Jun 26, 2009

I'm ruined!!!! Ruined-I tell you--

Yes, you read the title correctly! I'M RUINED!!!! Today, for the FIRST time, in AGES, I went grocery shopping with NO food restrictions, what-so-ever! So---how'd you do Wendy??? I'M RUINED! Yes, I LOOKED at the frozen treats AND the meats, AND the pre-prepared foods, but--- did I buy???? No, of course NOT!!! Why????? I kept hearing this voice in my head [Breezy] 'that is REALLY unhealthy!' How do I get past, 'the VOICE!' Oh please do tell! I came away from Costco with $159.00 worth of fruits and veggies AND rice. [BROWN of course!] Oh, I forgot, also, a HUGE bag of potato's. Please, PLEASE help me when you get here Bridget, otherwise, I might die, old and HEALTHY! :)

Footloose--'Good stuff, Maynerd!'

Bryon and I attended the production of 'Footloose' last night. We really enjoyed it! Tuacahn usually does a great job so I have learned to go, any chance I get. I had never seen that musical so I was surprised by how familiar the music was. It must have been a pretty big hit.

Today I'm off. I have just tons and TONS to do. It will be interesting to see just how much actually gets finished. I covered a shift for Breezy this week because she didn't feel well so she's covering my shift today. I can't say I'm sorry. [she will be though] Fridays are our worst days right now because that's when the teams check out. I expect tomorrow to be a BEAR. That makes having today off all the sweeter.

I hope to get some errands run this morning so I best get cleaned up now, BEFORE I take Breezy to work. Also, I should get a bill ready to mail. I hope you all have an awesome day, week, month. [take your pick!]

Jun 23, 2009

That was fast!!!!

Dennis and I usually take a couple of days off when we finish a project. Well, the sitting room is all but done. YES!!! However---we seem to have skipped the 'let's just sit back and enjoy this' part. Today we were pulling off trim board in the dinning room so we could install the same kind that we have in the hallway, T.V. room AND sitting room. It will make everything blend better but--- I guess you just can't keep a 'good man down.' Dennis has been so kind to work so hard, and for FREE!!! I told him today, 'Honey, I know you have worked your little tail off giving this place a 'face lift', but---you STILL don't get any equity out of the house!' He threatened to QUIT! He won't though, he enjoys all of the compliments WAY to much to do that. [thank goodness!] He really enjoys hearing what everyone is saying about his work. Keep 'um coming! [I may just get the bathroom done yet!]

Breezy and I have come to an agreement. YES! We have decided that since we don't want the same type of diet we will each buy, prepare, consume, and clean-up after our OWN meals. This will be a big change. Breezy is determined to eat ONLY healthy food [good for her!] but me---well, I like ALL kinds of foods. Healthy, sugary, starchy, ect. ect. This way we are both happy and we won't fight over meals. So when ya'll come to my house, just ask me where I keep MY stash, K! I'll share!!!! Yeah! I can have MEAT again. I had a tuna fish sandwich last night and it tasted WONDERFUL!!! I think that sloppy joe's [heavy on the sloppy part] won't be long in coming. Why didn't I think of this a LONG time ago???
Hugs to all!!!!!

Jun 19, 2009

You're kinda mean---

Welcome to MY world! I love Breezy, I do!!!!! However, any time I say something she doesn't like, her response, "you're kinda mean!' Doesn't matter what it is I say. I could say, "sweetie, you look tired!' Her, 'You're kinda mean!' Me, 'It's hard to make dinner with all the restrictions you've made!' Her, 'you're kinda mean!' For awhile she had me convinced, 'I'm kinda mean!' Then I woke up! She simply says that for EVERYTHING! That or 'What----?' I LOVE that girl!!!! No, I am NOT kinda mean!!!

