Aug 7, 2011

Here it is--want it or not.

8 step cleaning method--I LOVE this:

1. trash removal and trash container cleaning

2.high dusting--picture frames, doorframes, vents, ect.

3.dustmop, unless carpeted walls, furniture, glass,light switches, doorhandles, ect.

5. restroom and sink in rooms that apply.

6. wet mop or vacuum

7.restocking: bathroom tissue, kleenex, in my case--candles

8. double check your work. Don't forget to 'pat yourself on the back' for a job well done.

love working this way. 3 spray bottles of different cleaners and a bucket of clean rags. It's easy and effective. I do go back with polish on the items that need it. I could not believe how fast I cleaned the bathroom, dressing room, hallway, and sitting room. It was just over an hour and the rooms still feel clean today even though they are now cluttered. I must say that I'm not missing my carpet at all. It's great that I only have it in the bedrooms because dirty carpet will make a room 'feel' dirty no matter what. So, as you see, I am learning a lot from my new job. I hope to learn even more. I do love doing what I enjoy AND getting paid for it. It sure beats the old job. That job had become very stressful as there was no way you could feel good about a job that could not be completed properly.

Happy Sunday all. Love ya!


JamieandSebastian said...

Thanks Wendy for posting this!

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Whitney Black said...

Good cleaning method. A good deep clean is needed now and then, I'm a little obsessive about cleaning at times, but I try not to overdo it.