Micheal's priesthood ordination, ect. That problem out of the way! Shoe's are another story. I 'hate' wearing heels of any kind these days. How do you find shoes that are 'flats' but dressy? Maybe the ones in the closet that Bre NEVER wears will work. Here's hoping! 3 more days of work then off for fun for a few. I hope to have a 'fab' time.
Last I checked Mom was recovering nicely. If she's still doing well, she should be able to do her exercise therapy tomorrow. It sure is scary when someone you love has to have 'procedures' done. [procedure my a--] One day I will learn to not believe that woman. I just hope it turns out to be worth it for her. I sure love her.
Also for those who need to know
'Don't start with me...you WILL NOT win' fyi---I ALWAYS KNOW WHEN YOU'RE LYING! And on that 'happy note...Good Sunday all!
Posted by wendypepper at 8:12 PM 1 comments
May 30, 2011
This 'ones' for you, Briddy
Bridget made mention of the fact that I haven't posted in awhile. Thanks for noticing sweetie! Life is pretty busy right now. Mom is totally important, and SHE rarely hears from me. Bad Wendy!
So anyway, will be off June first and second for mom's surgery, then back at work until June 8th. Early on the 9th I'll fly out of Vegas for North Dakota. I am really looking forward to seeing the nephews. Their mom would be so proud of each and every one of them. What wonderful men. I should be able to see all but Graeme [sp?] I understand he won't be able to make it. My darling nephew Bjorn says I can 'crash' with him. Obviously!!! I haven't stayed with him before or I'm sure he wouldn't have been so quick to offer:) I'll fly back to vegas on the 12th. I hope to then 'meet up' with Bryon for a ride home. I'll work tuesday through friday and then be off Saturday with the hope of spending some time with the Provo kids. As I said...life is Busy!
Best quote all week: 'You've got to be freaking kidding me, who'd steal THAT!' classic!
Posted by wendypepper at 7:57 AM 2 comments
May 5, 2011
My faith in 'Gentleman' kind has been restored
Yes I am indeed a fan of the 'tougher' sex once again. After several years of stuggling with boxes and linens at work while the 'male' sex walks on by, doing something close to nothing, I had lost all faith in the term 'gentleman.' However,'the man', gave me a chance to see men in a whole new light. The story goes as follows: He climbs on my roof to take my cooler panels off. He throws me the cooler belt and says, 'you need a new one, oh, and while you're at it, get new wiper blades for your car. The book will tell you what size.' 'Okkkkkk....' So after work I run to 'Home Depot.' Cooler pads were no problem [done that before] but the size on the belt..it was not readable [even WITH my glasses] I ask a associate for help, he is ever so sweet. He even goes so far as to take it out the package just to be sure. [I think HE could read the size on the old belt] Good experience! On to Walmart. I looked FOREVER for the brand of scratch cover I was told to get. FINALLY I see it [right infront of me:[ On to wiper blades. This is where it gets tough. Yes indeed, the BOOK did have my car year. It DID give me a size. Well actually TWO. Oh no. Do I have TWO different size blades, do the come ONE to a package...are there different sizes for different brands? I am sooooooo lost. I see am associate I have dealt with before [electronics, NOT automotive] he was ever so sweet but wasn't sure if I had the right sizes. So here I am , walking through Walmart looking for a 'man' any man, to help me. I kept looking for someone with a girl [so it wouldn't be presumed that I was attempting to flirt], everytime I saw a likely one, either the girl gave me a look of 'dislike' or the guy started speaking 'SPANISH' Damn! And then, like a light in the dark, I saw a familiar face. Oh yes, an old Bishop. He was ever so helpful. I now feel so renewed about the goodness of men and there williness to help a 'lady' in distress. So if ever you're in a store with your 'significant other' and some 'strange' lady keeps staring at you..be nice...let her 'pick his brain'...she probably needs the help AND is SOMEBODYS mother.
Posted by wendypepper at 7:39 PM 1 comments