Kids are here! YEAH! Wait???? What do you mean, you want me to watch BOTH of the babies!?? Me????? by myself???? Oh my! Should be really, REALLY interesting. Breezy will be at work and Bryon will be in Cedar at a Chess tournament! Oh my! I'll let you know how it goes. I sure hope Dennis doesn't decide to 'drop' by.

Jun 15, 2009

Kids-who needs them?---I DO!!!

Missing my kids today! It's funny, as Bryon is still living here. I guess it's because Rachel and the girls were here and I didn't see them. Also, Brady was down and I didn't see him. I have a plan. There are three lots across the street that are empty. Brandon and Rachel buy one, Bridget and Brady buy one, Bryon buys one, whalla!!! Instant family. We could call this 'Doyle/ Postma' street. Wouldn't that be cool!!!! Every day would be like a holiday. Now, I just have to get the kids 'on board!' So----any takers???

Dennis just left. He finished installing the window trim this morning. It looks WONDERFUL!!! I was telling mom last night how close we were to having the sitting room finished. I will enjoy this for a day or two and then be after Dennis for the next project. He's so good to listen to me and then do it on his OWN schedule!!! Men! I do appreciate all his hard work. The front of the house looks so much better! I'm LOVING it!

Jun 13, 2009

Highway to the DANGER Zone---

If any one of you loves Bryon you MUST pull him aside and warn him that he is truly on a 'Highway to the Danger Zone!' What IS he thinking? Someone MUST tell him:
1. do Not claim 'squatters' privileges to Mom's t.v. room.
2. do NOT use mom's car as if it were your own.
3. DO help out around the house WITHOUT being asked!
4. [and this is the ONLY one that will get his 'breathing privileges' revoked] NEVER, EVER, make fun of mom's menopausal moments!!!! I'm sure you can tell that life has gotten really, REALLY interesting lately. I must confess however, I have enjoyed having Bryon around. He's a lot like his father. It seems that he just fills a room with his presence. [which is tons better that filling it with his stuff.] He's away again this evening so I can write whatever I want about him. I do love him and only want him to be happy [AND have his own place :)]

I haven't felt well today. I think it's just that cycle stuff and being tired from work. Most of our shifts are 8+ hours right now so I do get pretty tired. Sarah at work, said I was wrong about being menopausal just yet. Is it true that to be menopausal you have to have NO cycles. I'm not sure! However, I've got the mood swings down to an art. Dennis won't even walk in the door until he has gauged my mood. If he doesn't like it, he's gone again before I have ANY chance to take it out on him. Smart man! [smarter than Bryon!]

I think I'll see if Breezy's up for walk tonight. It would probably make me feel a lot better. Love to all!!!!

Jun 10, 2009

Days off, I love them but---

Life is busy, busy, busy! I had yesterday off. I LOVED IT but--- I'd like today off, as well! It seems like my days off NEVER last long enough. There was so much time and so little to do-- wait, that's not right. I worked in the yard, finished the window sills, made lunch AND dinner, took Bre shopping. It simply felt like there was so very much to do! I've decided I'd BETTER enjoy the journey 'cuz I'm never going to reach the end! I window sills were installed this morning. They are ever so pretty. I'm glad I took extra time on them. Now the windows just scream out for the trim board. Oh well, I hope I have fun getting those ready.

I haven't seen the GRAND kids yet. I hope to before they leave for their family vacation. I haven't called to see how Diane is doing, I missed my grilfriend's b-day, and that's just the tip of the iceburg! I swear I need more time in each day. My days start at 5:30 and end at 10:00 p.m. and still there just isn't enough time.
Hoping each of you are busy, happy and productive! [look at it this way, 'it's a dirty job but-someone HAS to do it, it may as well be you!'

Jun 5, 2009

Breezy-Tootsie--Can we say stubborn??

