Dec 25, 2009

Guess What--What Wendy?

It's a little after 7:00a.m. Christmas morning. I'm up [obviously!] and waiting for the 'roommates' to make an appearance, so I thought I'd write about MY Christmas present. Guess what I got for Christmas? Oh go ahead-GUESS! Wait! don't go- I got an AIR COMPRESSOR! Now, I realize that those of you who KNOW that I'm no 'tool belt diva' might wonder how I feel about that. I AM THRILLED! First off, we are NOT talking the kind that you plug into the power outlet in your car, Oh no, this plugs in to the wall, it has a hose and multiple end pieces. The one thing I probably won't use it for are my POWER tools. [mine are battery operated] So Wendy--exactly WHAT will you do with an air compressor???? Glad you asked, they are WONDERFUL! You can dust with them ,clean dust from very small places, dust the INSIDE of my base board heater, window runners, ceiling fans, ect. ect. The thing I'm really excited about is the grill UNDER the fridge. You know the one that isn't SUPPOSE to get dirty. [with 3 cats?--oh yeah, like that's going to happen] You CANNOT reach the darn thing, now, I won't have to. An air compressor---WHAT A NEAT GIFT!!! I also got a digital tire gauge. I'd be more thrilled about that if I didn't know it was because someone [who shall remain nameless] knew I couldn't SEE the normal kind. It's cool though. You stick it on the tire stem and WHALA instant readout. The tire pressure in my front passenger tire is 34.5. It's suppose to have 35 so we're good. Of course I do have that 'idiot' light on my dash that TELLS me when the pressure is low. I can use MY new air compressor to fill them when the time comes, how great is that! I believe that this whole gift was because someone wanted HIS compressor back. It's all good though, NOW I have my own. What fun!