I have been having a ball, watching the newest 'power struggle' between Breezy and Tootsie. [my money is on Tootsie!] Breezy has decided that catfood is not healthy. She has researched catfood on the internet and it tells her that just about everything catfood contains is not particularly good for cats. Ok, she's going to change Tootsie's diet. The problem is that Tootsie LIKES catfood. I mean, we are talking about a cat that is underfed and over-excersised. [stop, wait, reverse that!] Lat night was a hoot. Breezy cooks some chicken and tops it off with cheese, for good measure, Tootsie loves it, right? WRONG, won't even sniff at it, but---she WILL sniff around on the floor looking for CATFOOD! Bre is almost in tears, so I say: Honey, leave the cat alone, she knows what she wants!. Bre: but I don't want her to die sick and fat! Me: she's not fat, she's big-boned! [Bre's usual argument] Bre says: No, she's fat! [my usual argument] So how will the saga end? That's anyone's guess, these are two of the most stubborn creatures I've ever met! In the meantime, I'm having so much fun watching them.

Jun 4, 2009


bryon should be leaving for 'Nationals' later today. Even though he's only been here 1 1/2 weeks, I'll miss having him here. He'll be playing 6 games over the next 3 days. Each game can last up to 6 hours. Oh my, I could never do that. I'm glad he's going. It should be good for him. If he plays well it should also be worth a large sum of money and we can all use money. Mostly though, I just hope he has a good time.

Sorry I missed your call Brandon. I ALWAYS enjoy hearing from you people. I hope things are well and that you enjoy your upcoming family vacation. Breezy and I are just going to 'hang tight' for a few months until we figure out just how much money we do have to live on. I hope it's enough that we can ride the shuttle your way 'once in awhile.' I do love to see you.

Even though I don't mention Lib much these days, I do love her dearly and only want the kids to do what will make them both happy. It will be strange if they opt for divorce but that will have to be up to them.

Dennis is helping me finish up the window sills so that we can install them soon. They are ever so pretty. I don't want to rush this part as it's the part I have to live with. The sills will most likely get 5 or 6 coats of varnish. I'll love cleaning them cuz they'll be so smooth but for now it just seems like it's taking FOREVER!

Jun 3, 2009


I have a dentist appointment in just about 1 hour. Even though I think it's only a crown, not looking forward to it! Too many years of abusing my poor teeth I guess! I like the crowns once they are on cuz it's so easy to keep them clean but getting the crowns, well, that's a whole 'nuther story. Oh well, should be through this in a couple of hours and then the rest of the day is MINE! Well, mine, Breezy's, Bryon's, Dennis's- you get the picture! There always seems to be SOMETHING to do for someone. I guess that's good otherwise I might be sitting around with my coffee, reading a good book and who needs THAT!

I totally cannot believe I even did this, much less that I'll talk about it! While I was shopping at the dollar store yesterday I bought a particular undergarment. What WAS I thinking. Something to hold the 'girls' in place, at the DOLLAR store!!! I must have had a moment of sheer madness! I guess it was only a dollar but jeez Wendy haven't you got better ways to spend your 'hard' earned cash. Go figure [and no, it doesn't do ANYTHING for MY figure!]

Jun 2, 2009

Computer hog!

You have all heard about the 'energy hog' right? I don't have an energy hog but I DO have a computer hog!!! I'm not posting as much as I'd like 'cuz every time I want to, the computer hog is using MY computer! He's just doing silly stuff like writing resume's and filling out job applications. You know that sort of thing! Naturally, this is all in fun! I have truly enjoyed having Bryon around. He's helping so much with errands and help in the yard. It feels like I should be paying for all this help. [I'm not going to though!!!] Also, Bryon is a GREAT cook. He's made dinner twice this week and both times it was excellent! I could get used to this.

I wanted to thank those of you that posted as my friend! NOW I have proof! [no going back on your words] I must have the neatest family and FRIENDS ever! You people are the greatest!

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer! Can NOT wait to see you bbgott. I have to get decorations for Jamie's bridal shower today. I'm thinking dollar store! Yeah, I'm cheap! Angie will help me make it look good though. She's good!!!!!